释义 |
smell /smel/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (smelled 或 smelt /smelt/) ❶ vt. 1. 嗅,闻;嗅到,闻到 The dog was smelling the lamppost. 狗不停地嗅着那根路灯柱。 He took such pains letting me smell all the different smells. 他如此不厌其烦,让我嗅闻所有各种不同的气味。 I smelled a nauseating odour. 我嗅到一股令人作呕的气味。 Can you smell something burning? 你闻到什么东西烧焦的气味么? I can smell turkey roasting, and it's making me hungry. 我闻得到烤火鸡的味道,这使我感到饥肠辘辘。 2. 感觉到,察觉到 I could smell that I was no longer welcome. 我感觉得到我不再受欢迎了。 They were afraid; I could smell their fear. 他们害怕了;我能察觉出他们的恐惧。 3. 把…嗅嗅看,把…闻闻看 Smell the milk to tell if it's sour. 闻闻看这牛奶是否酸了。 4. 有…的气味,发出…的气味 You smell cognac. 你身上有股科涅克白兰地酒的气味。 ❷ vi. 1. 嗅,闻;有嗅觉(at) She smelled at the flower. 她闻闻那朵花。 This old dog can hardly smell any longer. 这条老狗现在几乎丧失了嗅觉。 2. 有(或散发)气味;有(或散发)臭气 These flowers don't smell. 这些花没有气味。 Garbage smells. 垃圾散发臭气。 He was clean and hardly smelt at all. 他很干净,身上几乎没有一点儿异常的气味。 3. 闻起来有特定气味(或气息),散发特定气味(或气息)(of) The air smelt damp and musty. 空气中有股潮湿的霉味。 His mouth smelled foul with beer. 他口中有一股难闻的啤酒味。 The table smells agreeably of pine. 这张桌子散发出好闻的松木香气。 The morning smelled of rain. 早晨的空气透出雨后的气息。 His offer smells strongly of shady dealing. 他的建议明显地带有不正当交易的意味。 4. 〈口〉(外观、式样等)显得糟糕,变得丑恶 The whole thing smells. 事情整个儿砸了。
II n. 1. 嗅觉 a sharp sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉 Smell is less acute in man than in most animals. 人的嗅觉不如大多数动物的嗅觉敏锐。 2. 气味;臭味 The air has a sweet smell. 空气甜美芳香。 The smell of orange blossoms filled the air. 空气中弥漫着柑橘的花香。 I can't stand the smell of dead fish. 我受不了死鱼的臭味。 3. 嗅,闻 Take a smell at (或 Have a smell of) this meat; is it high? 闻闻这肉,它变质了没有? 4. 一点点,少许 Add only a smell of garlic, please. 请加一点点大蒜。 5. 气息;踪影 He has the smell of success. 他显得得意洋洋。 The smell of victory was in the air long before the game was over. 比赛远未结束,就已经有点胜利的气氛了。 [< OE smyllan; 与 MD smölen to scorch 有关] phr. smell about (或 round) 到处嗅找;到处寻找;到处打听 smell out 1. (猎犬)嗅出,凭嗅觉寻获 (猎物)The hound smelled the fox out. 猎犬嗅找到了狐狸。2. 查出,找到 If there is an informer among them, they'll smell him out. 如果他们中间有奸细,他们会把他查出来的。Jane smelled out the boys' hiding-place in the woods. 简找到了男孩们在树林中的藏身之处。smell up 〈口〉使充满气味;使充满臭气 We like the taste of cabbage, but the cooking smells up the whole apartment. 我们喜欢卷心菜的味道,不过烹调时那气味充满整个套房让人受不了。A skunk smelled up our yard last night. 昨晚一只臭鼬弄得我家院子里臭气冲天。 |