释义 |
smash¹ /smæʃ/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | ad. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. (哗啦一声)打碎,打破;摧毁 The ball smashed a window. 球打碎了一扇窗。 The boy smashed the vase with a hammer. 男孩用锤子把花瓶砸碎了。 Typhoon smashed all installations. 台风毁坏了全部设施。 The car was badly smashed in an accident. 汽车在一次事故中撞得一塌糊涂。 2. 猛力掷(或击、砸);猛力撞;猛力开(或冲) He smashed a wrench into the face of the hijacker. 他猛力投出一把扳手,击中了那劫机者的脸。 smash one's fist against a desk 挥拳猛击书桌 smash one's foot through a thin door 使劲踢破一扇薄板门 smash a door down with an axe 用斧劈倒一扇门 Their main effort was to smash a hole in the West Front. 他们主要想在西线打出一个缺口。 smash one's way into (out of) a burning house 夺路冲入(冲出)着火的屋子 3. 压扁,压平;压碎 smash books before binding 装订之前把书压平 smash out a cigarette in the ashtray 把香烟掐灭在烟缸里 4. 粉碎;使破灭 smash the enemy's defences 粉碎敌军防御 smash a theory 推翻一个理论 All my illusions about work were smashed. 我关于工作的种种梦想全都破灭了。 5. 〈口〉使经济上失败,使破产 6. 【网】打高压球得(分);猛扣(球) 7. (轻而易举地)打破(纪录) 8. 【物】分裂(原子) ❷ vi. 1. (哗啦一声)被打碎,被打破;被摧毁 The egg smashed. 蛋啪地打碎了。 The cup dropped on the floor and smashed into little pieces. 杯子掉在地上,摔得粉碎。 2. 猛击;猛撞 The waves smashed onto the shore. 波涛拍击海岸。 The car smashed into a lamppost. 汽车猛撞在路灯柱上。 3. 被粉碎,破灭;垮台 Her cool smashed. 她再也无法保持镇静了。 4. 〈旧〉在经济上失败,破产 5. 【网】打高压球,高扣球
II n. 1. 破碎;破碎时的哗啦声 the smash of broken glass 玻璃打碎时的哗啦声 We heard a smash in the kitchen. 我们听到厨房里哗啦一声响。 2. 猛击;猛撞;猛烈撞击声 the smash of two cars 两车的相撞 She had a serious motor smash on the way. 她在路上发生了严重的撞车事故。 He gave the rogue a smash on the jaw. 他朝那流氓的下巴猛击一拳。 3. 破灭;垮台 the smash of all hopes 全部希望的破灭 4. 〈旧〉经营失败,破产 I'm afraid that the firm is heading for a smash. 恐怕那家商号就要破产了。 5. 【网】高压球,扣球 6. (由烈性酒、薄荷、糖及冰混合调制而成的)斯马喜饮料 7. 〈口〉轰动的演出;巨大的成功 The show was one of history's biggest smashes. 那次演出是有史以来最轰动的演出之一。 He had his movie smashes. 他曾有几部轰动一时的影片。 a musical smash 取得巨大成功的音乐作品
III a. 〈口〉轰动一时的;极为成功的 a smash comedy 一出非常轰动的喜剧 The play had its smash premiere. 那出戏首场演出就引起了极大的轰动。
IV ad. 以哗啦一响;以轰隆一声 The truck went smash into a goods train. 卡车轰隆一声撞上了货运列车。 [? < SM(ACK²) + (M)ASH] phr. go (或 come) to smash 1. 破碎,成碎片 2. 〈旧〉完蛋,破灭;垮台 watch one's plans go to smash 眼看自己的计划落空 smash in 击穿;击碎;打瘪;打伤 The explosion had smashed in all the windows. 爆炸中所有的窗子都毁了。The side of the car was all smashed in. 汽车的一侧全给撞瘪了。The blow smashed in his ribcage. 那一拳打断了他的肋骨。smash up 1. 撞毁,击毁,毁坏;使受重伤 He had an accident and smashed up his car. 他出了交通事故,把车子撞毁了。The place was badly smashed up in the air raids. 这地方在空袭中遭到严重破坏。He got smashed up in a road accident. 他在一次交通事故中受了重伤。2. 在经济上失败,破产 Many a small firm smashed up during the financial crisis. 许多小商行在金融危机中破产了。 |