

单词 slip¹
释义 slip¹ /slɪp/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | phr.
I (slippedslipt /slɪpt/; slip·ping)

1. 失脚;滑跤
She slipped on the wet stones and fell. 她在湿漉漉的石头上滑了一下跌倒了。
slip up (或 down) in the street 在街上滑跤
2. 滑落;脱落
The earphones slipped off her hair on to the floor. 耳机从她的头上滑落到地板上。
The medicine slipped down well enough. 这药很容易吞下。
It slipped from his fingers and fell with a bump. 那东西从他手中滑落,砰地掉在地上。
She pulled up her sock which had slipped down. 她拉上滑下去的短袜。
Your right retina has slipped. 你右眼的视网膜剥离了。
3. 滑行;轻快地移动
slip down the train steps and stand beside the car 轻快地走下列车步梯站在车厢旁
He slipped onto a seat beside me. 他迅速地坐到我旁边的一个座位上。
4. 溜;悄悄地走
slip out to the street 溜到街上
slip away before the end of the meeting 会议未结束便悄悄溜走
slip by without being seen 悄悄走过去而未被人看到
The thief slipped out of the apartment without a sound. 窃贼毫无声响地溜出了公寓。
5. (时间)不知不觉地过去;悄然逝去
Another month has slipped by (或 away). 不知不觉之中又一个月过去了。
At 82, he slipped away peacefully one bright morning. 一个明朗的早晨,他平静地去世了,享年82岁。
6. 失掉;错过
The opportunity will slip away for another year. 机会错过,又得再等一年。
You let the chance of a lifetime slip by! 你错过了一生难逢的机会!
7. 被遗忘;被忽略
His own phone number would slip from his mind. 他会把自己家的电话号码给忘记。
8. 被无意中讲出;被泄漏(out)
It just slipped out one day that Dick was in the Secret Service. 一天,有人在无意中讲出狄克是特工人员。
Don't let the truth slip out. 不要把真相泄漏出去。
9. 下降,下跌
slip below the poverty level 下降到贫困线以下
He has slipped in my opinion. 我对他的评价已下降了。
Stocks and bonds continued to slip on security exchanges. 股票和债券在证券交易市场继续下跌。
10. (健康状况等)变坏,变差
His health was slipping. 他的健康每况愈下。
My memory has slipped. 我的记忆力不行了。
11. 迅速穿上(into);迅速脱下(out of)
She slipped into (out of) a kimono. 她迅速穿上(脱下)和服。
12. 逐渐进入;陷入
slip off to sleep 逐渐入睡
slip into unconsciousness 陷入昏迷状态
slip into a bad habit 养成不良习惯
Bad habits are slipping into your speech. 你的谈吐正染上不好的习惯。
13. 疏漏,出差错(up)
The office slipped up and the letter was never sent. 办公室出了差错,信件一直未发出。
Their tongues would slip and the terrible words would be said. 他们会说漏嘴而道出那些可怕的话。
14. (汽车)打滑;侧滑
15. (椎间盘)滑离正常位置,移位
1. 使滑动,使滑行
She slipped a ring on her finger. 她把戒指戴上手指。
He slipped a hand over the heart. 他伸手抚摩胸口。
2. (不惹人注意地)迅速放置;偷偷塞;悄悄给
slip a shell into a rifle 把子弹塞进步枪
I saw him slip a note into her hand. 我看见他把一张纸条塞到她手里。
He slipped it quickly into his pocket. 他把这东西迅速放入口袋。
slip a pill into sb.'s drink 把药片偷偷放入某人的饮料
She slipped him a ten-dollar bill. 她偷偷塞给他一张10块钱的钞票。
He slipped the question in quite casually. 他信口地插进那个问题。
3. 错过;被…遗忘;被…忽略
slip an opportunity 错过良机
Your name has slipped my mind. 你的名字我忘了。
4. 无意中讲出;泄漏
slip the name of a town 无意中说出一城镇的名字
5. 迅速穿上(on);迅速脱下(off)
He slipped on his shoes and went out. 他迅速穿上鞋出去了。
She slipped off her dress. 她很快脱下衣裙。
6. 摆脱;躲避
slip one's pursuers 摆脱追赶者
slip the punches 躲开来拳
7. 放开,放出(狗等)
slip hounds from leash 解下皮带放出猎狗
8. 使脱臼
slip one's shoulder 使肩膀脱臼
9. (编结花样时)挑过(一针)不结
10. 解开(结)
11. (母畜)不足月产下;流产
The cow slipped its calf. 母牛过早产下牛犊。
12. (抛锚船只遇紧急情况时)(锚或锚链)
13. (皮)
The snake slipped its skin. 蛇蜕皮了。

II n.
1. 失脚;滑跤
She took a slip in the bathtub. 她在浴缸里滑了一下。
A slip on the ice can cause a nasty injury. 在冰上滑跤有可能造成重伤。
2. 疏漏;差错
a slip of the tongue (或 lip) 口误
That was a slip of the pen. I meant to write “too”, not “to”. 那是笔误。我想要写的是“too”,而不是“to”。
You've made a slip somewhere in these accounts. 你在这些账上有一处出了差错。
3. 不测事故;不幸事件
4. 下降;下跌
a slip in prices 物价的下跌
5. (有背带的)女式长衬裙;儿童围裙
You need a slip under that sheer dress. 你需要在那件透明薄裙里穿一条衬裙。
6. 枕套
7. [常作slips] (可迅速解开的)牵狗皮带(或链条)
8. (有斜坡的)码头;码头间的水域;(船台)滑道
a ferry slip 渡船码头
The boat came untied and drifted out of the slip. 小船的缆绳松脱,漂离了码头。
9. 滑程,滑动量;空转;转差(率)
10. 滑动,滑移;(岩层的)滑距
11. (金相)滑移;(炼铁炉)坐料
12. 侧滑
13. (三柱门右侧稍后方的)防守位置;三柱门右侧的守场员
14. [slips](换布景或演员出场前停留的)舞台侧翼口;楼厅后排边座
15. = slip stitch

III a.
1. 滑动的;滑移的;可拆卸的
slip motion 滑动
a slip plane 滑移面
a slip compartment 活动式隔间
2. 打有活结的
a slip cord 打有活结的绳索
3. 可迅速松脱的
a slip bolt 伸缩螺栓(或门闩、插销)
[< MLG, D slippen; 与 Gr olibros slippery, leios smooth 有关]
phr. give sb. the slip 避开某人,甩掉某人
Make sure to give any tails the slip. 注意一定要把钉梢的人甩掉。
let slip the dogs of war 见 dog
let sth. slip 无意中泄露某事
slip a cog 见 cog¹
slip a disk 见 disk
slip something (或 one) over on 欺骗;哄骗,蒙骗
The fox slipped one over on the hounds and got away. 狐狸对猎狗耍了个花招逃脱了。
There's many a slip (between the cup and the lip 或 'twixt cup and lip). 杯到嘴边还会失手。(指万事难以十拿九稳,事情往往功败垂成)
He seems sure that he will pass the examination, but there's many a slip. 他看来对通过考试很有把握,不过凡事很难有十拿九稳的。




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