释义 |
bite /baɪt/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (过去式 bit /bɪt/, 过去分词 bit·ten /ˈbɪtən/ 或 bit) ❶ vt. 1. 咬;咬伤;咬断;(蚊子等)叮,蜇 bite a piece out of the pear 咬一口梨子 Stop biting your nails! 别再咬指甲! The dog bit me in the leg. 狗咬伤了我的腿。 She bit the thread in two. 她把线咬成两段。 The midges are biting me. 蠓虫在叮我。 2. 咬成,咬出 The mouse bit a hole in the bag. 老鼠在袋上咬了一个洞。 3. (利器等)刺穿 The sword bit him to the bone. 剑刺到了他的骨头。 The pang of sympathy with the victim bit my breast. 我同情受害者,痛及五内。 4. (寒风等)使感到刺痛;冻伤;(胡椒等)刺激 An icy wind bit our faces. 寒风吹来,使我们脸上感到刺痛。 The frost will bite the fruit blossom. 这种严寒天气会冻伤果实的花。 Mustard bites the tongue. 芥末刺激舌头。 5. (锚、螺丝、齿轮等)咬住 We need a clamp to bite the wood while the glue dries. 我们得用个夹子夹紧木头,等胶水干透。 6. (强烈的欲望或兴趣)缠住,迷住 be bitten by a lust for gain 利欲熏心 be completely bitten with the angling mania 钓鱼成癖 7. 腐蚀 Acid bites metal. 酸腐蚀金属。 8. 〈口〉[现一般用于被动语态]诈骗,使上当 We were certainly bitten when we bought that old car. 我们买下那辆旧汽车,肯定受骗上当了。 9. 〈口〉使烦恼 What's biting you? 你在为什么事烦恼? 10. 〈美俚〉向…借钱 He bit me for six bills and left town. 他向我借了600块钱,出城去了。 ❷ vi. 1. 咬;叮;有咬(或叮)的习性 The mosquitoes are really biting this evening! 今儿晚上蚊子叮得好凶! Does that dog bite? 那只狗会咬人吗? 2. (锚、螺丝等)咬住物体;(武器或工具)穿透物体;(线等)切入物体 Be sure the anchor bites well. 一定要使锚咬紧扎稳。 The road was covered with ice and the car wheels did not bite. 路面结了冰,汽车的轮子尽打滑。 a drill that bites through steel plates 能穿透钢板的钻子 This saw bites well. 这把锯子很锋利。 Lines had bitten deeply on her face. 她脸上已刻下深深的皱纹。 3. 产生刺痛感;有刺舌的味道;有刺激性 This mustard doesn't bite much. 这种芥末不是很辣。 A: How was the concert? B: It bit. 甲:音乐会怎样? 乙:很够味。 4. 腐蚀 5. (鱼)吞饵,上钩;(人)上当 The fish aren't biting today. 今天鱼不来上钩。 I tried to sell him my old car but he wouldn't bite. 我试图把我的旧汽车卖给他,可是他不上当。 She said she was rich, and he bit. 她说她很有钱,他信了。 6. 产生良好(或不良)影响,起有利(或不利)的作用 Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite. 预算赤字的不断增加开始产生不良后果。 Will the government's measures bite? 政府的措施会见效吗?
II n. 1. 咬;叮 I took a bite at the apple. 我咬了一口苹果。 The dog made a sharp bite at me. 狗猛咬我一口。 2. 咬(或叮)的伤痕;咬伤 His face is covered with insect bites. 他满脸是虫咬的痕迹。 He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite. 他给蛇咬了,被送到医院去治疗。 3. (寒风等引起的)针扎似感觉;刺激 There is a bite in the air this morning. 今晨寒气侵人入骨。 He grimaced at the bite of the harsh liquor. 烈酒辣得他直做怪相。 4. (言词等的)尖锐,辛辣;尖刻;说服力,感染力 That's a question with a bite. 那是一个提得很尖锐的问题。 His words had a cruel bite to them. 他的话带有刻毒的意味。 The party's election propaganda lacked bite and purpose. 这个政党的竞选宣传缺乏说服力和目的性。 The writer's novelistic skill gives the book its remarkable bite. 作者写小说的技巧给这部书以很强的感染力。 5. 咬下的一块 A large bite had been taken out of the apple. 这只苹果已被咬去一大块。 6. 〈美口〉从总数中扣去的一笔钱;欠款中的一份 The tax represents a real bite out of worker's wages. 这项赋税在工人的工资中占有可观的一笔数目。 We owe ten thousand, so what's my bite? 我们共欠一万,我名下该出多少? 7. 一口食物,少量食物;〈口〉量不多(或吃得匆忙)的一顿饭 He hasn't had a bite (to eat) since morning. 他从早晨到现在还没吃过一点东西。 I had a bite with my friend at a food stall. 我和朋友在食品摊上随便吃了一些东西。 8. (鱼的)吞饵 He had been fishing all morning but hadn't had a bite. 他整个上午在钓鱼,可是鱼一次也不来上钩。 9. 【机】(车床夹盘等的)咬住(力);(工具等的)穿透(力) His left foot applied pressure to the brake pedal, but there was no bite. 他用左脚踩刹车的踏板,可是车没有刹住。 You need a tool with plenty of bite to it to make holes in hardwood. 你在坚硬的木头上钻孔需要一种很锋利的工具。 10. 【机】辊缝;切削刀;车刀;刨刀;刀头;刀刃 11. 〈口〉顽强 There is a bite in you. I think you'd be afraid of very little. 你很顽强,我看你是轻易不会害怕的。 The football team owed its supremacy to the relentless bite of all its players. 这个足球队之所以战无不胜,是由于全体队员都坚韧无畏。 12. (锉的)有齿的粗糙表面 13. 〈口〉粗暴 His voice had a sudden bite to it. 他说话的声音突然粗暴起来。 14. 【医】咬合 The dentist said I had a good bite. 牙科医生说,我的上下齿咬合情况良好。 15. 【印】(酸对蚀刻版的)腐蚀作用,酸腐蚀 16. 〈古〉欺诈,圈套;骗子 17. [the bite] 〈美俚〉费用,收费 It's a good restaurant, but the bite is fierce. 这餐馆不错,只是收费贵得吓人。 [<OE bîtan] phr. a bite at the cherry (或 apple) 做事的机会 be bitten by the ... bug 对 (某项活动)产生强烈兴趣 He was badly bitten by the racing bug in his teens. 他十几岁时对赛车着了迷。bite at 1. 向…咬去 a dog biting at fleas 用嘴捕蚤的狗 2. (寒气等)向…袭来 The sand bit at my face. 风沙向我迎面扑来。3. 侵蚀;使遭受损失 Inflation is biting hard at the paychecks of the working people. 通货膨胀使劳动人民的工资收入遭受着重大的损失。4. 冲着…骂 He bites at everybody. 他人人都骂。bite back 1. 回咬 The dog bit the cat and got bitten back. 狗咬了猫,又被猫回咬一口。The cat bit back. 猫回咬了一口。2. 把 (话)咽下去;忍住 bite back the retort on the tip of one's tongue 把已经到了嘴边的反驳话咽下去 bite back a smile (one's tears) 忍住笑(眼泪) bite back on one's anger and hold it down 忍住心头怒火把它抑制下去 bite down 1. 一口咬下去 The lion grabbed his neck and bit down. 狮子抓住他的头颈,一口咬下去。2. 咬紧牙关忍耐 She had great capacity to resist provocation; biting down hard, she said nothing. 她很能忍受他人的挑衅,所以竭力忍着,什么也没说。bite in 1. (在蚀刻版上用酸)蚀刻 (线条或图像) 2. 侵入 Japanese cars are biting in hard in the U.S. 日本制造的汽车正在美国大量倾销。bite into 1. 咬进 He took an apple and bit into it. 他拿起一只苹果,一口咬下去。2. 刺入;砍入;割入;陷入 Her long, pointed nails bit into my flesh. 她长而尖的指甲抠进我的皮肉。I heard an ax biting into wood. 我听到斧子砍木头的声音。My boots bit into the snow as I stepped outside. 我一跨出门去长统靴就陷进了积雪。Gold-rimmed spectacles bit deep into the bridge of his nose. 金边眼镜深深陷入他的鼻梁。3. 像利器般刺入 I wanted to plead some more, but his eyes bit into me. 我还想再恳求几句,可是他恶狠狠地盯了我一眼。The depression is daily biting deeper into the economic life of the nation. 不景气在日益严重地影响着这个国家的经济生活。4. 腐蚀 Rust has bitten into the enamel. 铁锈已锈进搪瓷里面去了。bite off 1. 咬掉,咬下 2. (用牙咬掉似地)除去 Year after year, the sea is biting off chunks of the land.海水年复一年地冲掉大片陆地。3. (从正在广播的节目中)取消 (音乐或对话);中断 (广播节目等)bite off the music programme 中断音乐节目He began to swear again but bit off the four-letter word. 他刚又要开口骂人,可是终于没把那4个字母的脏字眼说出来。bite off more than one can chew 〈口〉承担力所不及的事 bite on 1. 咬住;抓住,攫取 The hungry dog bit on a bone. 饿狗咬住了一块骨头。2. 〈口〉思考;钻研 Tom likes to have some difficult question to bite on. 汤姆老喜欢找难题钻研钻研。bite one's tongue off 见 tongue bite sb.'s head off 见 head bite the big one 〈美口〉死去 bite the bullet 见 bullet bite the dust 见 dust bite the hand that feeds one 见 hand jump the bite 【医】矫正牙咬合 Once bit (或 bitten), twice shy. 〈谚〉一次被咬,下次胆小。(或:一次上当,下次小心。) put the bite on 〈美口〉向…借钱;向…告贷;威胁,讹诈,敲…的竹杠 put the bite on acquaintances to make ends meet 向熟人借钱以勉强维持生活 put the bite on sb. for two dollars 向某人借两块钱 take a bite out of 〈口〉大大减少 two bites at (或 of) a (或 the) cherry 〈口〉[通常用在 get, have, take, give 等动词后面]1. 婆婆妈妈,踟蹰不前 2. 两次机会,又一次机会 One is not often given two bites at the cherry in the world of business. 在商界,机会要是错过了就难得再来。 |