

单词 slash¹
释义 slash¹ /slæʃ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. (用刀、剑等)砍;砍击
slash sugarcane 砍甘蔗
slash the bark off the tree with a knife 用刀把树皮砍下
2. 鞭打;抽打;挥击
slash sb. on the back with a whip 用鞭抽打某人背部
slash the ball across the court 把球挥击过球场
slash a sword aimlessly about 持剑乱挥乱舞
3. 砍伤;在…上留下深长切口(或砍痕)
The man slashed her face with a knife. 那男子用刀毁了她的容。
Some of the paintings were slashed and ruined. 有几幅画已被划破毁坏。
4. 开辟;挥刀开辟(通路);砍伐
slash fifty acres 开辟50英亩土地
slash a path through the forest 用刀砍出一条通过森林的道路
slash one's way through the high grass 在高草丛中挥刀开路前进
5. 猛力移动;猛拉
slash the curtain across the light 把帷幕哗地拉起以挡住光线
6. (为镶嵌或使异色里衬显露等)(衣服)上做开衩(或长嵌缝、切口);使呈条状
The front of the dress was slashed to the waist with red. 这件连衣裙的前身在腰部以上开衩并镶嵌了红色。
Yellow flashes slashed the night. 一道道黄色的闪光划破夜空。
7. 大幅度削减,砍削;砍除;删减
slash government spending 大幅度削减政府开支
slash waste out of the budget 把预算中的浪费部分砍掉
slash prices 削价
slash red tape 革除繁文缛节
slash the hard-wrought words to fewer than 500,000 将煞费苦心写下的文字删减到50万字以下
slash many pages out of the typescript 从打字稿中删节许多页
8. 严厉批评,猛烈抨击
slash a new play 严厉批评一出新戏
slash up the local dignitaries 猛烈抨击地方上的大人物
9. (纱)
1. 猛砍,乱砍;砍击;挥击;挥鞭
Children were slashing at each other with plastic swords. 孩子们挥舞塑料剑互相砍杀。
Jo slashed at the ball and missed it. 乔向球击去,但没击中。
2. (雨)猛烈冲打;急剧下落
The rain slashed against the window. 雨猛打着窗户。
The rocket was slashing groundward. 火箭正向地面急剧下落。
3. 严厉批评,抨击
slash away at (或 against) each other 互相大肆攻击

II n.
1. 砍,劈;砍击
2. 鞭打;抽打;挥击
3. 砍口,砍痕;(深长的)刀伤
The sword made a slash across his arm. 剑在他的手臂上划出一道口子。
His body was covered with knife slashes. 他的身上布满刀伤。
4. 条纹;色线;(衣服上的)开衩,(装饰性)长嵌缝,(为使异色里衬显露的)切口
slashes of sunlight 一道道太阳光
5. 砍削;砍除;删减
a slash in pay 工资的削减
a price slash 大减价
6. (砍伐或大火等后)枝桠狼藉的林中空地;(林中空地上的)残留枝桠,废材
7. 英口撒尿
go for a slash 去撒尿
8. 斜线(号)即“/”;(亦作 slash mark)
[< ? OFr esclachier to break]
phr. slash and burn (或slash, burn and run roughshod over) 精简,裁减工作人员




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