

单词 slam¹
释义 slam¹ /slæm/ vt. | vi. | n. | ad. | phr.
I (slammed; slam·ming)

1. 使劲关,砰地关上(门或窗)
slam the window shut 使劲把窗关上
He slammed the door behind him. 他随手砰地关上了门。
2. 使劲扔;使劲推;猛击;砰地放下
He slammed the money on the table. 他把钱往桌上一扔。
He would have slammed you through the window. 他本有可能把你扔出窗外去的。
slam home the bolt 猛力把闩插上
He slammed on the brakes. 他猛力推上制动器。
She slammed her station wagon to a stop. 她使劲刹住她那辆旅行车。
He slammed his car into gear and took off. 他使劲把车发动起来后开着走了。
slam a ball 猛击球
slam the receiver down in disgust 厌恶地砰一声放下电话听筒
slam oneself down on the bed 一头栽倒在床上
They slammed questions at him. 他们不停地向他提出一个又一个诘问。
3. 猛烈抨击,苛刻地指摘
The new proposals have been slammed by all the opposition parties. 新建议遭到了所有反对党的猛烈抨击。
4. 主美口轻易赢过,轻易胜过
1. 发出砰声;(门、窗等)砰地关上
I heard the door slamming all night long. 我整夜听到门砰砰地响个不停。
2. 风风火火地进行;猛烈撞击
slam into one's chores 一头栽进杂务中
The car slammed into a truck. 汽车猛地撞上了一辆卡车。
3. 闯,冲,奋力行进
slam into (out of) the house 冲进(出)屋子
4. 抨击;谩骂
5. 跳碰撞舞

II n.
1. 猛关;猛击;猛撞
2. 砰的一声
close the door with a slam 砰的一声关上门
3. 美口猛烈的抨击;谩骂
I'm sick of your slams. 对于你的谩骂我真受够了。
4. [the slam]美口监狱
5. 主美听众任评委诗歌朗诵赛(指参赛者朗诵后由现场听众评分的多轮淘汰制诗歌朗诵赛)

III ad.
1. 以砰的一声
2. 分明地;全然
phr. slam the door in sb.'s face 见 door
slam through 竭力设法通过
The committee slammed the new legislation through. 委员会竭尽全力使新的法规获得通过。
[Scan; 与 Icel slæma to slam 有关]




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