

单词 skeleton
释义 skel·e·ton /ˈskelɪtən/ n. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. 骨骼,骸骨;骨骼标本
a human skeleton 人体骨骼
the skeleton of a dinosaur 恐龙的骨骼
2. 骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)
a skeleton hand 瘦骨嶙峋的手
He was starved (reduced) to a (living) skeleton. 他饿(瘦)得只剩一把骨头了。
She was worrying herself into a skeleton. 她老是发愁,人都瘦得皮包骨了。
3. (建筑物等的)骨架,框架;残骸
the steel skeleton of a building 一幢大楼的钢结构骨架
the rusty skeleton of a truck 一辆卡车的生锈框架
Only the skeleton of the house stood after the fire. 大火之后只剩下了房屋的残骸。
4. 梗概,提要;轮廓
the skeleton of a novel 小说的梗概
the skeleton of a report 报告的大纲
5. 最基本部分,基干,骨干
6. (不可外扬的)丑事
7. 外骨骼
8. 叶脉

II a.
1. 骨骼的;骨骼般的
2. 梗概的,提要的;轮廓的
skeleton notes 摘要
a skeleton drawing (或 diagram) 轮廓图
set out a plan in skeleton form 提纲挈领地说明一项计划
3. 最基本的,基干的,骨干的
a skeleton organization 一个只有少数基干人员的组织
During the war there was only a skeleton train service between London and the Channel ports. 战争期间每天只有最起码的几班火车往返于伦敦和英吉利海峡港口之间。
4. 骨瘦如柴的
[NL < Gr: something desiccated < skellein to dry up]
phr. a skeleton at the feast 1. 宴席上的骷髅(古埃及人在重大宴席上都要放一具骷髅以提醒人们居安思危,不忘苦难和死亡)
2. 扫兴的家伙(或事物)
His presence at the birthday party was a skeleton at the feast. 他出席生日宴会真令人扫兴。
a skeleton in the cupboard (或 house 或closet)不可外扬的家丑,隐情
I feel that she has a couple of skeletons in her cupboard. 我觉得她有几件不可告人的丑事。
Their youngest son has been twice sent to prison, and I suppose this is their skeleton in the closet. 他们的小儿子曾两次入狱,我想这件事是他们的心病。




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