

单词 size¹
释义 size¹ /saɪz/ n. | vt. | vi. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. (尺寸、体积、规模、身材等的)大小;(数量等的)多少;体重
take the size of a box 量箱子的尺寸
houses of all sizes 大大小小的房子
a city large in land size 一座占地面积很大的城市
a watermelon the size of a man's head 人头般大的一只西瓜
boys all of the same size 一样个头的男孩子们
the size of homework assignments 家庭作业布置的多少
the size of sb.'s bank account 某人银行存款的数目
What's the size of his book collection? 他的藏书有多少?
to build size 增加体重
2. (尺寸、体积、规模、身材等的)
The size of the problem alarmed us. 问题牵涉面之大使我们惊恐。
There is no house of any size in that neighbourhood. 那一带附近没有高大的房屋。
Few of the fish attain any size. 这种鱼很少有个头长得大的。
3. (衣服、鞋、帽等的)尺码,号
This dress is your size. 这件衣服是你这号尺码的。
I take size 8 shoes (或 a size 8 shoe). 我穿8码的鞋。
They wore uniforms several sizes too large for them. 他们穿的制服尺码大了好几号。
What size are your shoes? 你穿几码的鞋子?
He tried on every sweater in his size. 他把他那一号的套衫都试穿了一下。
4. 能力,能耐
It's not a job for a man of his size. 他这般能耐的人干这事不成。
5. 真相,实情
He's bankrupt. That's the size of the situation. 他破产了。实际情况就是这样。
6. 量珠尺;珍珠筛
7. (饮食等的)定量
8. [sizes]英方= assize(s)

II vt.
1. 按大小(或多少)排列(或分类、编号)
size the shoes from small to large 按鞋的尺码由小到大排列
size the corps of cadets 使军校学员按高矮排好队
Will you size these nails? 你把这些钉子按大小分开好吗?
A man's shirt is sized by his neck. 男式衬衫的尺码是照领口大小分的。
2. 按一定大小制作
water heaters sized to meet the users' needs 按照用户需要的尺寸制造的热水器
3. 制订(重量、尺寸等)的标准;按标准控制(重量、尺寸等)
(在大小、质量等方面)相比,相等(up to, up with)
Our products size up very well with those from abroad. 我们的产品完全可与进口货相比。

III a.
A: Okey, line up now. B: Size places? 甲:好,现在排队。乙:按个子高矮排吗?
What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大尺码的鞋子?
[< OFr sise, 非重读首元音脱落 < assise assize]
phr. cut down to size 1. 把…减到一定的大小(或多少)
2. 使知分寸,使有自知之明
He has become too high-and-mighty lately. It's time someone cut him down to size. 他近来变得骄傲自大,该让他有点自知之明了。
for size 按大小(或多少)
be separated for size 按大小(或多少)分开
of a size 一般大小的,同一尺寸的
The two estates are of a size. 这两块地产一样大小。
of some size 相当大的
a house of some size 一幢很大的房屋
size down 由大到小排列
size up 1. 估计…的大小(或多少);量…的大小
Sizing up the wall, we decided that we need three tins of paint. 我们估算了一下墙的面积,决定需要3听油漆。
2. 估计;品评
size up a situation 估计形势
A game of cards offers the best possible chance of sizing a man up. 打牌是考察一个人的最好机会。
do a bit of sizing up 作一番评价
3. 符合要求;合格
He made a good impression on us, but when we inquired about his past, he didn't quite size up. 他给我们的印象很好,但一问他的过去,他就不十分符合我们的要求了。
try ... (on) for size
1. 试试…看是否合适(或受欢迎)
try on a hat for size 试戴帽子看看好不好
He tried a small grin for size. 他试着微微露齿一笑,看是否得体。
“I named our child Bozo,” he said to her. “Bozo,” she tried it on for size.“我给我们孩子取名博佐了,”他对她说。“博佐,”她念着这个名字,看是否合适。
2. 考虑…看是否符合事实




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