

单词 sit
释义 sit /sɪt/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I (过去式 sat /sæt/ sate /sæt, seɪt/, 过去分词 sat 或sit·ten /ˈsɪtən/; sit·ting)

1. 坐,就座
sit still 一动不动地坐着
sit cross-legged 盘腿而坐
sit in (on) a chair 坐在椅子里(上)
sit at a table (desk) 坐在餐桌(书桌)
He was sitting over his coffee with a cigar. 他坐着边喝咖啡边抽雪茄。
2. (照相或画像时)坐好,摆好姿势;当模特儿
sit for one's portrait 坐好让人给自己摄影(或画像)
sit for a photographer 摆好姿势让摄影师照相
earn a living by sitting for art students 靠为美术学生当模特儿谋生
3. 静坐示威,参加静坐
4. (在议会中)占有座位;担任职务
sit in Congress 担任国会议员
He sits for a town in Cambridgeshire. 他是剑桥郡一市镇的议员。
5. (议会等)开会;(法庭)开庭
Parliament was sitting at the time. 议会当时正在开会。
The tribunal sat in private. 法庭秘密开庭。
6. 主英参加考试,应试
sit for university entrance 参加大学入学考试
sit for a licentiate 参加开业资格证书考试
7. 代人临时照看小孩,当临时保姆
sit for sb.'s child 为某人照看小孩
8. 坐落;被安放
The hotel sits 20 minutes from the international airport. 旅馆离国际机场有20分钟路程。
The clock has sat on that shelf for years. 那口钟放在那搁板上已经有年头了。
The badge sits on the lapel of his suit. 徽章佩在他西服的翻领上。
9. 搁置不用;搁置;(在体育比赛中)让…坐冷板凳
His car sat in the garage for a year. 他的汽车搁在车库里1年了。
A fifth of such ships now sit idle. 现在有1/5的这类船舶闲置不用。
They let the matter sit. 他们让那事搁置起来。
10. 停留;滞留
An aircraft carrier sits off the coast. 一艘航空母舰停在海岸附近。
The food sat heavily on my stomach. 吃下去的食物沉甸甸地滞留在我的胃里。
11. 重压;影响
Care sat heavily on his brow. 他心事重重,眉头紧锁。
Old age sits lightly upon him. 他年老而不显得老。
12. (衣服)合身,适合
The dress sits well on her hips. 她这件连衣裙腰臀部很合身。
13. (风从某方向)
The wind sits in the north this evening. 今晚吹北风。
14. (动物)蹲;(鸟类)停落
The bird was sitting on a branch. 鸟儿栖息在树枝上。
15. (鸡等)伏窝,孵卵
a hen that is sitting 伏窝的母鸡
1. 使坐,使就座
sit sb. on the sofa (in the chair) 让某人在沙发上(椅子里)坐下
2. (马)
He sits a horse well. 他善骑马。
3. 容纳…坐
The car will sit six people. 这辆车可坐6人。
4. 主英参加(考试)
He's sitting his bar finals. 他正参加律师资格考试的复试。
5. 代人临时照看(小孩等)
6. (鸡等)(卵)

II n.
1. 坐;坐的一段时间
have a long sit 坐很长时间
2. (衣服等的)合身,适合
He admired the perfect sit of her dress. 他赞赏她穿的连衣裙非常合身。
[< OE sittan; 与 ON sitja, Goth sitan, OHG sizzen, L sedēre to sit, Sans sīdati he sits 有关]
phr. sit about (或 around) (在…)坐着没事干
You shouldn't sit about (the house) like that, just staring out the window. 你不该那样(在家)坐着没事干,只是呆呆地往窗外看。
sit at sb.'s feet 见 foot
sit back 1. (使)向后靠着坐
sit (sb.) back in an armchair (使某人)靠着椅背坐在椅子上
2. 在一旁闲着
sit back and let others work 自己在旁边闲着尽让别人干活
3. 位于一定距离之外
His quiet home sat back in his yard. 他那幽静的家坐落在庭院的里端。
4. 放松
sit back and enjoy the setting sun 身心放松赏落日
sit by 1. 坐在…旁边;守护照料
She sat by her sick child all night. 她整夜守护着生病的孩子。
2. 袖手旁观
You should not sit quietly by while your classmates are all busy. 你不该在同学们都忙着的当口不声不响地袖手旁观。
sit down 1. (使)坐下;(使)就座
2. (军队)占据,围困
The armed forces sat down at the approaches to the city. 武装部队占据了通往城市的条条要道。
3. 参加静坐罢工(或示威)
The students sat down and refused to leave the building. 学生们席地静坐,拒绝离开大楼。
sit down on 反对
The whole committee sat down on the suggestion as being unsuitable. 委员会全体反对这个建议,认为不适当。
sit down to 1. (使)坐下来从事
sit down to one's breakfast (magazine) 坐下来吃早餐(看杂志)
She sat us down to some of her famous dishes. 她让我们坐下来尝尝她的几道名菜。
2. 着手进行
Both sides are prepared to sit down to long talks. 双方都准备进行长时间的谈判。
sit down under 忍受;默默接受
sit down under an insult 忍受侮辱
sit in 1. 主英代人临时照看小孩;代人暂时照料
I shall sit in for you while you go to the shops. 你去买东西的时候,我将代你照料一下。
2. 参加静坐罢工(或示威)
Hundreds of people are sitting in at the city hall. 好几百人在市政厅参加静坐示威。
3. (作为非正式队员)参加乐队的演奏(或演唱),客串
On these occasions he might sit in on drums. 逢到这些场合,他就可能参加乐队打鼓。
Before the war any player could walk into a club and sit in with the band. 战前,随便哪个演奏者都能到夜总会客串参加演出。
sit in on 列席(会议);旁听
We want you to sit in on the meeting. 我们希望你列席会议。
Several foreign correspondents were allowed to sit in on the hearings. 有几名外国记者获准旁听审理。
sit loose 见 loose
sit on (或 upon) 1. (使)坐在…上
2. 拖延;搁下;压下
They decided to sit on the bad news as long as possible. 他们决定尽可能拖延时间不把这个凶讯讲出去。
The shop has been sitting on my complaint for a month. 商店把我的意见压了一个月。
3. 讨论,审理(案件)
A local investigating group is sitting on the case. 当地的一个调查小组正在审理这个案子。
4. 成为…的成员,在…中担任职务
He sits on the Senate Finance Committee. 他是参议院财政委员会的委员。
5. 管教;压制
She sat on him for coming half an hour late. 她责备他迟来了半小时。
She was always sat on by her elder brothers. 她经常受兄长们的管教。
6. 等待…转变(或发展);观察;跟踪
We decided to sit on the patient and see what happened. 我们决定对病人进行观察,注意其发展情况。
sit on one's hands 见 hand
sit out 1. 坐在室外
2. 坐着挨到…结束;耐着性子看完(或听完)
sit out a bad performance 坐着挨到拙劣的演出结束
He sat out a long Sunday morning in the church. 他星期日整整一上午坐在教堂做礼拜直到结束为止。
3. 坐在一旁不参加
sit out a dance 坐在一旁不参加跳舞
Quite a number of voters sat out the election. 很多选民没有参加投票。
4. 逗留得比…久
sit all the others out 坐到其他所有人离开后才离开
5. 坐等(转机)
sit over 1. 坐过去一点
2. 坐在…的上手
3. 坐着慢慢捱过
The dinner was cleared away and they sat over their coffee. 餐桌上的饭菜撤走了,他们坐着慢慢喝咖啡。
They had lunch, sitting over it until about two o'clock. 他们吃午饭,一直吃到两点左右。
sit through 坐着挨到…结束;耐着性子看完(或听完)
I sat through the meeting (play). 我耐着性子开完会(看完戏)
sit tight 见 tight
sitting pretty 见 pretty
sit under 1. 坐在…的下手
2. 听…讲授
have the honour to sit under a famous teacher 有幸听名师讲课
sit up 1. (使)坐起来;坐直
Sit up, children! Don't lean over the table! 坐直,孩子们!不要趴在桌子上!
2. 不睡,熬夜
Don't sit up for me if I'm late. 我如回家迟,你就先睡,不要等我。
3. 警觉;诧异;关注
She really sat up when I told her the gossip about Tom. 我把有关汤姆的闲话告诉她时,她确实大吃一惊。
Devaluation of the dollar made the financial market sit up. 美元贬值引起金融市场的关注。
sit with 1. 帮助照料(或陪伴)(病人、小孩、老人等)
2. 对…合适;被…接受;受…赞同
How did his plan sit with his supporters? 他的计划是如何得到他的支持者们的拥护呢?
All this toughness does not sit well with everyone. 所有这种强硬的做法并非人人都能接受。
The proposal seems certain to sit badly with many people. 看来那个建议必定会有许多人不欢迎。




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