

单词 sign
释义 sign /saɪn/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 标志,标记;表示
black as a sign of mourning 作为哀悼标志的黑色
He has not given any sign that he will accept the offer. 他没有作过任何愿意接受建议的表示。
His failure to write is no sign that he has forgotten you. 他没有给你写信并不表示他已把你忘了。
2. 符号,记号;语言符号(指词、字母等代表一个概念、功能等的语言单位)
the sign ¢ for cent(s) 表示“分”的符号¢
mathematical signs 数学符号
signs of military rank 军阶符号
3. (手、头等的)示意动作;(手语中的)手势;手语
A nod is a sign of approval. 点头是表示认可的动作。
I saw him making signs at us. 我看见他向我们做着手势。
I explained what I couldn't explain in words by signs. 凡不能用言词表达的,我就用手势说明。
give sb. a sign to withdraw 示意某人退下
4. 牌;招牌;指示牌;标牌
a sign saying “No Smoking” 上面写着“禁止吸烟”的一块告示牌
an advertising sign 广告牌
5. (动物的)足迹,臭迹;踪迹;痕迹
deer sign 鹿迹
There is no sign of him yet. 尚不见他的踪影。
The region still bears many signs of English rule. 这地区仍带有不少英国统治的痕迹。
6. 迹象;征兆,预兆
All the signs are that business will get better. 种种迹象表明生意将会好转。
After years of decline, agriculture is showing signs of rejuvenation. 农业经数年衰退之后正在显示出复苏的征兆。
Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的征兆。
7. 暗语,暗号
8. 正数,负数
9. (尤指《圣经》中表示神的意志或力量的)神迹
11. 征,体征
Swollen ankles can be a sign of heart disease. 踝肿可能是心脏病的一种体征。

II vt.
1. (名),署(名)
He signed his name at the bottom of the letter. 他在信末签了名。
2. 写下
Sign your initials here. 请把姓名的首字母写在这儿。
3. [sign oneself] 在署名中把(自己)叫做
He signed himself “a constant reader.” 他在署名时把自己称为“忠实的读者”。
4. 签字(或署名)于;签署(信、文件等)
Every one of the staff must sign the time-book. 每个职员必须在工作时间记录簿上签名。
If the artist signed the painting, it must be genuine. 如果画家在画上署了名,这幅画必定是真迹。
sign a letter 签署信件
a bill signed into law 经签字批准已成为法律的法案
5. (通过签订合约)雇用
sign top stars to fat contracts as soon as the games end 一俟比赛结束就以条件优厚的合同把超级球星签下
6. 以手势(或其他动作)表示;用手势语表达(或做);示意
The policeman signed me to stop. 警察示意我停下。
7. 标着
The road to the zoo is signed by arrows on the wall. 墙上的箭头指向通往动物园的路。
8. (为表示祝福或祈求等)对…划十字
9. 预示;表示
sign a new era in international relations 预示着国际关系中一个新时代的到来
1. 签字;签名,署名
Sign here, please. 请在此签字。
2. 签订合同 (with); 签约受雇;签字承担义务
John Anderson and Pauline Collins have signed with London Weekend Television to appear as husband and wife in a new comedy series. 约翰·安德森和波琳· 柯林斯已与伦敦周末电视签约在新的系列喜剧中扮演夫妻。
3. 做手势(或其他动作)示意;使用手语
He signed to (或 for) me to come nearer. 他做手势示意我走近些。
[<OFr signe < L signum sign]
phr. make no sign 看来并未发觉;没有动静(或反应等)
sign and countersign (同党之间的)暗语,切口,口令
sign away 签字放弃(或让予)
He signed away all his rights. 他签字放弃了一切权利。
signd, sealed, and delivered (或 signd and sealed) 签名、盖章、交付(一般在正式的合同、文书中使用,意即正式通过并开始生效)
sign for 签收
sign for a registered letter 签收挂号信
I pay only for things I sign for. 我只付我签收的东西的钱。
sign in 1. (使)签到;(使)报到;(使)登记
The convention delegates were asked to sign in at the door. 大会代表被要求在门口签到。
Did he want to sign you in as his wife? 他有没有要你以他妻子的名义登记住宿?
2. (使)成为成员
3. 签收
sign off1. (电台或电视台)停止广播,宣布广播结束(尤指全天广播结束)
He awoke from his dream as the TV station was signing off. 就在电视台播映结束时,他从梦中醒来了。
2. (使)脱离关系;解雇
The manager signed him off because he was too old.经理因为他年纪太大而把他解雇了。
3. 离开;退出(活动)
She was very tired. Perhaps we'd better sign off now. 她很疲倦了。我们现在也许应该离开了。
4. (以签名等)结束写信;结束讲话;停止工作
“I'd better signoff now. Love, John”“我还是就此搁笔吧。爱你的约翰”
He had exhausted conversation topics and signed off. 他把要讲的话都讲完后便不再开口了。
5. 作下工记录
Crew members wishing to leave the ship have to sign off. 想离船的船员必须作离船登记。
6. (桥牌中)示弱止叫
7. (医生)宣布…因病不宜工作
8. (找到工作以后)登记取消(失业金)
sign off on美口毅然正式同意(计划、协议等)
sign off on a memo 毅然批准备忘录
sign on 1. 签约雇用
be signed on by a company 被一家公司正式雇用
I signed myself on as a field hand. 我受雇当了田间小工。
2. 签约受雇;签约参加组织(或工作、活动等)
At 28, I signed on as first mate with a cargo ship. 我28岁时受雇于一艘货船当了大副。
She signed on for a quick and concentrated course in the basics of nursing run by the Red Cross. 她报名参加了红十字会举办的护理基础强化速成班的学习。
3. (到劳工介绍所去)办理登记以获得失业救济金
4. 宣布广播开始
The station signs on with the playing of the National Anthem. 电台以奏国歌开始一天的广播。
5. 作上工记录;开始工作
sign out 1. (在登记簿上)签名登记外出(或离开)
Bob signed out of his dormitory for the evening. 鲍勃登记离开宿舍,外出过夜。
2. 签字放行(人或物);登记(某物)的携出;记录(某人)的外出(或离开)
The boss signed a car out of the office garage. 老板签字准许动用一辆公司公车。
sign over= sign away
signs and wonders神迹奇事
Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe. 不见神迹奇事,尔等终难信道。(基督教《圣经》用语)
sign up 1. 签约雇用
2. 签约受雇
3. (劝使…)参加组织(或团体)
4. (使)报名从军
5. 经报名(或签约)获得;经报名(或签约)从事
sign up for evening classes 报名上夜课
6. 劝使签约
sign a customer up 劝诱顾客签订合同
7. 签约承担义务
8. 给予支持,支持(to)
9. 达成(商业交易)




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