

单词 sick¹
释义 sick¹ /sɪk/ a. | n. | vt. | phr.
I a.
1. 有病的,患病的;不健康的;有病感的,不舒服的,不适的
a sick man 病人
a sick tree 病树
be sick with influenza 患流行性感冒
be sick with fear 吓得要死
He is lying at home sick. 他卧病在家。
2. 恶心的,要呕吐的;引起呕吐的,令人恶心的
He began to feel sick as soon as the ship started to move. 船一开动他就觉得要吐。
be sick in the car 晕车
a sick smell 令人作呕的气味
3. 病人的;为病人的;与病人有关的
a sick ward 病房
4. 有病容的;病态的;苍白的
a sick look 病容
a sick expression 苍白脸色
5. 厌倦的;腻烦的;厌恶的 (of)
I'm sick of this bad weather. 我对这种坏天气讨厌透了。
be sick of doing nothing 对无所事事感到厌倦
gossip that makes sb. sick 使某人感到厌恶的闲言碎语
It makes me sick to think of it. 我一想起它就厌恶。
6. 懊丧的;心烦意乱的;极不愉快的;很失望的
He was rather sick at missing the train. 他没能赶上火车感到很懊丧。
She is sick at heart. 她忧心忡忡。
He was sick with me for being so late. 他对我到得那么晚心里很不高兴。
7. 渴望的,想望的,怀恋的 (for)
be sick for one's home 苦苦想家
be sick for friends 怀念朋友
8. (船只等)需要(特定专项)修理的;有损伤的,有毛病的
paint-sick 需油漆的
9. (精神或道德上)不健全的,病态的;败坏的
a sick personality 病态性格
10. (思想或感情上)混乱的
sick thoughts 混乱的思想
be sick in one's mind 头脑里杂乱无章
11. (女子)行经期的
12. 没有生气的;(比赛等中)大大落后的
She looked sick in the contest. 她在这场竞赛中表现极差。
13. 衰落的,不活跃的,不兴旺的
The economy was too sick to afford the increase in the nation's wage bill. 经济很不景气,负担不了国家的工资总额增长。
14. (故事、幽默、笑话等)病态的;令人毛骨悚然的,可怖的;残酷的
a sick joke 令人毛骨悚然的笑话
15. (土壤)不宜特定作物生长的;受破坏性微生物侵害的
a wheat-sick soil 一种不宜种小麦的土壤
a sick field 有有害微生物的田地
16. (酒)走味的;(铸铁等)脆的,易碎的
17. (吸毒者)毒瘾发作的
18. 精彩的,很棒的

II n.
1. 英口呕吐物
2. [the sick][总称]病人
The sick need special care. 病人需要特别护理。

III vt.
英口呕吐 (up)
[<OE sēoc; 与OHG sioh 有关]
phr. (as) sick as a dog 见 dog
be off sick因病缺席(或缺勤)
fall sick 患病
get sick 1. 生病
2. 呕吐
go sick
1. 去医生处治病
2. 告病假,请病假
look sick 给人印象不深;相形见绌
He's such a good swimmer that he makes me look sick. 他是一位非常优秀的泳手,相形之下使我大为逊色。
on the sick 英口病残的;领病假补助费的
report sick= go sick
sick and tired of腻味透了
sick to death of = sick and tired of
sick to one's stomach1. 恶心,想吐
2. 感到很厌恶
take sick 生病
worried sick 担心得要命的




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