shut up 1. 关闭;关上…的全部门窗 shut up the piano 关上钢琴 shut up a house 把房屋的全部门窗关上 shut up shop 关店(或打烊) 2. 关入;禁闭;监禁 They wanted to shut Mary up in a mental hospital. 他们想把玛丽关进精神病院。 3. 妥藏 shut up the silver in the safe 把银器封存在保险箱里 4. 阻塞,堵塞 Dangerous rocks shut up the passage. 危险的礁石堵住了航道。 5. 〈口〉(使)住口;停止写(或讲) Can you shut him up? 你叫他别说了行吗? Shut up and let Mary say something. 闭嘴,让玛丽讲几句吧。