释义 |
shud·der /ˈʃʌdə(r)/ vi. | n. | phr. I vi. (机器、车辆等)突然震动,颤动;(人)打颤,战栗,发抖 The ship shuddered as she struck the rocks. 船身因触礁而突然剧烈颤动。 shudder with fear 怕得发抖
II n. 1. 震动,颤动;打颤,战栗,抖动 The tank came to a halt with a shudder. 随着一阵颤动,坦克停了下来。 A visible shudder swept over her. 她全身明显地一震。 She gave a great shudder of pleasure from time to time. 她不时因喜悦而浑身剧烈颤抖。 2. [the shudders]〈口〉恐惧感;厌恶感;神经质 It gave him the shudders just to go inside the door. 他一跨进这扇门就害怕。 [<MLG schōderen; 与 OFris skedda to shake, OHG skutten 有关] phr. shudder at 对…感到惊恐 (或恐惧)He shuddered at the memory. 他一回想起那件事就不寒而栗。She shudders at the sight of a snake. 她一见到蛇就惊恐万状。shudder to think 怕得不敢想 I shudder to think of the consequences. 我不敢设想那后果。 |