释义 |
shriv·el /ˈʃrɪvəl/ vt. | vi. (-el(l)ed; -el·(l)ing) ❶ vt. 1. 使枯萎,使干枯;使皱缩 skin shrivel(l)ed by age 因年老而起皱的皮肤 Although he's only in his late thirties, he looks shrivel(l)ed and ill. 虽然他年纪还不到40, 但看上去已萎缩且有病容。 2. 使束手无策;使无能为力;使无用;使无效 shrivel all the punk nonsense 杜绝“朋克”的一应胡闹行为 3. 使感到渺小无能 ❷ vi. 1. 枯萎,干枯;皱缩 A leaf shrivels up in the hot sun. 树叶被烈日一晒就枯萎。 2. 变得束手无策;变得无能为力;变得无用;变得无效 [<? Scan; 比较 Swed skryvla wrinkle¹] |