释义 |
shoe /ʃuː/ n. | vt. | a. | phr. I ([复] shoes 或〈古〉shoon /ʃuːn/) n. 1. 鞋 put on (take off) one's shoes 穿(脱)鞋 have one's leather shoes resoled (reheeled, revamped) 把皮鞋送去换底(换后跟,换鞋面) The shoes are a perfect fit. 这双鞋完全合脚。 2. 鞋状物;(在用途等方面)似鞋的东西 3. 蹄铁 4. (棍棒顶端等的)金属包头(或套子等) 5. = brake shoe 6. 轮胎,外胎 7. (雪车等滑撬底部的)金属箍 8. 承受机器活动部分的金属板 9. 【建】柱脚;桩靴;垫座 10. 防磨(或防滑)装置 11. 【电】端;靴;管头 12. = accessory shoe 13. 〈美俚〉便衣警察 14. 〈美俚〉穿着时髦的人 15. [shoes] 另一种地位(或作用、处境) 16. (巴卡拉纸牌戏的)发牌盒;巴卡拉纸牌戏 17. 【船】桅座
II (过去式 shod /ʃɒd/ 或 shoed, 过去分词 shod 或 shoed 或 shod·den /ˈʃɒdən/) vt. 1. 给…穿上鞋(或靴) 2. 给(马)钉蹄铁 3. 给…装上鞋状物;用金属片包覆 a stick shod with steel 包了钢头的手杖 4. 为…装轮胎
III a. 〈美俚〉符合排他性学校学生衣着(或行为、态度)标准的;可为排他性学校学生接受的;排他性学校学生推崇的 [<OE scōh; 与OHG scuoh shoe, OE hÿd hide¹ 有关] phr. another pair of shoes 另外一回事 comfortable as an old shoe 〈口〉令人轻松愉快的;容易与之交谈 (或共事)的 common as an old shoe 〈口〉不卖弄的,不爱虚荣的;谦虚的;对人友好的 The most famous people are sometimes as common as an old shoe. 最有名望的人有时十分平易近人。die in one's shoes (或 with one's shoes on) 见 die¹ drop the other shoe 做完已开始做的事(尤指不愉快的事) wait for the other shoe to drop 等着不愉快的然而总要发生的事发生(源出旅店楼下客常为楼上客脱鞋摔地噪声所苦的事实) The President dropped the other budget shoe yesterday. 总统昨天批准了悬而未决的预算案。 fill dead men's shoes 继承死者的财产(或地位) fill sb.'s shoes 接替某人的位置(或工作) John could fill Heyward's shoes well. 约翰能够很好地接替海伍德的工作。 If the shoe fits, wear it. 〈美〉如果批评得对,就接受吧。 in sb.'s shoes 处于某人的地位(或境地) I shouldn't care to be in your shoes. 我可不想处于你的地位。 Put yourselves in his shoes and consider what you would do. 如果处于他的地位,想想你们会怎么做吧。 lick sb.'s shoes 巴结某人,向某人摇尾乞怜 put the shoe on the right foot 责备该受责备者;表扬该受表扬者 shake in one's shoes 〈口〉怕得发抖 He was shaking in his shoes as the large dog moved towards him. 当那只大狗向他走来时,他吓得直哆嗦。 shoe the (或a) goose 见 goose stand in the shoes of sb. 取得某人的位置;处在某人的境遇 step into dead men's shoes= fill dead men's shoes step into sb.'s shoes接替某人的位置(或工作);步某人后尘 When his father died, Bill had to step into his shoes to support his mother. 比尔不得不在父亲死后接替其工作以供养母亲。 the shoe is on the other foot 〈美〉情况已经大变;位置已经颠倒 Now that we are rich and they are poor, the shoe is on the other foot. 现在我们变富他们变穷,位置已经颠倒了。 wait for a dead man's shoes 〈旧〉等待别人死去以求继承其遗产 where the shoe pinches 〈口〉〈罕〉症结所在;困难(或麻烦、痛苦)之处 Oh, is that where the shoe pinches? 哦,这就是症结所在吗? |