释义 |
shirt /ʃɜːt/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. (男式)衬衫 have not a shirt to one's back 穷得衣不蔽体 2. 女用仿男式衬衫 3. 贴身衣,汗衫 (= undershirt) 4. (男用)衬衫式长睡衣 (= nightshirt) 5. 〈英〉(作为政党或政治运动特定标志穿的)标志衫,制服;穿特定颜色标志衫(或制服)的人 6. (运输易腐货品等用的)保护性布套 7. 全部(或大部分)钱财
II vt. 给…穿衬衫,为…提供衬衫 [<OE scyrte; 与ON skyrta shirt, skirt OE scort short ] phr. get sb.'s shirtoff (或 out) 惹怒某人 give sb. a wet shirt 使某人累得汗流浃背 give the shirt off one's back 〈口〉送掉自己所剩的一切 have one's shirt out 〈俚〉发怒 keep one's shirt on 〈口〉耐着性子,不发脾气;保持镇静 Tell him to keep his shirt on until we're ready. 告诉他在我们准备好之前要耐着性子。lose one's shirt 〈口〉丧失全部财产;丢失大量钱款 Mr.Matthews lost his shirt betting on the horses. 马修斯先生赌马输得精光。Near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin. 〈谚〉万事总得首先考虑自己。 put (或 get, bet) one's shirt on 〈英口〉在…上孤注一掷,把全部家当押在…上;确信 read one's shirt 在衬衫上捉虱 stripped to the shirt 1. 脱得只剩衬衫 2. 只剩下最低限度的需要 |