释义 |
shil·ly-shal·ly /ˈʃɪlɪˌʃælɪ/ a. | ad. | vi. | n. I a. 犹豫不决的;动摇不定的 a shilly-shally fellow 优柔寡断的人
II ad. 犹豫不决地,摇摆不定地
III (-lied; -ly·ing) vi. 1. (尤指对小事)犹豫不决 Having reached a decision, I did not shilly-shally about the affair. 既已就此事作出决定,我就不再犹豫不决了。 Don't keep shilly-shallying; make up your mind and have done with it. 别再犹豫不决了,下定决心结束这件事吧。 2. 浪费时间,游荡,闲混
IV n. (尤指对小事)犹豫不决;动摇不定 There can be no shilly-shally now. 现已无可犹豫了。 [重叠变体 < shall I]shil·ly-shal·lier(或 -lyer) n. |