释义 |
shave /ʃeɪv/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (过去式 shaved, 过去分词 shaved 或 shav·en /ˈʃeɪvən/) ❶ vt. 1. 剃去…上的毛发;剃…的胡须 shave one's head 剃头 shave one's face 刮脸 She always shaves her legs. 她有剃腿上汗毛的习惯。 shave oneself 给自己刮脸 shave a patient for surgery 外科手术前为病人剃毛发 2. 剃(胡须、毛发等) (off,away) shave (off) one's beard 剃掉胡须 3. 修剪 shave a lawn 修剪草坪 Shave off the top branches of that bush. 把那棵灌木的顶枝剪掉。 4. 刨(木头等);刨掉 shave the edge of a board 刨木板的边 The joiner shaved a thin strip off the edge of the door. 细木工把门沿薄薄刨掉一层。 5. 把…切削成薄片;以薄片切下 shaved ham 切成薄片的火腿 shave off a thin slice of cheese 切下薄薄一片干酪 6. 擦过,掠过 The car just shaved the corner of the wall while turning. 这汽车在转弯时擦墙角而过。 The bus just shaved me by an inch. 公共汽车紧挨着我身边擦过。 7. 减去;削减;略降(价格等) If I got a facelift I could shave fifteen years off my age. 我若做一次整容看上去可年轻15岁。 New procedures shave minutes from the unloading process. 采用新方法可使卸货的时间减少好几分钟。 The government would shave its 50-member embassy staff in Lebanon down to about 30 people. 政府将把在黎巴嫩的大使馆人员从50名减至30名左右。 shave the price of shoes 小幅度削减鞋价 8. 〈美口〉杀价买进(期票等) 9. 〈主方〉敲诈;掠夺 10. 〈美俚〉险胜 ❷ vi. 1. 修面,刮脸 A man has to shave every morning. 男人每天早晨得刮脸。 2. 挤过;勉强通过 shave through a gap 从隙缝里钻过去 shave through an examination 考试勉强及格 3. 拼命讨价还价
II n. 1. 修面,刮脸 give sb. a shave 给某人修面 I must have a shave. 我必须刮脸了。 This razor gives a good shave. 这把剃刀刮起脸来很好使。 2. 剃刀,刮刀;刨刀 3. (刨削下的)薄片 4. 一擦,一掠;幸免 The bike passed me by a shave. 自行车从我身旁一擦而过。 5. 〈古〉欺骗,骗局 [<OE sceafan; 与 Goth skaban to shave, L scabere to scrape 有关] phr. a narrow (或 near) shave 侥幸的脱险 |