

单词 shake
释义 shake /ʃeɪk/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (过去式 shook /ʃʊk/, 过去分词 shak·en /ˈʃeɪkən/ shook)

1. 摇,(猛力)摇动;摇匀;抖动
shake a closed door 猛摇关着的门
shake sb. by the shoulder 抓住某人的肩膀猛摇
shake a medicine before taking it 服前将药摇匀
The dog came out of the water and shook itself. 狗从水里爬出来,抖了抖身子。
2. 抖掉;抖出;抖起
shake the dust from the cloth 抖掉布上的灰尘
shake two aspirins out of a bottle 从瓶里抖出两片阿司匹林
3. (抖动容器)
shake pepper on a steak 把胡椒撒在牛排上
4. 使摇晃;使抖动;使震动
The earthquake shook the building. 地震使房子震动。
5. 使发抖,使颤动
chills that shook one's body 使人浑身哆嗦不止的严寒
6. (手);同…握手
shake dozens of hands 和几十个人握手
He shook John by the hand. 他同约翰握手。
7. 动摇;减弱;削弱…的说服力
shake sb.'s confidence (faith) 动摇某人的信心(信念)
The firm's credit was shaken. 这家商行的信誉受损。
shake the witness's evidence 削弱证人所作证词的说服力
8. (恐吓性地)挥舞
He shook his stick at the naughty boys. 他挥舞手杖吓唬那些顽童。
9. 以摇动(或扭动等)使处于特定状态
He shook himself loose from the man's grasp. 他扭动身子从那人手中挣脱出来。
The sun will shake the whole city into light and warmth. 阳光将使整个城市一下子沉浸在光明和温暖之中。
10. 扰乱,使心烦意乱;使震惊
shake sb.'s poise 扰乱某人的平静
She was badly shaken by (或 with, at) the bad news. 那坏消息使她烦心极了。
He was shaken but unhurt in the accident. 在事故中他受了惊吓,但没有受伤。
11. 摆脱,摒弃
Can you shake your friend? I want to talk to you alone. 你能撇开一会儿你的朋友吗? 我要和你单独谈谈。
shake a bad habit 改掉坏习惯
12. 以颤音奏(或唱)
13. (掷出前在手中)抖抄,抖混(骰子)
14. 澳俚抢劫;偷窃
1. 摇动;震动,颤动,抖动;被抖
trees shaking in the wind 在风中晃动的树
The room shakes as he walks. 他一走动房间就震动。
She shook at the mouth. 她的嘴角抽动着。
Sand shakes off easily. 沙子很容易抖落。
2. 摇匀
Shake before using. 服用(或使用)前摇匀。
3. 发抖,颤抖
shake with cold (fright)(怕)得发抖
His hand shakes. 他有手抖的毛病。
I was shaking in anger. 我气得浑身发抖。
4. 动摇;变得不稳;变弱
5. 握手
They shook and were friends. 他们握手结交。
We shook on the bargain. 我们握手成交。
6. 发颤音
His voice shook with emotion. 他因激动而嗓音颤抖。

II n.
1. 摇动;(从佐料瓶里)一次抖出的东西
give sth. a shake 摇动某物
add a few shakes of pepper to the soup 往汤里撒几下胡椒粉
2. (由冲击等引起的)震动;抖动
a shake in sb.'s writing 某人字迹的抖动
3. 握手
welcome the visitor with a hearty shake 热情握手迎接客人
4. 地震
5. = milk shake
6. 冲击,打击
7. [the shakes] 寒战;疟疾;(由疾病、惧怕、酒精中毒等引起的)阵颤
8. [the shakes](由恐惧等引起的)紧张不安
get over the shakes 克服紧张情绪
9. 片刻,一刹那
be back in a shake 一会儿就回来
10. 美口待遇
I get a much better shake than she does. 我受的待遇比她好得多。
11. (树木的)轮裂,环裂
12. 岩石(或矿层)裂缝
13. (从圆木上锯下通常为三或四英尺长的)盖屋板
14. 颤音
15. 掷前抖骰;骰子的一掷
16. 美俚聚会;收费家庭舞会
17. (舞蹈中的)抖动,摇抖动作;[the S-] 抖舞
[<OE sceacan; 与ON skaka to shake, Sans khajati he agitates 有关]
phr. all of a shake 发抖的,哆嗦的
The poor fellow was all of a shake when I told him the news. 我告诉他那个消息时,那可怜家伙直打哆嗦。
be on the shake 美俚参与(敲诈、勒索等)犯罪活动
give sb. (sth.) the shake 避开某人(某事);摆脱某人(某事)
in two shakes (或 in half a shake 或 in two shakes of a lamb's tail) 很快地,马上
I'll be back in two shakes. 我马上就回来。
no great shakes 并不出色的,普普通通的
He's no great shakes as an actor. 作为演员他并不高明。
His new idea is really no great shakes. 他的新主意实在不怎么样。
put sb. on the shake (或 put the shake on sb.) 美俚向某人勒索钱财
shake down 1. 摇落;摇下;震倒
shake down a thermometer 甩下体温计的水银柱
He shook some pears down from the tree. 他从树上摇落一些梨子。
The contents of the packet may shake down in travelling. 旅途中包裹里的东西可能震落。
2. 适应新环境(或新工作)(使)安顿
He's new in the office but he'll soon shake down. 他刚来办公室工作,但他很快会适应的。
3. 使正常工作
shake down the troublesome motor 把那台老出毛病的电动机调试正常
4. 试验(新设备等)
Next week we should be able to shake down the new ship. 下星期我们应该可以试航新船了。
5. 寄宿
Let's shake down here tonight. 今晚我们就在这儿寄宿吧。
6. 搭临时铺;睡临时铺
shake down on the floor 打地铺
The travellers shook down with blankets in the inn parlour. 旅客们在客栈休息室里睡毯子铺成的临时铺。
7. 在地上摊开
shake down blankets 在地上摊开毯子
8. (摇动容器等)使(细粒)排列紧密
shake down grain in the sack 摇动袋子使袋里的谷物紧实
9. (使)缩减
shake down the overlapping administrative organs 精简重叠的行政机构
10. 美俚彻底搜查
The police had to shake down every building in the street before they found the gunman. 在找到持枪歹徒之前,警察得彻底搜查街上的每幢房子。
11. 美口向…勒索(或敲诈)
The gangsters shook the store owner down every month. 这帮歹徒每月向店主敲诈。
shake off1. 抖落
shake off rain from one's hair抖去头发上的雨水
2. 摆脱
shake off a shadow甩掉尾巴(指摆脱紧紧跟踪的人)
shake off dependence on the colonialists 摆脱对殖民主义者的依赖
Tom could not shake off his cold. 汤姆的感冒总是好不了。
3. 拒绝(请求等);否决(建议等)
4. (投手)以摇头(或挥动手套)表示拒绝(接手发出的投球信号)
5. (尤指在赛跑中)(对手)拉开距离,甩掉(对手)
shake oneself together 振作起来;全力以赴
The student shakes himself together to study English. 这学生全力以赴学习英语。
shake on it (问候、和解等时)握手
He held out a hand to me. “Shall we shakeon it?” 他向我伸出手。“让我们握手,好吗?”
shake out 1. 把…抖干净;抖掉
shake out a carpet 把地毯抖干净
A: What are you doing with that coat? B: I'm trying to shake the dust out. 甲:你拿着那件外衣在干什么? 乙:我想把灰抖掉。
2. 抖开
shake the mat out 把草席抖开
shake out a flag 抖开一面旗
3. (或抖)(器皿等)里面的东西;晃出(划子)里的水;让水晃出
Don't forget to shake the pockets out before you take your coat to the cleaner's. 把外衣送洗衣店前别忘了把口袋里的东西抖出来。
This canoe does not shake out easily. 这划子不容易往外晃水。
4. 摆脱(习惯);放弃(做法)
5. 解开(缩帆)
6. (用增收保证金等办法)(实力薄弱的投机商)赶出市场
7. 最后证明是
shake up 1. 猛摇;摇匀
Shake up the bottle well before drinking the medicine. 服药水前把药瓶好好摇一摇。
The nurse shook up the contents of the medicine bottle before giving the patient a dose. 护士在给病人服药前把药瓶中的药水摇匀。
2. (靠垫等)使之恢复原形
shake up a pillow 抖枕头使之恢复膨松
3. 使震动;使震惊;打扰;使不安
The collision shook up both drivers. 撞车使双方司机都受惊不小。
The threat of attack has shaken up the entire country. 进攻的威胁已使全国大起恐慌。
The news shook her up. 这消息使她心烦意乱。
4. 重新分配;改组
The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将重组那家公司。
5. 使振作,激励
What these recruits need is half an hour's drill on the square — that'll shake them up. 这些新兵需要在广场上操练半小时,那样会使他们振作起来。
6. [与it连用]赶紧,加紧
Shake it up, we don't have much time. 快点儿,我们没有多少时间了。
7. 责备




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