释义 |
shade /ʃeɪd/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 荫;阴凉处 The group of trees provided some shade from the sun. 这些树形成一片树荫。 He led the way to the shade of a large tree. 他领路走到一棵大树的树荫下。 a pleasant shade near a brook 小溪附近怡人的阴凉处 2. 阴暗,暗淡;隐蔽;较暗处,隐蔽处 3. 遮光屏;灯罩;(保护眼睛的)遮阳帽檐;[常作 shades]〈美〉遮阳窗帘,百叶窗 4. (图画、照相等上的)暗部;(绘画等的)明暗法,上明暗 Don't put in too much shade when you are drawing. 你画图时别把阴影部分画得太多。 an artist using shade to good effect 上明暗恰到好处的艺术家 5. (色彩的)浓淡深浅;色度;(任何颜色加黑色后呈现的)较深颜色;不同色泽的料子;〈喻〉形形色色 all shades of purple 各种深浅不同的紫色 The brother and sister have red hair of the same shade. 兄妹俩有着同样深浅的红头发。 The walls are light blue and the door a deeper shade. 墙是浅蓝色的,门的颜色则稍深一点。 all the newest shades in stock 现存的所有最新色泽的料子 The phrase has many shades of meaning. 这短语有许多层意思。 all shades of opinion 各种意见 confer with political leaders of all shades 与各派政治领袖们商谈 6. 细微差别(或变化) delicate shades of meaning 意义上细微的差别 7. [a shade]微量,少许,一点 turn the radio down a shade 把收音机的音量稍微调低一些 “I know all that,”said Mrs. Johnson a shade impatiently. 约翰逊夫人有点不耐烦地说道:“那些我都知道。” He looked a shade sulky. 他看上去有点生气。 half past ten or perhaps a little shade later 10点半或者可能稍迟一些 8. 愁容,忧郁的表情,阴沉的神色;〈喻〉阴影 9. 虚幻物;瞬间显现物;〈书〉鬼,幽灵 the shade of a wish 愿望的幻影 10. [shades]〈口〉太阳眼镜,墨镜 11. [shades]〈英〉酒窖 12. 〈美俚〉(贼赃的)窝主,买卖赃物的人 13. [(the) shades]〈书〉暮色,夜色 14. [the Shades]地狱,阴间;[总称]地狱居民,阴魂 15. 〈古〉阴影;剪影
II ❶ vt. 1. 为…遮阳,荫蔽;为…挡光 walks shaded by chestnut trees 栗树荫蔽的散步道 She shaded her eyes from the sun with her hand. 她用手遮在眼睛上方挡阳光。 2. (用罩等)遮(发光体);挡(光) 3. 隐瞒,掩饰 Don't try to shade your mistake. 不要试图掩饰错误。 4. 使阴暗,使变暗淡;使黯然失色;使阴郁 a face shaded with melancholy 哀愁阴郁的脸 a frown shading one's bright blue eyes 使明亮的蓝眼睛失去光辉的皱眉苦相 5. 画阴影于;使…的色调(或光层次)渐变;使(颜色或光层次)渐变;使(照片)有明暗效果 6. 使发生细微变化;渐次改变 shade the meaning 使意义发生细微变化 shade one's speech to suit the purpose of the moment 把演讲略作改变以适应当时需要 7. 使(风琴管)音调缓和 8. 略减(价格等) shade policy risks 酌减政策风险 9. 使有偏见,使带色彩 ❷ vi. 1. (颜色、光层次等)渐变 The sky was a deep blue in the east, shading into yellow, then red, towards the west. 东边的天空是深蓝色的,向西逐渐转为黄色,再往西就成红色的了。 Autumn has shaded into winter early this year. 今年,秋天早就不知不觉地转变成为冬天。 His naturalism shades over to obscure fantasy. 他的自然主义逐渐向模糊的幻想转化。 2. (意见、做法等)出现细微的差别(或变化) 3. (股票的价值、价格等)略有下降 4. (在比赛中)略占上风 [< OE sceadu; 与 OHG scato shadow, Gr skotos darkness 有关] phr. in the shade 1. 在树荫下,在阴凉处;在阴暗处; (温度)在阴处测量的 Let's sit in the shade under the tree. 让我们坐在树下阴凉处。2. 不受人注意的,默默无闻的 The actor still remained in the shade. 那演员仍然默默无闻。put (或 throw, cast) in (或 into) the shade 〈口〉使黯然失色,使相形见绌 His sudden success put us all in the shade. 他的突然成功使我们大家相形见绌。shades of 〈口〉使人联想起…的 Shades of school! We were all treated at the conference as if we were children. 叫人想起了学校!在会议上我们都被当成小孩子对待。without light and shade (绘画、人物描写等)单调的,无层次的 |