

单词 settle¹
释义 set·tle¹ /ˈsetl/ vt. | vi. | phr.
1. 安放;安顿
He took a sip of tea, and settled the cup back into its saucer. 他呷了一小口茶,然后把杯子放回到茶托上去。
settle one's feet in the stirrups 把脚踩在马镫子上
settle one's hat on one's head 把帽子戴在头上
He settled his mother in a corner of the train compartment. 他把母亲安顿在火车车厢的一个角落里。
We were soon settled (或 soon settled ourselves) in our new house. 我们不久便在新居安顿了下来。
She settled herself in the grass. 她在草地上坐下。
settle oneself in bed for sleep 让自己在床上躺下准备睡觉
2. 使定居;使作为殖民地开拓者移居
settle one's family in the country 让家属定居于农村
The conquerors settled their own people in the land. 征服者使本国人民移居于这个国家。
3. 移民于,殖民于(某地);在…建立殖民地
The American West was hardly settled until the 15th century. 在15世纪之前,现在的美国西部几乎没有什么移民。
The English settled New England. 英国人在新英格兰建立了殖民地。
4. 确立(政体、制度等),使稳固
settle the government on a parliamentary basis 把政体确立在议会制度的基础上
5. 使立足;使成婚
settle one's son in business 使儿子立足于商界
settle one's daughter (by marriage) 使女儿的终身有归宿
6. 使(松散的东西)变得紧密(或坚实);使(道路等)变得干硬
Shake the bag to settle the flour in it: then you can pour more in. 晃动袋子把里边的面粉装紧,那样你便可再往里倒一些。
settle the soil 使泥土坚实
The dry, cool weather soon settled the fresh tar on the road. 干燥、凉爽的天气很快便使道路上新浇的柏油变得干硬了。
7. 使(目光等)停留(on, upon)
He settled his gaze on me. 他凝视着我。
A peculiar harshness settled itself on his features. 一种异样的冷酷神情出现在他的脸上。
8. 使(杂质等)沉降;使(液体)澄清
A shower will settle the dust quickly. 一场阵雨会很快使尘埃沉降。
To settle the wine (dregs), keep the bottle quite still for one day. 要使酒澄清(使渣滓沉淀),让瓶子在一天内保持绝对静止状态。
9. 帮助(食物)消化,使落胃
take a liqueur to settle one's meal 喝一杯甜酒以助胃中饭食消化
10. 使(自己)安下心来;使(神经等)镇定下来;使(心情等)平静下来;使(疼痛等)缓和下来
The class settles itself to work. 全班学生定下心来做功课。
He took a drink to settle his nerves. 他喝了一杯酒使神经镇定下来。
settle the agitated mind 使激动的心情平静下来
I gave him a pill to settle his stomach. 我给他服了一粒药丸以缓解他的胃部不适。
11. 确定;决定
settle the boundaries 确定边界
settle the order of royal succession 确定继承王位的顺序
settle a day for the meeting 确定开会的日子
Have you settled with the builders when they are to start work? 开工日期你和建筑工人商定了没有?
We've settled that we'll go to Wales, but we haven't settled how to get there. 我们已决定到威尔士去,但还没有决定怎么去。
What have you settled to do about it? 这事你决定怎么办?
Good, well, that's settled then. 好,那么事情就这样定了。
A: That car won't start. B: That settles it (或 the matter): we can't go out tonight. 甲:汽车发动不起来了。乙:那就再也没有什么可说的了(或这下可完了),今晚我们不能外出了。
12. 解决(困难、问题等);结束(纠纷、争端等);对…达成协议
The problem was settled to his satisfaction. 这个问题解决得使他感到满意。
To settle all these differences will take time. 解决所有这些分歧需要时间。
They settled their quarrel in a friendly way. 他们以友好的方式结束了争吵。
The two firms settled their disagreement out of court. 这两家商行庭外解决了争端。
13. 安排,料理(事务等)
I must settle all my affairs before leaving. 我在走之前一定要把所有事情都安排好。
These little details I leave behind for you to settle. 这些细节我留给你去料理。
14. (衣服等),使整齐
The nurse settled her patient's pillows. 护士把病人的枕头放整齐。
settle one's hat with both hands 用双手扶正帽子
15. 杀死;打昏;(通过责骂等)使规矩,使就范
He settled his enemy with a single blow. 他一拳便把敌人解决了。
A word from his father was enough to settle him. 他父亲的一句话足以使他就范。
16. 支付;结算
We still have that electricity bill to settle. 我们还有那笔电费要付。
settle the charge for a taxi 付出租车费
settle an account 结账
17. 使(雌性动物)受胎
18. (以契约、遗嘱等方式)赠与,转让(财产等)(on, upon)
He settled one thousand pounds a year on his old servant. 他每年赠给老仆1000镑。
1. (舒舒服服地)坐下;安顿下来
He took off his raincoat and settled by the fire. 他脱下雨衣,然后在炉火旁坐下。
settle (back) in a chair 在椅子里舒舒服服坐下(背往后一靠)
How long did it take you to settle in your new home? 你在新居安顿下来花了多长时间?
2. 定居;殖民,作为殖民地开拓者移居
They got married and settled near London. 他们结了婚,定居于伦敦附近。
He had settled in England. 他已定居于英国。
Many Scots settled in New Zealand. 许多苏格兰人移居于新西兰。
3. (松散的东西)变得紧密;(柏油等)变得干硬
Shaking the bag makes the sugar settle slightly. 晃动袋子会使里边的糖稍许装紧一些。
The fresh plaster settled in one hour. 1小时后新涂上的灰泥便干硬了。
4. (鸟、虫等)飞落;降落;停留
A bird settled on the bough. 鸟落停在树枝上。
The aircraft settled steadily. 飞机稳稳地降落。
A heavy fog settled over the airport. 大雾笼罩着飞机场。
Dust has settled on the furniture. 家具上已积起了灰尘。
Silence settled over the room. 房间里静了下来。
Her eyes settled on the baby. 她的目光停留在婴儿身上。
Gradually a wry smile settled on his face. 一丝苦笑渐渐浮现在他的脸上。
A cold settled in her chest. 感冒滞留使她胸腔闷塞。
5. (杂质等)沉淀;(液体因杂质沉淀而)变得清澈
The dregs settled and the coffee was clear. 渣滓沉淀,咖啡变得清纯了。
Let the wine settle before pouring. 让酒澄清一下再倒。
6. (地面、建筑物等)沉降;(车辆等)下陷;(船只)下沉
The crack in the wall is caused by the ground settling. 墙壁的裂缝是由地面沉降引起的。
The car settled in the mud. 汽车陷在泥里了。
The ship was settling by the stern. 船尾渐渐下沉。
7. (食物)落胃,消化
8. (天气、事态等)稳定下来;(表情等)固定下来(into)
The weather has settled at last. 天气终于稳定而不再多变了。
The wind has settled in the east. 吹的已是稳定的东风。
Things are settling into shape. 事态正稳定下来且渐有眉目。
His expression settled into a permanent frown. 他的脸容变得愁眉不展。
His mood had settled into a dull apathy. 他的心态已变得麻木不仁。
9. 定下心来;平静下来;安静下来;镇定下来
I cannot settle to anything today. 今天我做什么事都安不下心来。
He cannot settle to work. 他安不下心来工作。
The country, after an ugly civil war, has settled back with some success. 这个国家经过一场可怕的内战,多少算是重新平静了下来。
The children were too excited with their Christmas gifts to settle at once. 孩子们得到了圣诞节礼物,兴奋得一时安静不下来。
settle into sleep 安静下来入睡
settle into a relaxed attitude 镇定下来态度变得闲适
10. (对…)适应;习惯(于)(into)
The children have settled into their new environment. 孩子们对他们的新环境已适应。
11. 和解,结束争端,达成协议
Issac was offering to settle outside the courts for £10,000. 艾萨克主动提出出1万镑庭外解决。
On his unpaid taxes, he settled with the government for 50 p in the pound. 对于未付税款,他以每1镑税付50便士的办法和政府达成协议。
12. 决定,选定(on, upon)
settle on a plan of action 决定行动计划
The children could not settle on where to put their tent. 孩子们拿不定主意把帐篷搭在哪里。
She finally settled on the red dress. 最后她选定了那件红色连衣裙。
13. 将就,只好如此(for)
He will settle for any kind of work. 什么工作他都会将就着做。
settle for being a housewife 只好做家庭主妇
14. 还清欠款,付清费用;算账(with)
settle with a creditor 向债权人还清欠款
settle with a waiter 和服务员结账
I will settle for you. 我替你付账。
Now to settle with you! 现在跟你算账!
15. (雌性动物)受胎
[< ME settlen to seat, bring to rest < OE setlan < setl seat; 与 D zetelen 有关;SETTLE²]
phr. settle down 1. (使)舒舒服服地坐下;安顿下来
settle down to dinner 坐下来进餐
She settled (herself) down in a chair with a cup of tea, and turned on the radio. 她泡了一杯茶在椅子里坐下,然后打开收音机。
He settled down there for the night. 他在那里落脚过夜。
2. 定居;过安定的生活
His brothers were married and settled down nearby. 他的几个兄弟都已结婚,就住在附近。
I hate all this travel; I want to get married and settle down. 我厌恶这种到处奔波的生活;我要结婚,过安定的生活。
3. 适应(或习惯于)新环境(或新的生活方式等)
I'm sure the child will soon settle down in his new school. 我确信这孩子很快就会对新学校习惯起来的。
4. 平静下来;(使)安静下来
The situation has settled down. 局势已平静下来了。
Settle down, children! 孩子们,安静下来!
She settled the baby down at last. 她终于使婴儿安静下来。
5. 定下心来
settle down to (do) one's homework 安下心来做家庭作业
6. (船只)下沉
settle in 1. (帮助…)在新居安顿下来
We move house on Friday, but we'll take another week to settle in. 我们定于星期五搬家,可是要再过一星期才能安顿下来。
2. (帮助…)适应(或习惯于)新环境(或新工作等)
I haven't yet settled in in my new job; I still find it all rather strange. 我还没有习惯于我的新工作,我觉得一切都还很陌生。
The management asked experienced workers to settle their new girls in. 管理部门要求有经验的工人帮助新来的女工们适应工作。
3. (冬季、夏季等)开始,来临;(雨、雪等)开始下个不停
It settled in to snow soon after daybreak. 黎明后不久,雪开始下个不停。
settle up 1. 料理(事务)
2. 付清(欠账等),结算(账目);付清欠账(或债务等),结算账目
settle up one's debts 清偿债务
settle up an account 结账
Let's go. I've already settled up with the waiter. 咱们走吧,账我已跟服务员结清了。
You bought the tickets and I paid for the meal. Shall we settle up now? 你买了票,我付了饭钱。我们现在来算一下好吗?




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