释义 |
sem·blance /ˈsembləns/ n. 1. 外貌,外观 in semblance 在外表上 bear the semblance of an angel and the heart of a devil 具有天使的外表和恶魔的心肠 By this time some semblance of order had been restored. 到这时,秩序已在表面上有所恢复。 2. 〈古〉类似;酷似 It is a mere semblance. 这仅仅是相像罢了。 3. 假象 be wrapped in a semblance of composure 装出一副泰然自若的样子 put on a semblance of shyness 假装羞怯的样子 He always makes semblance as if he were busy. 他经常装作很忙碌的样子。 4. 少量,些微 without the semblance of surprise 毫不惊奇地 5. 幽灵,亡灵 [OFr < sembler to seem, resemble < L similāre < similis similar, like²] |