释义 |
bowl² /bəʊl/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. (草地滚木球戏中所用重心略偏的)木球;(保龄球运动中用的)圆球 2. [bowls] [用作单]草地滚木球戏(在草地进行,以球撞球);保龄球运动 3. (保龄球运动等中的)投球 4. 【机】滚筒;滚子;辊;轧辊
II ❶ vi. 1. 玩草地滚木球戏;玩保龄球;(在保龄球运动等中)投球 We'd bowl and booze there. 我们可以在那儿玩保龄球,还可以痛痛快快地喝酒。 He bowls very fast. 他球投得很快。 2. 快而稳地行驶(或移动) (along) Our car bowled along on the smooth country road. 我们的汽车快而稳地行驶在乡间平坦的公路上。 Work is bowling along nicely now. 工作目前进行得很顺利。 3. 【板】投球给击球员 ❷ vt. 1. (在滚木球运动中)把(球)投向靶球;滚(球、铁环等) a very good road for bowling hoops on 一条可以在上面滚铁环的非常好的路 2. (在保龄球运动中)得…分;完成(规定的回数) bowl 180 得180分 3. 使快而稳地行驶(或移动);使滚动 Getting out of the open doors, passengers were bowled along the platform. 旅客们从打开的门中走出来,被拥着沿站台迅速向前走去。 The wind bowled his hat down the street. 风吹得他的帽子沿街滚去。 bowl sb. off his feet 把某人击倒在地 4. 【板】投(球)给击球员;击中(三柱门),击倒(三柱门上的横木) (down) 5. 【板】(击中三柱门)迫使(击球员)退场 (out);〈主英〉使失去行动能力,最终(或彻底)击败 (out,down) The first two batsmen were bowled out. 头两个击球员被迫出场。 bowl sb. down in a debate 在辩论中驳倒某人 6. (用滚动或迅速移动的东西)击,打(down) The bullet close to the ear bowled the rhinoceros down dead. 那颗打中耳旁部位的子弹把犀牛击毙了。 7. (用车等)载,运走 [< Fr boule < L bulla ball, bubble] phr. bowl over 1. 弄倒,打翻 Caught in these reflections, I almost bowled over a man ahead of me. 我陷在沉思中,几乎把前面的一个人撞倒。2. 使困惑,把…弄糊涂;使为难 3. 使大吃一惊,使惊呆 They who play bowls must expect to meet with rubbers. 〈谚〉要玩地滚球就该玩到最后决定胜负的一场。 (或:要做事就得敢于面对困难。或:要冒险就要有不怕遭受损失的决心。) |