

单词 seal¹
释义 seal¹ /siːl/ n. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. 印记,图记,信记
a great parchment document with its official red seals 盖着官方红印的大张羊皮纸文件
He affixed his seal to the contract. 他在合约上盖印。
2. 印章,图章;玺
He wore a ring with a seal bearing his initials. 他戴着一只刻有姓名首字母的图章戒指。
the Seal of the Fisherman (镌有圣彼得渔猎图的)罗马教皇玉玺
3. 封蜡;封铅;火漆;封条;封缄
The envelope's seal was torn open. 信封封缄被撕开。
I noticed that the seals of the packet had been broken. 我注意到那只小包已被拆封。
4. 密封物(如封口胶带、 门栓);密封装置;密封垫
break the seal on a jar 打开广口瓶的封口胶带
Paint and varnish act as protective seals for woodwork. 油漆和清漆对木制品起保护密封作用。
5. (保证恪守秘密等的)约束,保证,誓约
Her vow was the seal that kept her silent. 她的誓言迫使她守口如瓶。
They were under the seal of secrecy. 他们保证严守秘密。
6. 批准
The doctors have given this new drug their seal of approval. 医生们已批准这一新药上市。
7. 标志;象征;征兆
a handshake as a seal of renewed friendship 作为恢复友谊象征的握手
Their voices held the seal of envy. 他们的嗓音里含有嫉妒的意味。
have the seal of death on one's face 脸上显出必死的样子
8. (尤指赠送向慈善事业捐款者的)装饰性贴签
9. [the seals] 公职的标记
10. (下水道)防臭弯管里少量的水
11. (天主教)告解保密(指对告解者的忏悔内容神父必须严守秘密;亦作seal of confession)

II vt.
1. 盖章于
The treaty was signed and sealed by both governments. 条约已经两国政府签字盖章。
2. (以盖章或如同盖章的方式)保证;确认,批准;使(交易、 契约等)定局
They sealed the bargain with a handshake. 他们以握手成交。
3. (度量衡器等)上盖检验印
seal the scales 在磅秤上加盖检验印
4. 封,密封
seal an envelope 封讫信封
seal the pass 封锁关隘
seal a pipe 密封管子
seal out noise 把噪声隔绝在外
5. 密闭,闭紧;钉住
seal the doors before fumigating 在熏烟消毒前把门关紧
Her lips were sealed by a promise. 她因自己曾有诺言而守口如瓶。
6. 填塞,充填
a thin rubber tube sealed at one end 一端塞住的细橡皮管
seal the cracks in the wall 填嵌墙上的裂缝
7. 决定,确定;注定
seal the restoration of friendly relations between the two countries 决定恢复两国间的友好关系
seal sb.'s fate 注定某人的命运
8. (摩门教)使(婚姻、 过继关系等)成为正式且有约束力,为(婚姻等)举行宗教仪式
9. 使(插头与插孔等)紧密接触
10. (食物)过油
[< OFr seel < L sigillum little figure < signum sign]
phr. given under sb.'s hand and seal (声明、命令等)由某人亲自签名盖章的
put (或 set) the seal on 1. 最后授权给
2. 最终使得
The continuous work pressure set the seal on his melancholy state. 持续不断的工作压力最终让他忧郁哀伤。
seal in 把…封闭在内
boats sealed in as early as November by ice on the river 早在11月就被冰封在河上的船只
The full flavour of the coffee will remain sealed in until the tin is opened.在打开罐头之前,咖啡不会走味。
seal off 封闭;封锁
Police sealed off the area and questioned everybody closely.警察封锁了这一地区并仔细盘查每一个人。
They sealed off their ancient country from the rest of the world.他们把自己古老的国家同外部世界隔绝开来。
seal of love 爱的印记,爱的保证(指接吻、结婚、生育等)
seals of office(尤指上议院议长或国务大臣的)公章
seal up 封闭,密封
Let me add a few words to the letter before you seal the envelope up. 在你把信封讫之前,让我再写几句话。
You'd better seal up that hole in the wall,it's letting the cold in.你最好把墙上那个洞堵住,寒气正从那里透进来。
set (或 put) one's seal to (或 on) 1. 在…上盖章
2. 保证;批准
3. 把自身的特征赋予
set the (或 a) seal on 使确定下来;使生效
The President's Economic Report set an official seal on conclusions long suspected by many economists.总统的经济报告把许多经济学家长期有疑问的结论正式肯定了下来。
under (one's) seal 盖上印信的
a contract under seal 盖了章的合约




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