释义 |
scum /skʌm/ n. | vi. | vt. I n. 1. 浮渣,浮垢,渣滓,(煮沸或发酵时产生的)泡沫 In some areas, a limestone scum will form in the bath when you use soap. 在某些地区,使用肥皂后洗澡水上面会形成一层石灰质浮垢。 scum left on the shore by the waves 被波浪卷到岸上的浮渣 skim off the scum 撇去浮沫 2. (死水池等中的)浮藻 The pond was covered with green scum. 池塘水面盖满了绿色浮藻。 3. 【冶】铁渣,熔渣;清炉渣块 4. 垃圾,废物,污物 5. 〈口〉卑贱的人;〈喻〉渣滓 These so-called football supporters are scum. 这些所谓的足球迷都是社会渣滓。 Scum like him should be put up against a wall and shot! 像他这种坏蛋应该被押到刑场大墙前一枪崩了!
II (scummed; scum·ming) ❶ vi. 起泡沫(或浮渣等);盖满泡沫(或浮渣等) ❷ vt. 1. 去除(泡沫等),撇去(浮沫等) 2. 在…上形成泡沫(或浮沫等);在…上盖满渣垢 A thick mist scummed the windshields. 浓雾给挡风玻璃蒙上一层水沫。 [Gmc; 与 OHG scūm foam,froth,MD schūm, OFr escume 有关] |