释义 |
scrub¹ /skrʌb/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I (scrubbed; scrub·bing) ❶ vt. 1. 用力擦洗;擦净,擦亮 scrub the floor 擦洗地板 The child scrubbed his mouth with his handkerchief. 孩子用手帕把嘴擦干净。 scrub oneself with a towel 用毛巾擦身 All of the marble stones were scrubbed white. 所有的大理石都擦得洁白。 2. 擦掉,刷掉 scrub dirt off the walls 把墙上的污垢擦掉 3. 擦,揉 scrub one's eyes 揉眼睛 4. 【化】涤(气),洗(气) 5. (施行手术前)(医生)擦洗并消毒(手和臂) 6. 〈口〉取消;推迟(宇宙飞行等) Ground control scrubbed the spacewalk. 地面控制取消了太空行走。 7. (车手在架车时为减低速度)让(车轮)滑过(或擦过)地面 8. 〈俚〉废除;去除;不加考虑 Scrub your vacation plans — there's work to do! 放弃你们的度假计划吧,有工作要干呢! ❷ vi. 1. 用力擦洗 I fetched water and scrubbed at the bloodstains. 我提了水来擦洗血迹。 I got paint on my hands and it won't scrub off. 我手上沾了漆,擦洗不掉了。 2. (施行手术前)(医生)把手和臂擦洗消毒(up) 3. (减速时车轮)滑过地面,擦过地面
II n. 1. 擦洗;擦净 The floor needs a good scrub. 这地板需要好好擦洗一下。 2. 擦洗者 3. 取消的宇宙飞行(或部分飞行任务等) 4. 〈俚〉名声不好的女人;娼妓 5. (洗脸用的)磨砂膏 6. [scrubs] (医生做手术时穿的经过特殊消毒的)防护衣 [< MLG schrubben] phr. scrub out 1. 擦掉,擦净 Please scrub the bath out. 请把浴缸擦洗干净。2. 取消 scrub out an order 取消命令 3. 分离出 scrub round 〈英口〉规避 |