

单词 screen
释义 screen /skriːn/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 屏;幕,帘,帐,幔;隔板;(教堂的)祭坛围屏,(教堂中唱诗班周围的)装饰性围屏
a folding screen 折叠屏风
a tall Oriental screen separating the living room from the dining room 把起居室与餐室分隔开的东方式高屏风
2. (金属、 塑料等制的)纱窗;纱门
3. 掩蔽物;警戒幕;屏护部队;屏护舰队
prepare the attack behind a screen of trees 在树林的掩蔽下准备袭击
4. 掩护,庇护
under the screen of night 在夜幕的掩护下
put on a smile as a screen for one's anger 装出笑容以掩饰自己的愤怒
His job at the embassy was just a screen for his life as a spy. 他在大使馆的工作不过是间谍生涯的一种掩护。
5. (电影、 幻灯等的)银幕;(电视、 电脑等的)屏幕
a wide screen film 宽银幕电影
the viewers watching the home screen 坐在家里看电视的观众
6. [the screen][总称]电影;电影业;电影界;电影艺术
a play written for the screen 电影剧本
stars of the screen 电影明星
7. 粗筛,圆眼筛;滤网;过滤器
a coal screen 煤筛
8. 筛选;甄别,审查;试测;筛选(或甄别等)的方法
9. 屏蔽;荧光屏
an electric screen 电屏(蔽板)
10. = screen grid
11. = focusing screen
12. 网屏,网版
13. 主美掩护(动作)
14. (置于球场两端可移动的)屏挡
15. 布告板;展览板
16. (汽车等的)挡风玻璃
17. = screen pass
18. 屏蔽
19. 百叶箱
20. 屏幕显示栏(或图像)

II vt.
1. 遮;遮蔽;掩护;包庇
screen one's eyes with hands 用手遮住自己的眼睛
I moved in front of her trying to screen her. 我挪到她的前面想去掩护她。
The wife tried to screen her guilty husband. 妻子试图包庇自己犯罪的丈夫。
2. (用屏风、 隔板等)隔开(off)
Part of the bedroom was screened off. 卧室的一部分由屏风隔开。
3. 放映(电影);播放(电视节目);把(幻灯片等)放映在银幕上
a new film first screened only last month 上月才首次放映的新电影
They tried to prevent the programme being screened. 他们企图阻止播放这一节目。
4. (用电影摄影机)拍摄
5. (故事、 戏剧等)改编成电影
6. (煤等);筛分
screen sand 筛沙
7. 筛选;审查,甄别;测试;检查
screen new members 挑选新会员
screen the newspapers and letters 审查报纸和信件
The Secret Service screens several hundred people every week. 特工机关每星期甄别几百个人。
screen dangerous chemicals 测试危险化学品
Twenty carefully screened people were invited to meet the Queen. 邀请了经过仔细审查的20人去见女王。
women screened for breast cancer 作乳腺癌检查的妇女
8. 给…装帘(或纱窗等)
Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes and flies. 给窗子装上了纱窗以防蚊蝇。
9. 屏蔽
10. 加网印刷
1. (适合于)上银幕
That play (actor) screens well (badly). 那个剧本(演员)(不适)于拍电影。
2. 掩护
[< OFr escren; 与 OHG skrank, Ger Schrank cupboard 有关]
phr. screen out 1. (用帘等)遮住
The curtains screen out the sunlight.窗帘遮住阳光。
2. (经筛选)去除;消除
screen out people who would not do the job well 剔除那些不肯好好干这项工作的人
screen out disturbing noises 消除恼人的噪音




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