

单词 scrape
释义 scrape /skreɪp/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 刮,擦,刮削;刮(或擦)
scrape one's boots 刮净靴底
scrape one's chin 剃胡须
scrape a ship's bottom 刮船底
scrape the door before painting it again 在重新油漆前把门擦净
You never even scraped a carrot for dinner. 你甚至从来没有为做饭削过一根胡萝卜。
2. 刮落,擦去,削掉(off,away)
scrape the mud from one's boots 刮去靴底的泥
scrape off the paint on the wall 刮掉墙上油漆
Before eating,scrape the mould from the surface. 在吃之前把表面上的霉斑刮掉。
3. 擦伤;刮破
Mary scraped her knee when she fell. 玛丽跌了一跤,擦伤了膝盖。
4. 刮擦…使发出刺耳声
He scraped his chair on the floor. 他嘎嘎地在地板上拖动椅子。
The bow scrapes the fiddle. 弓在提琴上拉出刺耳的声响。
5. 挖出,挖成;刮成
The child scraped a hole in the sand. 那孩子在沙中刨了一个洞。
scrape one's initials on the rock 在岩石上刻刮出自己姓名的首字母
6. (艰难地)凑集,积攒;勉强过(日子)
scrape together some money 凑集一笔钱
scrape a living 勉强糊口
7. (头发)从前额朝后梳拢(back)
8. 刮磨(表面);刮削(轴承等)
9. (用推土机等)铲平(未铺的路面)
10. 薄薄地涂上(黄油)
1. 刮,擦
branches scraping against the window 擦着窗子的树枝
2. (或擦)出刺耳声
A chair scraped on the floor. 椅子在地板上拖得嘎嘎响。
The lift doors scraped back. 电梯的门咔嚓关上。
3. (艰难地)积攒钱财,节省;勉强过日子
Many people scraped and saved to get their boys into boarding schools. 许多人为把儿子送进寄宿学校念书而节衣缩食。
4. (鞠躬时)一脚擦地后退
5. 吱吱嘎嘎地拉琴

II n.
1. 刮,擦,刮削;挖
2. 擦伤(处);擦痕
a scrape on the skin 皮肤擦伤处
suffer a few cuts and scrapes 有几处给割破和擦伤
3. 刮擦声
I heard the scrape of his chair as he shifted in his seat. 我听到他在座位上转动身子时椅子发出的嘎嘎声。
the clink and scrape of knives and forks 刀叉的丁当声和刮擦声
the scrape of footsteps up the stairs 上楼时嚓嚓的脚步声
4. 窘境,困境
He soon got into scrapes. 他不久便陷入窘境。
How to get out of the scrape I was in? 怎样来摆脱我所处的尴尬局面呢?
5. 争吵,冲突
get into a scrape with a political opponent 与政敌发生冲突
6. (鞠躬时)一脚擦地的后退
7. (涂在面包上的)薄层黄油
8. 美俚剃胡须,刮脸
9. 刮宫(尤指人工流产)
10. (木管乐器的)哨片边缘;哨片削制式样
[< ON skrapa; 与 D schrapen, OE screpan to scratch 有关]
phr. a scrape of the pen 主苏格兰便条,便笺
bow and scrape 见 bow²
pinch and scrape 见 pinch¹
scrape a leg 见 leg
scrape along 1. (沿…)擦过
scrape along a wall 擦墙而过
2. 勉强度日
scrape along on one's small pension 靠菲薄的养老金勉强度日
scrape and screw 吝啬,小气
scrape away 1. 不断地刮(或擦、削)
She scraped away at the skin until it was clean.她擦了又擦,直到皮肤干净为止。
2. 刮去,擦去,削掉
scrape away dead tissue 刮去坏死的组织
scrape by 勉强生活
scrape by on very small wages 靠菲薄工资过活
scrape down 1. 用砂纸磨擦…的表面使其光洁
scrape down a wall 砂光墙的表面
2. 主英用脚擦地板发出噪声干扰(演讲者)
scrape in (或 into) 勉强进入
He only just scraped into university.他只是刚刚够格勉强进入大学。
scrape one's feet 见 foot
scrape out 1. 擦去;擦净…的内部;把…掏空
scrape out a word 擦掉一词
scrape out the sticky saucepan 把粘糊糊的平底锅擦干净
2. 挖掘
She scraped out a hollow place in the ground.她在地上挖了个坑。
3. 扒出,挖出
scrape out ashes from a furnace 从炉子里扒出炉灰
scrape (the bottom of) the barrel 见 barrel
scrape through 1. 艰难地生活
2. 困难地(或勉强地)通过
scrape through a narrow opening 好不容易地钻过狭洞
I just scraped through my exams this summer.今年夏天我考试勉强及格。
scrape (up) an acquaintance with sb. 见 acquaintance
scrape up (或 together) 1. 刮拢,扒拢
scrape up the last spoonful of the pudding 刮拢最后一匙布丁
2. (艰难地)凑集;积攒;拼凑
scrape the amount up by borrowing from the friends 靠向朋友们借钱凑齐那笔数额
scrape together money for a new car 凑集买新汽车的钱
She scraped up a story about visiting her aunt, but no one believed it.她胡诌了去看姑妈的一席话,但无人相信。
scrimp and scrape 见 scrimp




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