

单词 school¹
释义 school¹ /skuːl/ n. | vt. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. (中、 小)学校
a school with more than 1300 pupils 有1300余名学生的学校
Which school do you go to? 你在哪所学校念书?
She goes to the school down the road. 她在路那头的那所学校念书。
2. 专科学校
an art school 艺术学校
a dancing school 舞蹈学校
3. [不用冠词]上学;学业,功课;学校教育
attend school 上学
Is the child old enough for school? 这个孩子已到入学年龄了吗?
Do you like school? 你喜欢上学读书吗?
School isn't hard, is it? 功课不难,是吗?
give up school 辍学
He finished school at sixteen and went to work. 他16岁完成学业便开始工作。
4. 上课时间;学期
School begins at 8 o'clock. 8点钟开始上课。
walk home after school 下课后步行回家
There's no school today because of the snowstorm. 今天由于暴风雪而停课。
the date when school begins 学校开学的日期
5. 全校师生;全校学生
a teacher liked by the whole school 全校师生都喜爱的教师
She gave a talk to the school. 她向全校学生作了一次演讲。
a good relationship between the school and the parent 教师和家长间的良好关系
6. 学校建筑物,校舍
build a new school 造一新校舍
take a look at the school 参观学校
7. 学院;(大学的)系;美口大学
the School of Law 法学院
the School of African and Asian Studies 亚非研究学院
In the philosophy school we appointed two professors. 在哲学系我们任命了两名教授。
He got his bachelor's degree at one of the finest schools in the country. 他在该国最好的一所大学获得学士学位。
8. 获得知识的方式(或活动、 环境、 场所等);锻炼
Experience was his school. 经验就是他的学校。
go through the hard school of adversity 经受逆境的磨炼
9. 训练班,短训班
the one-day schools that we run for teachers 我们开办的师资一日训练班
10. 学派,流派
different schools of thought 各种不同的思想流派
the Kantian school 康德学派
the Impressionist school 印象派
the laissez-faire school of economics 经济学中的自由放任派
11. (指传统、 意见、 生活方式相同的一群人)
a gentleman of the old school 老派绅士
She's of the school that believes in doing as little work as possible. 她属于那种能少做就尽量少做的一类人。
12. [schools]学术界
the view accepted by the schools 学术界接受的观点
13. 大学学位考试科目;学位考试考场;[schools]学位考试
be in for one's schools 参加学位考试
in the Schools (at Oxford) 在接受(牛津大学)学位考试
14. 考古研究中心
British School at Athens 雅典的英国考古中心
15. 一伙赌徒(或酒友等)
16. 训练教程;(按教程进行的)操练
the school of the soldier 士兵的操练
17. (中世纪的)书院,经院
18. (特定音乐表演或音乐理论体系的)教材

II vt.
1. 教育;使学会;培养;训练
They were professionals,schooled in social research. 他们是在社会研究方面受过教育的专业人员。
School yourself to control temper. 要学会控制自己的脾气。
The teacher schooled his pupils in the social graces. 教师教会学生社交风度。
a dog well schooled in obedience 在服从方面受过良好训练的狗
be schooled by adversity 受逆境磨炼
2. 使受学校教育;负担…的学费
3. 控制
school one's feelings 控制自己的感情
4. 指导…表演
school sb. in the part he is to play 指导某人表演分派给他的角色
5. (马)
6. 谴责

III a.
1. 学校的;学院的
a school song 校歌
a school semester 学期
the school curriculum 学校课程
2. (中世纪书院)教师的
[< OE scōl < L schola < Gr skholē leisure spent in the pursuit of knowledge, school, discussion]
phr. at school 在学校;在上课;在求学
begin school 开始上学
Most children begin school when they are six.大部分儿童在6岁开始上学。
cut school 逃学
go to school 1. 开始求学,上学;上大学
2. 到校上课
I go to school at 7:30 every morning.我每天早上7点半到校上课。
go to school to sb. 受教于某人;模仿某人
in school = at school
keep a school 办私立学校
leave (或 quit) school 1. (学生)辍学;(教师)退职
2. (毕业)离校
3. 放学回家
start school = begin school
stay away from school旷课
talk out of school 揭人隐私,背后讲人坏话
teach school 教书,当教师
tell tales (out of school) 见 tale
the school of hard knocks 艰苦生活的磨炼;社会经历
He never went to college; he was educated in the school of hard knocks. 他从未上过大学,而是从奋斗经历中受教育的。




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