

单词 scent
释义 scent /sent/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 香味;气味
the overpowering scent of garden flowers 强烈的花园花香
When you're choosing which flower to plant, appearance and scent should both be considered. 当你选择种什么花时,外观和香味都应考虑。
the sweet scent of roses 玫瑰的芳香
a nasty scent of stale tobacco 霉烟草的难闻气味
2. 嗅觉
A dog has keen scent. 狗具有灵敏的嗅觉。
3. (动物的)遗臭,臭迹
a hot (cold) scent 强烈(隐淡)的臭迹
The dog sniffed the air, trying to pick up their scent. 那狗嗅嗅空气,试图闻出他们的臭迹。
4. 踪迹;线索
follow up the scent 追踪
lose (recover) the scent 失去(重新找到)线索
5. 迹象;预示
a scent of trouble 要出现麻烦的迹象
a scent of profits 行将获利的迹象
6. 察觉能力(或本能)
have a keen scent for an error 对错误有敏锐的察觉能力
a scent for heresy 发现左道邪说的本能
7. (“狗捉兔子”游戏中)撒在地上表示兔子踪迹的纸屑
8. 香水
a bottle of scent 一瓶香水
The girl uses too much scent. 这姑娘总是用过多的香水。
9. (狩猎或钓鱼时用的)混合诱饵料

II vt.
1. 嗅,闻,嗅到
dogs scenting a fox 嗅到狐狸的狗
2. 察觉;感觉;预感
scent spring in the air 感到春天的气息
scent danger (treachery) 发觉危险(背叛行为)
scent victory for the candidate 预感这名候选人会获胜
As soon as he came into the room I scented trouble. 他一走进房间,我就感到要有麻烦了。
3. 使充满气味
Rose scents the room. 玫瑰花使房间充满芳香。
scented soap 香皂
4. 在…上洒香水
scent a handkerchief 在手帕上洒香水
1. 闻着气味追猎,嗅猎
Dogs scent after rabbits. 狗循臭味追猎野兔。
2. 发出气味(of)
This tube scents of sulphur. 这个试管有硫磺气味。
3. 具有迹象(of)
[< OFr sentir to sense < L sentīre to feel; 见 SENSE]
phr. on a wrong (或 false) scent (猎狗)追错方向;循着错误的线索追踪;迷失方向
on the (right) scent (猎狗)循臭迹追猎;获得线索,找对线索
The dog was running along on the scent of a rabbit.狗正跑着追踪野兔。
The police are on the scent of the thieves.警察在追踪窃贼。
scent out 闻到,嗅出;觉察到
throw (或 put) off the scent (猎物)使(猎狗)追错方向;使失去线索;使迷失方向
The robbers went different ways hoping to throw the police off the scent. 强盗四处逃散,想把追捕的警察甩掉。




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