释义 |
sar·dine¹ /sɑːˈdiːn,ˈsɑːd-/ n. | vt. | phr. I ([复] -dine(s)) n. 1. 【鱼】沙丁鱼,鳁 sardine oil 沙丁(鱼)油 2. [sardines] [用作单]〈英〉挤沙丁捉迷藏(游戏)(一人躲藏,寻到者逐个挤入同一躲藏处,直至最后剩下一人为输)
II vt. 〈口〉使紧紧挤在一起,使拥挤 Thousands of people were sardined into the theatre. 戏院里挤进了好几千人。 [OFr < Ital sardina < L sardīna, 指小词 < sarda fish suitable for pickling, 原义:Sardinian fish] phr. packed like sardines (像沙丁鱼般)紧紧挤在一起,拥挤 We rode on the subway at rush hour, packed like sardines. 我们在交通高峰时间乘坐地铁,拥挤不堪。 |