释义 |
sap² /sæp/ vt. | vi. | n. I (sapped; sap·ping) ❶ vt. 1. 在…下挖掘;〈古〉逐渐侵蚀(或破坏)…的基础 Sapped by floods, the houses fell. 那些屋子受洪水的冲蚀而倾坍。 2. 削弱,破坏;〈喻〉挖…的墙脚 sap the leadership of the King 削弱国王的统治 sap unity 破坏团结 The country was sapped by social decay. 这个国家由于社会腐败而变得虚弱不堪。 His health was sapped by the damp climate. 潮湿的气候损害了他的健康。 3. 挖坑道逼近(敌方阵地);在…下挖坑道 ❷ vi. (旧时)挖坑道;使用坑道;通过挖坑道逼近敌方阵地
II n. 1. (旧时的)坑道;坑道的挖掘 2. 削弱,破坏;〈喻〉挖墙脚 [< Ital zappa spade¹ < ?] |