释义 |
rus·tling /ˈrʌslɪŋ/ n. | a. I n. 1. 沙沙声,簌簌声,瑟瑟声 the rustling of dry leaves 枯叶的沙沙作响 the rustling of rain 雨的淅沥声 There was a rustling of dresses. 有一阵女服的窸窣声。 She heard strange rustlings in the bushes. 她听见灌木丛中有奇怪的窸窣声。 2. 偷牲口;偷牛
II a. 发出沙沙声的,窸窸窣窣的 rustling silk (leaves) 沙沙作响的丝绸(叶子) She made a rustling noise with the paper. 她把报纸弄出窸窸窣窣的声音。