

单词 rust
释义 rust /rʌst/ n. | vi. | vt. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. 锈;铁锈
Iron gathers rust easily. 铁易生锈。
rub the rust off a knife 把刀子上的锈擦去
The ironwork balustrade was red with rust. 铁栏杆因生锈而呈红色。
2. 铁锈般形成物;铁锈般斑迹
3. 铁锈色,赭色
a deep rust 深赭色
4. 腐蚀作用,有害影响
the rust of idleness 游手好闲的腐蚀作用
5. (因长期不用或不活动而致的)衰退状态;(脑子等的)发锈;迟钝;懒散;(能力等的)荒废,荒疏
read to keep one's mind from rust 阅读以使脑子不生锈
6. 锈病;锈菌(亦作 rust fungus)
wheat rust 小麦锈病

II vi.
1. 生锈
Iron rusts. 铁会生锈。
rust from disuse 由于不使用而生锈
The lock has rusted and needs oil. 锁生锈了,需要上油。
2. (脑子等)发锈,衰退;变迟钝;变陈腐;(能力等)荒废,荒疏,变生疏
a mind that has rusted 生锈的迟钝头脑
He allowed his talent to rust over the years. 他任由自己的才能荒废经年。
3. 成铁锈色
The leaves slowly rusted. 叶子慢慢变成了红褐色。
4. 患锈病
1. 使(金属)生锈;使锈蚀
The rain will rust the iron roof. 雨水将使铁皮屋顶生锈。
2. 使(脑子等)发锈,使衰退;使迟钝;使陈腐;使(能力等)荒废,使荒疏
A six-year layoff has not rusted his technique. 他下岗6年,但技术并未荒疏。
3. 使患锈病
4. 使成铁锈色

III a.
a rust carpet 红褐色的地毯
[OE; 与 rēad red¹ 有关]
phr. better wear out than rust out 见 wear¹
rust away (使)因生锈而烂掉
The lock has completely rusted away so the door opened easily. 锁锈烂了,所以门一推就开。
His contribution was very great. It can never rust away. 他的贡献极大,将永垂不朽。
rust out 1. 锈蚀,锈坏
This boiler is rusted out. 这个锅炉已锈坏。
Trouble rusts out the system. 麻烦事伤身。
2. 因缺少活动而丧失活力
He was too lazy to exert himself and rusted out long before his time. 他懒于活动,因此早就未老先衰了。
a. n.




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