

单词 run
释义 run /rʌn/ vi. | vt. | n. | a. | phr.
I (ran /ræn/, run;run·ning)

1. 跑,奔;(马等)奔驰
He was running quickly. 他飞快地跑着。
run to see what's happening 跑去看发生了什么事
2. 赶快
run for the doctor 赶紧去请医生
Run upstairs and get the iodine. 快上楼去把碘酒拿来。
3. 逃,逃跑;逃避
He dropped his gun and ran. 他扔下枪就逃。
run for one's life 逃命
run from danger 逃离危险
4. (自由)走动;到处跑,东奔西走
let the chickens run loose 让小鸡自由活动
He had been running all over Paris to find you. 他跑遍整个巴黎想找到你。
5. (和…)交往,结伴;(尤指雄性动物与雌性动物)交配(with)
run with a wild crowd 与一伙行为放荡的人为伍
The heifers ran with the Hereford bull and produced their first calf. 小母牛与这头海福特公牛交配,生下了第一头小牛。
6. 跑步;参加赛跑;赛跑得名次
He has been running for 12 years. 他坚持跑步已有12年。
run in the 100 metres 参加百米赛跑
The horse ran last. 这匹马跑了个殿军。
7. 竞选,当候选人
run for President (或 the presidency) 竞选总统
He will not be running in the next election. 下届竞选他不准备参加。
8. 快速游动;(鱼在产卵期)洄游
A trout took the fly and ran upstream. 一条真鳟咬住假蝇向上游快速游去。
The salmon runs up the river. 鲑鱼是溯江洄游的。
9. (车、船)行驶;快速行进;定时行驶,(在两地间)往来
Trains run on rails. 火车是在轨道上行驶的。
a ship running before the wind 顺风疾驶的船
The 10:00 train is not running today. 10点钟那班火车今天停驶。
Buses run every five minutes. 公共汽车每5分钟一班。
Steamers run daily between France and England. 法英之间每日有班轮往返。
10. (雪橇等)滑动;(球、车轮等)滚动,转动;(机器等)开动,运转;(电影胶卷、录音带等)卷动;(电影)被放映;(录音带等)被放音
Curtains run on metal rods. 窗帘是在金属棒上滑动的。
keep the engine of the car running while waiting 在等候的时候不让汽车引擎熄火
How does your new watch run? 你的新手表走得怎么样?
The film began to run. 电影开映了。
11. (河水、潮水等)流动
The current is running strong. 水流湍急。
The river runs clear (thick). 河中流水清澈(浑浊)
12. (水、眼泪等液体)流出
The water is running out of the pipe into the bucket. 水正从管道中流出注入水桶。
Tears ran from his eyes. 他落泪了。
The sweat ran off her forehead. 汗水从她的前额淌下。
13. (眼、鼻等)排出液体;(水斗等)排水;(水龙头等)渗漏;腹泻
His eyes ran with tears. 他落泪了。
His face was running with sweat. 他汗流满面。
The sore on his leg ran for three days. 他腿上的疮流了3天脓。
His nose runs. (或: He runs at the nose.) 他经常流鼻涕。
The sink isn't running. 水斗不通了。
14. 流满液体;(浴缸)被放满水
The streets ran with blood. 街道上血流成河。
The bath is running for you. 正在为你放浴缸洗澡水。
15. (固体)融化流动
It was such a hot day that the butter ran. 那天天气热得连黄油都融化了。
The wax ran when the candle was lit. 蜡烛被点燃后,蜡便融化流淌。
16. (墨水等)渗开;(织物上的染料)渗化;(织物落水后)渗色
The dyes in this fabric are guaranteed not to run in washing. 这种织物所用的染料保证不会在洗涤时渗化。
materials which run when washed 洗涤时渗色的衣料
17. (道路等)伸展,延展
The road runs north. 这条道路向北伸展。
The reef runs parallel to the coast. 暗礁与海岸平行。
a tunnel running from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea 从地中海通到死海的隧道
Walls run for about two miles around the old city. 城墙围绕着旧城,长约2英里。
The shelves of the library run from floor to ceiling. 在这个图书馆里,书架从地板到天花板与墙壁齐高。
18. 蔓延;(藤本植物)蔓生,攀缘
Fire ran along the street. 火势沿着街道蔓延。
A cold shiver ran up (或 down) her spine. 她全身一哆嗦。
Early squashes are beginning to run. 早熟南瓜在长藤蔓了。
ivy running over a cottage wall 爬满村舍墙壁的常春藤
19. (谣言等)迅速传播,扩散
The rumour runs that he is going to resign. 谣传他要辞职了。
The news ran like wildfire. 消息很快像野火般传开。
Speculation ran rife on who the candidate would be. 关于谁将当候选人,流传着种种猜测。
20. 主美(针织品等)脱针;(长统袜等)抽丝,纵向脱散
Silk stockings run more easily than nylons. 丝织长统袜比尼龙长统袜容易抽丝。
21. (活动、报道等) 继续,持续;(戏等)连演
The monsoon had six weeks more to run. 雨季还要继续6个星期。
His talk ran endlessly on his only son. 他刺刺不休地谈论他的独生子。
The foreword of the book runs for five pages. 这本书的前言长达5页。
The play had run for only a week. 这戏只演了1星期。
22. (工作等)进行
Is everything running well in your office? 你们办公室里一切都进行得很顺利吗?
His life runs smoothly. 他生活顺意。
Our careers seem to run on parallel lines. 看来我们的事业是在齐头并进。
23. (性格、特征等)反复重现,世代相传;(往事、曲调等)反复浮现,萦绕于脑际
Twins run in the family. 这一家族中历来多孪生儿。
His words were running in my head all day. 他的话整天在我的脑海中萦回。
24. (在大小、数量等方面)大体上具有共同特点;(在一个时期内生产率等)保持在特定水平
Potatoes are running large this year. 今年土豆一般长得硕壮。
Oats run forty-four pounds to the bushel. 燕麦的重量一般每蒲式耳为44磅。
Urban unemployment is running at 20 percent. 当前,城市失业率保持在20%。
25. 包括所有项目(或各种类别)
the nations of Africa running alphabetically from Algeria to Zimbabwe 按字母顺序从阿尔及利亚到津巴布韦的所有非洲国家
Shades run from white to dark grey. 颜色的浓淡从白到深灰,色色俱全。
26. [后接形容词]变得
The well has run dry. 井已干涸。
run mad 发狂
The engine ran hot. 引擎发烫了。
He ran hot. 他发火了。
27. (时间)流逝
How fast the years run by! 岁月流逝得好快!
The days ran into weeks. 日子一天天过去,转瞬就是几个星期。
28. (在报刊上)登出,刊出
The account ran in all the papers. 这篇报道各报都刊登了。
29. (话语等的内容)被表达
The letter runs as follows. 信的内容如下。
His reasoning ran thus. 他是这样推理的。
30. 挤兑,挤提
run on a bank 向银行挤提存款
31. (债利等)积欠
Your interest on the loan runs from July 1st. 你的借贷利息从7月1日起算。
32. 具有法律效力;并存,成为不可分割(with)
The lease runs for two more years. 租约有效期还有两年。
A right-of-way runs with the land. 他人对这块土地有通行权。
33. 急唱;急奏
34. 美橄持球跑动进攻;跑动(指击球员击出好球后与陪跑员同时完成一次交换位置的对跑)
1. 在…上奔跑;跑(一段距离)
Every morning he ran the dirt road to keep fit. 每天早晨他在泥路上跑步以保持健康。
run the entire distance 跑完全程
He ran the mile in just over four minutes. 他以4分钟稍多一点的时间跑完1英里。
2. 靠奔跑进行;似以奔跑完成
run a race (with sb.) (同某人)比赛跑
run errands (messages) 替人跑腿(传信)
3. (马)奔驰,策(马)奔跑;使奔跑得
The jockey ran the horse up and down the track. 骑师骑着马在跑道上来回奔驰。
run a horse until it is exhausted 使马跑得筋疲力尽
He ran himself out of breath trying to keep pace. 他想跟上别人的步伐进而跑得上气不接下气。
4. 与…赛跑;使(马、狗)参加赛跑
I will run him two miles. 我要和他比2英里赛跑。
He ran two horses in the Derby. 他让两匹马参加德比马赛。
5. 提出(候选人);提出(某人)参加竞选
The party is running three candidates in the next election. 该党准备在下届选举中提出3名候选人。
run sb. for mayor 提名某人参加市长竞选
6. 离开;逃离,从…逃跑
run one's country 逃离本国
7. 在…自由走动
Never let children run the streets. 决不可让孩子们在街道上奔跑戏耍。
8. 驱赶,追赶(动物);追捕,追踪(猎物等);追查,探究
run a cow into the barn 把母牛赶进牲口棚
The wolves ran our sheep in the night. 夜间,狼追逐我们的羊。
run deer on foot 徒步猎鹿
run a criminal to earth 追踪再三而终于找到罪犯
run a rumour back to its source 追查谣言的来源
9. 使滑动,使自由移动
run a rope in a pulley 使绳在滑轮上滑动
10. 驾驶(车、船),使行进;(由于失误等)(车、船)开得偏离方向
We ran our boat into a cove. 我们把船开进了小海湾。
She ran the car off the road. 她驾车驶离了公路。
run a ship aground 使船搁浅
11. 使(车、船)定时往来(于两地间)
run a train between Boston and Washington 在波士顿和华盛顿之间开一班列车
They don't run the ferries here in winter. 这里冬季渡轮停驶。
run extra trains during holidays 节日增开列车
12. (用车、船)载送;捎带
I'll run you home in my car. 我用汽车送你回家。
Can you run the book to the library for me? 你可以替我把这本书带到图书馆去吗?
13. 开动(机器),使运转;操作(机器);拥有并使用(设备);放映(电影或电视录像)
They ran the presses 24 hours a day. 他们日夜开动印刷机。
run a computer 操作计算机
A freezer doesn't cost much to run. 使用冰箱花钱不多。
run a short video clip taken at a wedding 放映一个在婚礼上拍下的录像片段
14. 使(发动机等)空转
On cold days he would run the car motor to prevent stalling. 冷天,他常常使汽车的马达空转以防抛锚。
15. 经营;管理;开办;指挥(政党等)
run a shop 经营一爿商店
run one's own life 管理自己的生活
We've run a course for the local teachers. 我们已为当地教师办了一个进修班。
The chairman ran the meeting well. 主席主持会议井井有条。
16. 放牧(牛、羊等)澳新(牛、羊等)提供牧草;饲养(家畜、家禽)
They run sixty head of cattle on their ranch. 他们在牧场上放牧60头牛。
land that will run three sheep to the acre 每英亩可为3头羊提供牧草的土地
run 2,000,000 chickens a year 每年饲养200万只小鸡
17. 进行(试验、实验、分析、活动等)
Check everything and run the whole test again. 把一切检查一下,然后把试验全部重做一遍。
run a battle with the council 跟理事会进行一场战斗
run a game on people (黑人用语)向人们骗取钱财
18. 偷运(走私物品等)
run arms across the border 把武器偷运过边境
19. 偷越;冲过;闯过(红色交通信号灯)
run a blockade 偷越封锁线
run the rapids in a canoe 驾独木舟冲过急流
Could you run a few lights? I'm in a hurry. 你能闯几个红灯吗?我有急事。
20. 使(水等液体)流注;用(水龙、浇水软管等)浇水
run water into a glass 把水注入玻璃杯
Uncle Ted ran the hose over the lawn. 特德叔叔用软管浇灌草坪。
21. 流满(液体);把(浴盆)放满水
The street ran oil after an oil truck overturned. 一辆装运石油的卡车翻车后,街道上流满石油。
She ran a hot tub for him. 她替他在澡盆里放满热水。
22. (眼睛、沟渠等)排出(液体)
Her eyes ran hot tears. 她的双眼流出热泪。
The wound ran blood. 伤口流血。
a drain that runs 50 gallons of water every minute 每分钟排水50加仑的排水沟
The well ran 500 barrels of oil daily. 这口井每天出石油500桶。
23. 浇铸;熔铸
run bullets 浇铸子弹
run gold into ingots 把金子熔铸成金锭
24. 对…加工,提炼;制造
run oil in a still 在蒸馏器里提炼油
The factory runs 50,000 gallons of paint a day. 这家工厂每天制造油漆5万加仑。
25. 使(道路等)伸展,使延展在两点间;引伸
run a road into the hills 修筑道路使之通入山区
run a pipe underneath a building 在建筑物下敷设管道
run a partition across a room 设置隔板隔开房间
run a simile too far 把一个明喻用得牵强附会
26. 画,标出(界线等)
run a contour line on a map 在地图上画等高线
27. 直线(快)缝,疏缝
run a hem 疏缝衣服折边
28. 使(长统袜等针织物)抽丝,使纵向脱散
run one's stocking on a nail 在钉子上把长统袜钩得抽丝
29. (连续)出版;(连续)刊登
run a review 刊登一则评论
run an ad in the paper for a week 把一则广告在报上刊登1星期
The newspaper ran the story on page one. 报纸把这篇报道刊登在第一版。
30. (话语等)原话为
Social differentiation, the argument runs, will produce democracy. 论点的原话是:社会分化会产生民主政治。
“Attack on Mother-to-Be,” ran the Evening News headline. 晚报的标题是:“即将做母亲的女人受到攻击”。
31. 使(欠账等)积累;挂(账),积欠(账款)
The government is running a huge deficit. 政府正在积累数目巨大的赤字。
run an account at a grocery 在食品杂货店里赊账购货
He ran a large tab at the club. 他在俱乐部里积欠了一大笔账款。
32. 价格为;使花费
This watch runs £100. 这块手表的价钱为100镑。
The car repair will run you a couple of hundred at least. 修理这辆汽车至少要花掉你两三百块钱。
33. (险)
run the risk of discovery 冒被发现的危险
run a chance of being killed 冒被杀害的危险
34. (烧),有(热度)
run a temperature 发烧
He is still running a low fever. 他还有低热。
You're warm, Christie. You must be running a hundred and one. 克里斯蒂,你身子好烫,你的体温定在101(华氏)度光景。
35. 执行(程序);进行(计算)
36. 击球跑动得(分)
37. (桥牌)连拿,连续打出(同花色大牌)
38. 高尔夫(球)使之触地后滚动,使(球)在球穴区滚动
39. 连续完成(击球)
40. 美橄使(比赛)进行;把(比赛)比完

II n.
1. 跑步,奔跑;(马等的)奔驰
take a run around the block 围绕街区跑步一圈
break into a run 突然奔跑起来
2. 赛跑;奔跑的步伐;奔跑的能力(或气力)
a cross-country run 越野赛跑
His footsteps quickened to a run. 他加快脚步奔跑起来。
The first two laps took most of the run out of him. 跑完头两圈他几乎就没力气了。
3. 奔跑的路程;奔跑的一段时间
a run of ten miles 10英里的奔跑路程
The hotel is a mere two minutes' run from the subway. 旅馆离地铁跑着去只需2分钟时间。
4. 逃跑
put sb. to the run 使某人逃跑
5. 短暂的旅行(或访问)(乘车)兜风
make a run into town 进城一次
What do you think about a run to the country? 到乡下去跑一趟你看如何?
go (take sb.) for a run in the car(带某人)乘汽车兜风
6. (火车、轮船、飞机等往来于两地间的)路程,航程;路线;航线
Buses make the New York — Washington run in just over four hours. 公共汽车在4个多小时时间内完成纽约至华盛顿间的旅程。
the ship's run 船的航程(指一天航行的英里数)
The conductor works on the run from Boston to New York. 这列车员在波士顿-纽约路段工作。
For years it was the fastest boat on the run. 多年来,那是这条航线上速度最快的一艘船。
a ship on the San Francisco run 去旧金山的班轮
7. (送报人等的)递送路线;(记者的)指定采访领域:
The delivery man finished his run early. 送货员很早就送完了这条线路上的货物。
cover the labour run 负责报道劳工新闻
8. (机器、工厂的)运转时间,作业时间;(运转时间的)产量
They kept each press in the plant on a 14-hour run. 他们把厂里每台印刷机的每天作业时间保持在14小时。
Refinery runs averaged 975874 barrels daily. 炼油厂的平均日产量为975874桶。
9. (违禁物品等的)偷运
If we need more guns, we can make a run across the border. 我们如果需要更多的枪炮,可以越过边境去偷运。
10. (水等的)流出,涌出;[the runs] 腹泻
The snow melting on the mountains caused a run of water into the valley. 山上的融雪使水涌入山谷。
the first run of sap in sugar maples 糖槭树树液的第一次流出
have the runs 拉肚子
11. (液体的)一段流出时间;流量
They kept each oil well on an eight-hour run. 他们把每口油井的一次出油时间保持在8小时。
a run of 500 barrels a day 500桶的日流量
12. 渠道;水槽;水管
a mill run 磨坊水槽
13. 小溪
14. (东西的)一段;一段电线
a 500-foot run of pipe 一段500英尺长的管子
15. 一连串;连续;一段时间;(戏的)连演;同花顺子;一组连续的读数(或观测资料等)
a run of misprints 一连串的印刷错误
a run of good (bad) luck 接二连三的好运(厄运)
a run of rainy days 连续的雨天
a long run of power 长期掌权
The play had a long (或 good) run. 这戏久演不衰。
a spade run 黑桃同花顺子
16. 挤兑,挤提;争购
a run on the bank (储户)向银行的挤提存款
a run on umbrellas during the rainy season 雨季中的争购雨伞
17. (式样等的)流行;流行期
the run of a style of dress 一种服装款式的时兴
Her last book had a briefer run than her first. 她最近出版的那部书风行时间比她的处女作要短。
18. 趋势,动向;趋向;(矿脉等的)走向;(木头等的)纹理
the run of events 事态的发展趋势
the run of the market 市场的动向
The run of the cards favoured me. 我的牌运很旺。
the run of a range of hills 山脉的走向
the run of the grain in leather 皮革粒面的纹理
19. 小跑(一种均匀快速的小碎步舞步)
20. 出入自由;使用自由
I was given the run of their books (house). 他们允许我随便翻阅他们的书(进出他们的住宅)
21. (货物的)品种,等级;普通类型;大多数
a superior run of blouses 高级女衬衫
the common (或 general, ordinary) run of men 普通人
the usual run of graduates (成绩中等的)一般毕业生
a dictionary out of the ordinary run 出类拔萃的好词典
The broad run of voters want him to win. 广大选民希望他当选。
22. (鱼群的)洄游;洄游的鱼群;迁移的鸟群(或兽群)
a run of salmon on their way up the river 溯江洄游的鲑鱼群
23. (斜坡上的)滑行道
a run for training beginning skiers 供初学滑雪者训练用的滑行道
24. (动物)出没的路径
a rabbit run 野兔出没的路径
25. 饲养场;牧场
a chicken run 养鸡场
a fish run 养鱼场
a sheep run 牧羊场
26. (针织品的)脱针;(长统袜等针织物的)抽丝,纵向脱散
a run in a stocking 长统袜上的抽丝
Bother! I've got a run in my new tights. 讨厌!我的新紧身裤袜有一处抽丝了。
27. (油漆刷得过厚引起的)挂流
28. 急奏,走句
29. 运行
30. 船尾端部
31. (飞机的)滑跑
a landing (takeoff) run 着陆(起飞)滑跑
32. (作战飞机的)飞行任务;(飞机在接近或通过轰炸或扫射目标等时的)稳定水平飞行,进入
33. (指梯段的水平投影距离);房屋进深之半(即从墙内的承梁板至房屋中线的距离)
34. 跑动得分;跑动
35. 跑垒得分;跑垒
36. 连续得分击球;连续击球得分
37. 高尔夫(球触地后的)滚动距离
38. 美橄持球跑动打法

III a.
1. 融化的;熔铸的
run butter 融化的黄油
run metal 铸金属
2. 沥干的;(从蜂巢中)离心分离出的
run honey (从蜂巢中)离心分离出的蜜
3. (鱼)洄游的
a fresh run salmon 一群刚洄游来的鲑鱼
4. 走私的,偷运的
run goods 走私货
5. 跑得筋疲力尽的;跑得气喘的
[< OE runnen < rinnan; 与 ON rinna, OHG rinnan 有关]
phr. a run for one's money
1. 剧烈的竞争
Determined to give the large chain a run for its money, he opened a discount store. 他决定和这家大连锁店作一番较量,于是开设了一爿折扣商店。
2. 出了钱(或力)而得到的满足
have (或 get) a (good) run for one's money (充分)得到应得的报偿
give the tourists a run for their money 使旅游者感到满意
at a (或 the) run 奔跑着
He started off at a run. 他跑步出发。
be run off one's feet 见 foot
come running 非常积极,招手即至
Go and have a run! 去!滚!
have the run of one's teeth (常作为劳动报酬)享受免费伙食
He who runs may read. 谁都能读懂。(指文章等通俗易懂)
make a run for it = run for it
on the (或 a) dead run忙个不停
The President is on the dead run from the time he wakes up till midnight. 总统从睁开眼就忙个不停,一直到半夜。
on the run 1. 滚动着
a ball on the run 滚动着的球
2. 奔跑着;急急忙忙
He grabbed his coat on the run and raced after them. 他边跑边抓起上衣,飞快地追赶他们而去。
He eats breakfast on the run. 他吃早饭总是匆匆忙忙。
3. 奔忙着
I have been on the run ever since I got up. 我起床后一直在奔忙着。
4. 奔逃着
have the enemy on the run 迫使敌人奔逃
an escaped convict on the run 在逃的越狱囚犯
run about 东奔西跑;奔忙;(尤指孩子)到处戏耍游逛
run across 1. 跑着越过;穿越
run across the fields 奔过田野
The railroad runs across the plain. 铁道穿过平原。
Quick! Run across while the road is clear. 快!趁路上没有车子快穿过去。
2. 作短暂旅行(或访问)
run across to a neighbour's flat to borrow some sugar 跑到邻居的套房去借些糖
3. 偶然碰见;偶然发现
I ran across my old friend Bill in London last week. 上星期我在伦敦和老友比尔不期而遇。
He ran across her name in the phone book. 他偶然在电话簿上发现她的名字。
4. 主英(用车)载送
Jim has a car and will run you across to your mother's. 吉姆有汽车,他会把你送到你妈家里去的。
run afoul of 见 afoul
run after1. 追赶;追逐
Run after your father, he's forgotten his hat.快去追你爸,他忘带帽子了。
a dog running after a rabbit 追逐野兔的狗
2. 追求(异性)
3. 孜孜以求
run after new theories对新理论孜孜以求
run after every new fashion 赶时髦
4. 伺候,照顾
I can't keep running after you all day!我不能整天总跟着伺候你。
run against 1. 与…相撞;使相撞
The ship ran against a rock. 船撞上礁石。
run one's head against a door 把头撞在门上
2. 不利于;违反
Fortune ran against him. 他时运不济。
This runs against his interests. 这违反他的利益。
3. 偶然碰见
run against an acquaintance 和一个熟人不期而遇
4. 与…赛跑;与…竞选
run along 1. 离开,走开
It's late, I must run along. 时间已晚,我得走了。
2. (用于祈使句)走开
Now, children, run along. I'm busy. 好了,孩子们,你们走开吧,我正忙着呢。
3. 主英(用车)载送
There's no hurry to get there; I can run you along in my car. 不必忙着去那里,我可以用我的车送你。
run amuck 见 amuck
run around 1. 东奔西跑;到处游逛
2. 交往,结交;私通
run around with a bad crowd 与一伙坏人为伍
They've been running around together for some time. 他们交往已有些时候了。
run at 向…冲去;突然袭击
The dog ran at the boy. 狗向男孩扑去。
run away 1. 跑开;逃走
Don't run away; I've something to say to you. 别跑,我有事对你说。
The thief ran away when the policeman arrived. 警察到时盗贼已逃之夭夭。
2. 离家出走;私奔
He ran away early to sea. 他早年就离家出走去当水手。
3. (液体)流掉;(钱)花掉
4. (马等)脱缰奔逃,惊跑,乱窜
5. (在赛跑、赛马等中)遥遥领先
run away from 1. 跑着从…离开
2. 从…流掉
3. 逃离
run away from home (school) 逃离家庭(学校)
4. 避免正视,回避(不愉快的事)
We can't run away from the facts: the firm is in serious trouble. 我们不能回避事实,这家商行已陷入严重困境。
Responsibilities like yours are not such as can be run away from. 你所肩负的这类职责是无法规避的。
5. (在赛跑、赛马等中)遥遥领先于(其他参赛者或赛马等)
run away with 1. 与…一起跑掉;(马等)拖着…惊跑
The horse took fright and ran away with the carriage. 马受惊了,拖着马车狂跑。
2. (马、汽车)速度过快使(骑者、驾驶者)控制不住
Don't let your horse (car) run away with you. 不要让你的马(汽车)跑得太快而使你失控。
3. (感情等)战胜,制伏,不受…的约束
Her temper ran away with her. 她按捺不住,大发脾气。
His imagination ran away with him. 他想入非非。
Don't let your passion run away with your senses. 不要让你的感情战胜你的理智。
4. 偷走
Someone ran away with our jewels while we were out. 我们不在家时有人偷走了我们的珠宝。
5. 与…私奔
6. 轻而易举地赢得(比赛、奖品等);在(戏剧表演)中显得出众
Our team should run away with the cricket competition. 我队应当轻而易举地赢得这场板球赛。
She ran away with every prize at school. 她在学校里轻而易举地赢得了各种奖。
The actor succeeded in running away with the show. 这位演员在这出戏中演得最为出色。
7. 轻率地接受(意见等)
Don't run away with the idea that this is the end of the matter! 别以为这事就这么了结了!
8. 消耗,花掉(金钱、时间等)
Your education ran away with most of my money. 你受教育花掉了我的大部分金钱。
run back 1. 跑回
2. 流回
3. 主英用车把…送回
I'll run you back after the show. 看完戏我用车送你回去。
4. 倒卷,倒回(影片、录音带等)
5. (股票价格)回跌
6. 美橄(接获对方开球后)(球)跑动进攻
run back over sth. 回顾某事物;再次审议某事物
run back over the past 回顾过去
let one's thoughts run back over one's childhood 追忆自己的童年
I'll run back over the procedure again. 我将复审一下手续。
run before one can walk 尚未学会走就想跑(指最基本的东西还不会就想做复杂的事情)
run down 1. 往下跑
I walked down the hill, but the boys ran down. 我走下山去,而男孩子们则是跑着下去的。
2. 往下流
The water ran down steadily. 水不断往下流。
3. (从大城市到农村或小城镇)作短暂旅行(或访问)
I'll run down and see you on Monday. 我星期一下来看你。
4. (使)停止运转;(使)变弱;(被)耗尽
That clock ran down hours ago. 那钟几小时前就停了。
The battery is (或 has) run down. 电池的电用完了。
5. (健康)衰退;使衰弱;使筋疲力尽
His health ran down to a dangerous level. 他的健康恶化到危险的地步。
He is run down from working too hard. 他因工作太辛苦而疲惫不堪。
I'm feeling run down, doctor. 大夫,我感到乏力。
6. 减少,降低,缩减
run production (a factory) down 紧缩生产(工厂)
run down the ship's boilers 降低船上锅炉的蒸汽压力
The firm ran down its sales force. 这家公司裁减了推销人员。
7. (使)破败
The place was run down and in need of repair. 这地方破败不堪,需要整修。
8. (车)把…撞倒(或撞伤、撞死)(船)把…撞沉
He was run down by a cyclist. 他被骑自行车的人撞倒。
The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班轮在浓雾中撞沉渔船。
9. 查找出,搜索到
I finally ran the article down in the university library. 我终于在大学图书馆找到了那篇文章。
10. 把…追得筋疲力尽;追获;捕杀
The fox ran down the hare. 狐狸追获野兔。
run down an escaped criminal 追获逃犯
11. 说…的坏话,毁谤,贬低
be run down as a quack 被诋毁为庸医
run down sb.'s achievements 贬低某人的成就
12. 快读,浏览;(使)扫视
run (one's eyes) down a list of names 很快扫视一遍名单
His eyes ran down the front row. 他的目光扫视了一下第一排。
13. (船)(岸)航行
14. 美俚排练(乐曲);背诵(诗)
15. 夹杀(两垒之间的跑垒员)
run false (猎狗等)不跟踪臭迹而直追猎物
run for it 快跑躲避;奔跑逃命
As soon as they heard the siren, they ran for it. 他们一听到警报声就奔逃躲避。
run foul of 见 foul
run high 高涨;(海水)波涛汹涌;(情绪)激昂
a brook running high with meltwater 由于融雪而涨水的小河
Hog prices are running high. 猪价在上涨。
run in 1. 奔入,匆匆进入
He ran in to tell us the good news. 他跑来告诉我们这个好消息。
2. (液体)流入
3. 作非正式探望;作短暂访问
I'll run in and see you this evening. 今晚我会去看你。
4. 拘留;把…关进监牢
be run in for speeding 因超速行车被拘留
5. 使(发动机等)试转,使磨合
I'm running my new car in. 我正试开我的新车。
6. (使)(债)
run (sb.) in debt (使某人)负债
7. 开始短兵相接地搏斗
8. (尤指雄性动物与雌性动物)交配(with)
9. (飞机)进入目标
10. 把…补入,插补;(使)(排字材料)不分段落地连下去,接排
run into 1. 跑进
We saw him run into a hotel. 我们看见他跑进一家旅馆。
2. (液体)流入,注入
The river runs into the sea. 这条河注入大海。
3. 把…戳入;刺入
She ran a splinter into her toe. 她的脚趾扎进一根刺。
The needle ran into her finger. 针刺入她的手指。
4. (使)撞在…上
He ran his car into a tree. 他驾车撞上一棵树。
The bus got out of control and ran into a wall. 公共汽车失去控制,一头撞到墙上。
5. 把…伸入;把…敲入
run one's hand into one's pocket 把手伸进口袋
run a nail into a board 把钉子敲入木板
6. 偶然碰见
run into sb. in the street 在街上与某人邂逅
7. 遭遇(困难等)(使)陷入(困境等)
I hope that the climbers don't run into a snowstorm halfway up. 我希望登山运动员上山时不要在半山遇到暴风雪。
Our plan ran into unexpected opposition. 我们的计划遭到意外的反对。
run (oneself) into debt (trouble) 陷入债务(困境)
run sb. into despair 使某人绝望
8. 与…相连结;与…混合在一起
These little lakes all run into one another. 这些小湖泊是相连的。
The words run into each other. 这几个词相互混淆。
9. 共计,合计为,达到…之多
a debt running into millions of U.S. dollars 数目达几百万美元的债务
a book that has run into five editions 已出到第五版的书
His yearly income often runs into six figures. 他的年收入常高达6位数之多。
run it down 美俚细述详情;说明全部真实情况
run low 见 low¹
run off1. 跑掉,迅速离开
Run off now, I'm busy. 快走开,我正忙着呢!
2. 逃走,逃掉
They cast their arms to the ground, and ran off. 他们把武器扔在地上逃走了。
3. 使(比赛等)进行;把(比赛)比完;对(比赛等)进行决赛
run off the first heats 进行第一轮预赛
4. 进行(试验)
5. 迅速写出;流畅背出
run off a poem 迅速写出(或流利背出)一首诗
She ran off a list of the places they would visit. 她一口气报出一连串他们将访问的地方。
6. 印,印出;打印出;复印出
run a batch of mimeographed sheets off 油印出一批讲义
run off a hundred copies on the copier 在复印机上复印100份
7. (使)流掉
run off the water from a tank 把水箱中的水放掉
The metal ran off as a liquid. 金属成液状流出。
8. (流水等)开始干涸;停止流动
9. 加拿大(冰雪)融化
10. 赶掉,逐走
run off a trespasser 把闯入私人地界者撵走
11. 偷赶走(牛、羊等)
12. 用跑步减轻(体重等)
run off with
1. 偷走
The treasurer ran off with all the club's funds. 司库携俱乐部的全部款子潜逃。
2. 携…私奔
run on 1. 继续奔跑
run on and on 不停地奔跑
2. 讲个不停,喋喋不休
How she does run on! 她简直讲个没完!
His tongue ran on and on. 他鼓舌如簧,讲个不停。
3. (时间)流逝,过去
Months ran on, and still there was no letter. 几个月过去了,可是仍然没有信来。
4. (报道、生活等)继续下去
The fever may run on for a few days, and then get better. 热度可能会持续几天,然后好转。
5. (字母)被连写;连写(字母)
You should let the letters run on, not write them separately. 你应该把字母连起来写,不要分开。
The children are learning to run their letters on. 孩子们在学习把字母连起来写。
6. 使(排字材料)不分段落(或不间断)地接连下去,接排
7. (在词典的条目末尾)加上(内词条)
run on an adverb to a dictionary entry 在词典条目末尾附一个副词作为内词条
This dictionary runs on many words ending in -ly. 这部词典在条目末尾附入许多以 -ly 结尾的词。
8. (某种燃料或动力)运转
The engine runs on gasoline. 这台发动机用汽油作燃料。
This washing machine runs on very little electricity. 这台洗衣机耗电很少。
9. (使)撞在…上
The steamer ran on a reef. 轮船撞上礁石了。
Take care not to run the boat on the rocks. 当心不要让船触礁。
10. (谈话等)涉及;(头脑)老是想着
Our talk ran on recent events. 我们的谈话涉及近来的事态。
My thoughts have recently been running on the future more and more. 近来我老是愈来愈多地考虑到将来。
His mind seemed to run monotonously on women. 他心里似乎一味只想女人。
run out 1. 跑开,匆匆离开
He ran out without even saying goodbye. 他连再见也不说一声就跑掉了。
2. (液体)流出;(潮水等)退去
3. 到期,期满;(限定的时间)终了
When does the lease of the house run out? 房子的租约什么时候到期?
His licence has run out. 他的执照已经过期。
Time is running out. 剩下的时间不多了。
4. 被用完,被耗尽;(人)把东西用完(或花光)
The gasoline ran out. 汽油用完了。
The students' patience has run out. 学生们已经失去耐性。
A: Haven't you got any? B: No — no, I've run out. 甲:你不是还有一点吗? 乙:不,不,我已经用完了。
5. 突出,伸出
a pier running out into the sea 伸向海中的码头
6. (绳等)被放出,被拉出;把(绳等)放出,把…拉出
The line ran out into the water as a fish swallowed the hook. 当鱼吞饵上钩时,钓线就被拉进水里。
The sailor ran the rope out neatly. 水手利索地把绳子放出去。
7. 使跑得筋疲力尽
I've run myself out, I can't go any further. 我已跑得筋疲力尽,再也跑不动了。
8. 比完(一场比赛)
9. 主英用汽车把…送出去;驾汽车出游
I'll happily run you out to see them. 我将很高兴用汽车送你去看他们。
Let's run out into the country this afternoon, while the weather is so good. 天气这么好,今天下午我们开车去乡下玩吧。
10. 主美口强使离去
If he refuses to leave, they will run him out. 如果他拒绝离开,他们将把他赶走。
11. 用空铅(或指引线、花饰)填足(一行);把(一段的第一行)排成向左伸出(指从第二行开始缩排)
12. (击球员)出局
run out of 1. 从…奔出
He ran out of the room. 他跑出房间。
2. 从…流出
3. 用完;耗尽
He's always running out of money before payday. 他总是没等到发薪日就把钱用完了。
We're running out of time. 我们剩下的时间不多了。
Mary never runs out of ideas for clever party decorations. 玛丽对如何巧妙地布置社交聚会会场有用之不尽的主意。
4. 主美口强使离开(某地)
run the spies out of the country 把间谍驱逐出境
run out on
1. 突然离开;不支持;抛弃,遗弃
run out on sb. at a difficult time 在困难时撇下某人不予支持
John ran out on his poor wife. 约翰遗弃他可怜的妻子。
2. 背弃(诺言等);不履行(协议等)
He ran out on his promise to help her. 他背弃了自己帮助她的诺言。
run out on a contract 毁约
3. 逃离
He ran out on the landlady without paying his rent. 他不付女房东房租就溜了。
run over 1. 在…上驶过;(撞倒并)辗过
The tractor ran over a trip-wire. 拖拉机驶过时碰上一根地雷的拉发线。
The bus ran over his legs. 公共汽车辗过他的双腿。
2. 溢出
The coffee (cup) ran over. 咖啡(杯子)满得溢出来了。
3. 超过
We've run over our time. 我们已超过了规定的时间。
4. (使)在…上迅速移过,(使)在…上掠过;把…飞快地(或粗略地)(或看、检查)一遍
run a duster over the furniture 用掸帚掸一掸家具
She ran her fingers (或 Her fingers ran) over the keyboard. 她的手指在键盘上飞快掠过。
He ran his eyes (或 His eyes ran) over the page. 他把这一页匆匆看了一下。
He ran over his notes before the lecture. 他在讲课前把笔记匆匆看一遍。
He considered all possible ways of escape, running them over swiftly in his mind. 他考虑了各种可能的脱逃之计,并把各种方案在心里匆匆地过了一遍。
5. 复习;练习;排演
Let's run over the second act again. 让我们把第二幕再排练一遍。
6. 扼要重述
I've explained the subject pretty fully; now I'll run over the main points again. 我已把这个题目解释得很详尽了,现在我再把要点重复一下。
7. 作短暂旅行(或访问)
run over to a neighbour's house to borrow sth. 去邻居家借某物
run over to Paris for a week 去巴黎1星期
run round 1. 东奔西跑
2. 作短暂访问
run round to a neighbour's (a shop) 匆匆到邻居家(一家店铺)跑一趟
3. 交往,结交;私通
He and Philida ran round together quite a bit. 他和菲丽达交往相当密切。
4. 伺候
Don't expect me to run you round for the rest of your life! 别指望我伺候你一辈子!
run sb. close (或 hard) (竞赛者在能力等方面)几乎赶上某人,与某人几乎不相上下,是某人的劲敌
He got the job, but a young man ran him close. 他获得了这份工作,可是一个青年在才能上跟他几乎不相上下。
We run our competitors close for price and quality. 在价格和质量上我们跟竞争者几乎不相上下。
run sb. out of town 主美驱逐某人出城
run scared 见 scared
run short (of) 见 short
run sth. by (或 past) 告诉(某人)某事(以便了解他们的意见和反应)
run through 1. 跑着穿过(森林等)
2. (使)流过
Unblock the pipe to let the dirty water run through. 把堵塞的管子通一通,让污水流过去。
Run lots of soapy water through the pipe to clean it. 多用点肥皂水把管子冲冲干净。
3. (使)穿透,(使)刺穿
The needle ran through his finger. 针刺穿了他的手指。
I ran the sword through his body. (或 I ran him through with my sword.) 我用剑刺穿他的身体。
4. 贯穿;普遍存在于
A feeling of sadness runs through his poetry. 他的诗篇贯穿着一种哀伤之情。
a deep-rooted prejudice that runs through our society 普遍存在于我们社会中的一种根深蒂固的偏见
5. (往事等)萦绕于(脑际)
The old tune ran through his mind all day. 这支古老的曲调一整天在他心中回响。
6. 挥霍掉,很快花完
He ran through his month's allowance in a week. 他一星期就花完了一个月的零用钱。
7. (使)通过;(想法等)闪过;迅速传遍
A wind ran through the tall grass. 一阵风吹过蒿草。
She ran her fingers (a comb) through her hair. 她用手指(梳子)梳理头发。
run a line through a word 划掉一个词
A thought ran through my mind. 我脑子里闪过一个念头。
A rumour ran through the town. 谣言很快传遍全城。
Excitement ran through the audience. 听众都兴奋起来。
8. 匆匆阅读;把…略略过目
She ran through her mail. 她把一应邮件匆匆看了一遍。
run through a book in an hour1小时匆匆浏览一本书
Will you run through this essay for me, and tell me what you think of it? 这篇文章请你过过目,并把你的意见告诉我好吗?
9. 复习;练习;排练
Run through your notes the night before the examination. 考试前夜把笔记复习一下。
Let's run through the play from the beginning. 让我们把这出戏从头排练一遍。
10. 扼要重述
I'll just run through the main points of the subject. 我只把这个问题的要点重复一下。
11. (影片等)放映一遍;把(录音带等)放送一遍
12. (使)实行,(使)进行
run to 1. 奔向;赶到;求助于
run to sb.'s aid 赶去帮助某人
He runs to his mother at every little difficulty. 他每遇到一点困难就跑去找他母亲。
2. 达到(数字、数量等)
The book runs to 500 pages. 这本书长达500页。
His new novel has already run to three impressions. 他新出版的小说已第三次印刷了。
That will run to a pretty penny. 那要花费一大笔钱。
Sharks frequently run to an enormous size. 鲨鱼往往长得硕大无比。
3. 有钱(或能力)做;(钱等)足够供…之用
The house needs repairing, but John can't run to it. 房子需要修整,但是约翰没钱办到。
We can't run to a car. 我们买不起汽车。
My income doesn't run to luxuries. 靠我的收入是买不起奢侈品的。
Will the coffee run to two cups for each person? 这些咖啡每人两杯够吗?
4. 使奔跑得;(使)成为
run oneself to death 跑得累死
run to ruin 成为废墟
5. (票据等)于…到期
Your note runs, with interest, to June 1st. 你的借款连同利息于6月1日到期。
6. 趋于;有…倾向;有…特点
run to extremes 趋于极端
run to fat 有长胖趋势
This tree runs to quite tart fruit. 这棵树的果实往往相当酸。
Their taste runs to exotic food. 他们喜欢吃外国风味的食品。
run to meet 1. 跑着去迎接
He went running to meet them. 他跑着去迎接他们。
2. 预先采取行动以防止(不幸事件等)
run under 使在…底下匆匆抹过
run a mop under the furniture 用拖把在家具底下抹一下
run up 1. 跑上去;跑上(楼梯、山坡等)
Would you run up and get my glasses for me? I've left them in my bedroom. 你上楼去把我的眼镜拿来好吗?我把它遗忘在卧室里了。
run up the steps 跑上台阶
2. (旗等)
run up the jib 升起起重机的悬臂
3. 积欠(账款或债务)
He ran up a thousand dollars worth of bills. 他积欠了1000元的账款。
They would run up a few debts and then go elsewhere. 他们常常欠下几笔债后就移居他地。
4. (费用等)迅速增加
The sales of the novel ran up. 这部小说的销售量激增。
The price of coffee is running up. 咖啡价格在猛涨。
5. 匆匆搭成;匆促缝制;迅速缝补
run up a house 匆匆盖起一所房子
run up a dress in one evening 一个晚上缝成一件连衣裙
I want you to run up a tear in my coat. 我要你快点缝好我上衣的撕裂处。
6. (数字)迅速加起来
run up a column of figures 把一列数字很快加起来
7. (为测试、检验或预热而)使(飞机发动机)高速运转;(飞机发动机)高速运转
8. 助跑;(投球手)跑动增加速度
9. (在比赛或游戏中)积分
run up against 1. 与…相撞
The car ran up against a tree. 这辆汽车撞在一棵树上。
2. 偶然碰到
He ran up against some old acquaintances last week. 上星期他偶然遇到几个老相识。
3. 遭遇,遇到(困难等)
run up against an insurmountable problem 遇到难以解决的问题
The firm ran up against strong competition. 这家公司遇到了激烈的竞争。
run upon 偶然碰到;偶然发现
run up to 1. 跑到…近旁
The child ran up to the teacher to show her his drawing. 孩子跑到教师身边去给她看自己的图画。
2. (销售额等)上升到;合计,共计;达到(数字、数量等)
The bill for the repairs might run up to £500. 修理费或许要高达500镑。
3. (从农村或小城镇)(城市)作短暂旅行(或访问)
He ran up to town every week. 他每星期进城。
run wild 见 wild
run with 1. 继续做;接受
2. 美口结交
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 见 hare
with a run 急剧地,猛然,一下子
The building came down with a run. 建筑物突然倒坍。




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