

单词 rule
释义 rule /ruːl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 规则;法则;规章,条例;细则
the rules of grammar (tennis) 语法(网球)规则
the rules of the school 校规
the rules of decorum 礼法
lay down the rules for the borrowing and return of books 制定借书及还书的规则
make (break, obey) rules 制订(违犯,遵守)规则
It's against the rules to handle the ball in soccer. 足球赛中以手带球为犯规。
2. (一个教会的)教规,教条
the rule of St. Dominic (天主教)圣多明我会教规
3. (法院或法官的)裁决,裁定,命令;(法院诉讼程序的)规则,规程;法律准则,法律原则
a judge's rule 法官的裁决
4. 统治(期);管辖(期)
under the long rule of George III 在乔治三世的长期统治下
live under military (foreign) rule 在军队(外国人)统治下生活
His rule lasted 100 days. 他统治了100天。
during the rule of Caesar 在恺撒统治期间
5. 规定;习惯;惯例;规律;惯常的事;通常发生的事;普遍情况
She broke her rule against drinking that night. 那夜她破例饮了酒。
There's no rule about who goes up first. 没有规定谁先上去。
His parents laid down the rule that he must do his homework before going out to play. 父母规定他必须完成作业后才能出去玩。
His rule is to breakfast at six. 他通常在6时吃早饭。
He made a morning swim his rule. 他总在上午游泳一次。
I've made it a rule never to hurry. 我已养成凡事从容不迫的习惯。
She makes a rule of going for a walk every afternoon. 她有每天下午散步的习惯。
Rainy weather is the rule here during April. 这儿4月里总是多雨。
Armed intervention is the rule rather than the exception. 武力干涉屡见不鲜。
Famine is the rule following war. 战后通常发生饥荒。
Fair weather was the rule yesterday. 昨日天气普遍晴朗。
6. 尺,直尺,计算尺;标准;准则
a carpenter's rule 木工尺
one's rules of conduct 行为准则
7. 规则,法(则)
8. 铅线,金属嵌线;铅线印出的线;破折号
9. [Rules] = Australian Rules
10. [Rules] 赛马总会规则;全国狩猎法规
11. [the rules 或 the Rules] 英史狱旁特许犯人居住区(尤指伦敦弗利特监狱和王座法庭监狱附近准许犯人在一定保证下居住的指定区域);狱旁特许犯人居住区的居住权
12. 动作;行为

II vt.
1. 统治;管理
rule a country 统治国家
rule one's children 管教孩子
2. 控制;遏制;支配
The local tyrant ruled fishing there. 地方上的恶霸控制了那里的捕鱼业。
rule one's temper 克制
Reason ruled his fear. 理智抑制了他的恐惧。
be ruled by one's friends (feelings) 受朋友(感情)的支配
Disorder ruled the streets. 街上乱成一片。
3. (靠能力、体力或地位)在…方面居首位
an actor who rules the Shakespearean stage 演莎士比亚戏剧的最佳演员
4. 裁决,裁定
The umpire ruled that the ball was foul. 裁判员判这球犯规。
The chairman ruled the speaker (the proposal) out of order. 主席裁定该发言人(该提议)违反程序。
The Supreme Court ruled his decision constitutional. 最高法院判定他的决定符合宪法。
5. (用尺等)(直线);在…上划(平行)线;将…列成直线
rule lines on paper 在纸上划直线
rule paper with lines 在纸上划平行线
ruled notepaper 印有平行线的便条纸
6. 用尺划线把…分开
rule a margin 划出空白边
1. 统治;管理
rule over an empire 统治帝国
rule over one's children 管教孩子
2. 起支配作用,占上风
Chaos rules in this school. 该校秩序经常是一片混乱。
3. 居首要地位
Football rules in the field of sports. 在运动领域里,足球居最重要地位。
4. 做出裁决,做出裁定
The chairman ruled against the proposal. 主席否决了提案。
rule on a case (in a suit) 对案件(诉讼)做出裁决
The court ruled in his favour (against him). 法庭判他胜诉(败诉)
5. 普遍处于特定水平(或比率)
Prices of wheat (Corn, The market) ruled high all the year. 麦价(谷物价,市场价格)全年偏高。
Higher prices ruled throughout the country. 全国物价普遍较高。
[< OFr riule < L rēgula straight edge < regere to lead straight < rēgis king]
phr. according to rule= by rule
as a (general) rule通常,一般来说
As a rule, he doesn't go to the office on Mondays. 星期一他通常不去办公室。
bend the rules 放松规定,通融
Usually we don't do this, but for you we'll bend the rules a bit. 通常我们不这样做,但对你我们可以稍稍通融一下。
by rule 按规则,照规矩,循规蹈矩地
do everything by rule 事事循规蹈矩
by rule and line 精确地,精密地
He works always by rule and line, never by chance or guess. 他工作一贯讲求精密准确,从不凭偶然或猜测。
out of rule 不按常规;违背惯例
rule off 1. 划线隔开
rule off a column of figures 划线把一栏数字隔开
2. 划结
rule out 1. 划线去掉
rule out a misspelt word 划掉一个拼错的词
2. 把…排除在外;排除…的可能性
The injured prizefighter refused to rule out the possibility that he could fight again. 这位受伤的职业拳击家拒绝排除再度出战的可能性。
The police have ruled out murder in the case of the girl's death. 警方在姑娘死亡案中已排除他杀的可能性。
3. 使成为不可能
The motor noise ruled out conversation. 发动机的噪音使谈话无法进行。
rules and regulations (令人讨厌的)规章制度,条条框框
... rule(s), O.K. …必胜
It is a case of the tobacco industry rules. O.K. 这是制烟业必胜的一例。
run the rule over 1. 粗略检查(是否正确或恰当)
run the rule over broadcasting during elections 选举期间对广播大致检查一下
2. (警察)审讯(嫌疑犯)
3. (内科医生)检查(病人)
stretch the rules = bend the rules
There is no (general) rule without an exception. 有规则必有例外。(或:凡事皆有例外。)
work to rule (通常作为抗议)故意死扣规章而减低生产效率,变相怠工
Telephonists in the city areas start working to rule today. 市区的电话接线员今天开始变相怠工。




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