释义 |
rope /rəʊp/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 粗绳,索;缆绳;钢丝绳;(作绳索用的)(皮)带 a piece (length) of rope 一根(段)绳子 tie sb.'s arms behind his back with (a) rope 用绳把某人的双臂反绑 2. [the rope] 绞索;绞刑 3. 〈美〉(套捕牛、马的)套索 4. [the ropes] (拳击台四周的)围绳 be beaten to the ropes 被打得退到拳击台的围绳边 5. (绳状的)(一)串,(一)条;(用绳连在一起的)登山者行列 a rope of pearls (onions) 一串珠子(洋葱) a rope of hair 一根发辫 a rope of muscle 一股肌肉 6. (酒等液体中的)丝状粘质,粘丝 ropes of slime 一丝丝粘液 7. [the ropes] 〈口〉(处理工作、问题等的)诀窍 learn the ropes 学会诀窍 show sb. (或 put sb. up to) the ropes 把窍门教给某人 8. 〈美俚〉雪茄 9. 〈俚〉大麻 10. 【天】磁流绳
II ❶ vt. 1. 用绳捆(或扎、系等);用绳拉;拖拉 rope sb. to a tree 把某人绑在树上 rope a trunk 用绳捆扎箱子 2. 用绳围起(或隔开、分隔) (in, off, out) rope off the streets near the fire 把火灾附近的街道用绳子拦开 3. 〈美〉用套索套捕(马、牛等) 4. 用绳把(登山者等)系住(或系在一起) Rope him on to us. Then he'll be safe. 用绳把他和我们系在一起,这样他就安全了。 ❷ vi. 1. (拧)成绳状 2. 成丝状粘质 3. (登山者等)用绳子系在一起;(登山者)藉绳登山 (up); 藉绳爬下 (down) It was a difficult climb, so we roped (up). 这段山路很难攀登,于是我们用绳索串连在一起往上爬。 He roped down the rock chimney. 他缘绳爬下岩石形成的管状裂口。 [< OE rāp; 与 OHG reif hoop¹ 有关] phr. a rope of sand 无凝聚力的结合;貌似结实有用而实质不牢靠的东西;徒劳无益的事 weave a rope of sand 干徒劳无益的事be on the high ropes自高自大;趾高气扬 be on the rope(爬山者)用绳系在一起 fight back to the ropes(拳击时)拼到底;抵抗到底 give (或 allow) sb. (plenty of 或 enough) rope〈口〉给某人 (充分的)行动自由 give sb. rope enough (或 enough rope) to hang himself任由某人 (指愚人或坏人)为所欲为而自作自受 know the ropes1. 熟悉船上各式缆绳索具 2. 〈口〉晓得诀窍;懂行;在行,熟悉风土人情 You won't find the job difficult, once you get to know the ropes. 一旦掌握诀窍,你就会觉得这工作并不难。 She thought she knew the ropes about teaching. 她认为她对教学很在行。 I've been to Japan before so I know the ropes. 我去过日本,所以我熟悉那里的风俗习惯。 on the ropes 1. (拳击时)被挤到拳击台的围绳上 have one's opponent on the ropes把对手逼到拳击台的围绳上 2. 濒于失败;即将完蛋;处于困境 The right political forces seemed to be on the ropes. 右派政治力量看上去要垮了。 rope in 1. 用绳子把…围起来 2. 〈口〉说服…参加 rope sb. in to help 说服某人出力相助 3. 〈美〉使入圈套 4. 〈罕〉逮捕 throw sb. a rope (在其危难时)援助某人,支持某人 I'm sinking in the mud of slander and nobody will throw me a rope. 我快要在诽谤的泥淖中陷落,而无人肯援手救我。 |