

单词 rob
释义 rob /rɒb/ vt. | vi. | phr. (robbed; rob·bing)

1. 抢,盗窃…的财物 (of); 敲诈,向…漫天要价
rob sb. of his money 抢某人的钱
I was robbed of my purse. 我的钱包被抢去了。
rob one's partners by embezzlement 盗取合伙人的钱款
The food is quite good, and they don't rob you anyway. 食物质量很不错,不管怎么说,他们并不敲你竹杠。
2. 抢劫(银行、店铺等);盗窃(容器)里的东西
rob a bank (house, jewelry store) 抢劫银行(一户人家,珠宝商店)
rob a safe (till) 盗窃保险箱(钱柜)里的东西
Gorillas rob birds’nests. 大猩猩会盗窃鸟窝里的蛋。
3. 盗窃,抢劫(财物等)
rob jewelry 盗窃珠宝
Two men robbed £10,000 from the bank. 两个男子从银行里抢去了1万镑钱。
the Negroes who were robbed from Africa 从非洲掳掠来的黑人
4. (非法)剥夺;使丧失 (of)
rob a family of the inheritance 剥夺一个家庭的继承权
be robbed of an opportunity 被剥夺一次机会
The pain robbed him of sleep. 疼痛使他不能入睡。
He smiled to rob the next words of offence. 他微微一笑,使接着要说的话不致于得罪人。
5. (对手)的球
He said he would not rob again. 他说他不再抢劫人家的财物了。
[< OFr rober<Gmc; 与 OHG roubōn 有关;见 REAVE¹]
phr. rob Peter to pay Paul 见 Peter
rob sb. blind 见 blind




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