释义 |
roast /rəʊst/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 烤,炙;烘 roast meat on a spit 用铁叉烤肉 roast a potato in ashes 在灰烬中烘土豆 2. 【冶】焙烧 3. 烘焙,烘干;将…烘成褐色 freshly-roasted coffee beans 新烘的咖啡豆 4. 使受热发烫;使极热;使取暖;处…以烙刑 be roasted by the summer sun 被夏日的炎阳曝晒 roast oneself in the sun (in front of the fire) 在太阳下(在炉前)取暖 be roasted alive 被活活烧死 5. 〈口〉取笑,嘲弄 6. 〈口〉严厉批评,非难 a film roasted by most critics 遭到多数批评家严厉批评的一部影片 They got roasted for what they had done to you. 他们由于对你干了那些事而受到苛责。 ❷ vi. 1. 烤,炙;烘 Put the meat in the oven to roast. 把肉放到炉子里去烤。 2. 被烘焙,被焙干;被烘成褐色 3. 受热发烫;感到极热;取暖 wheat fields roasting under a merciless sun 在酷日下晒得发烫的小麦田 Can't we open a window? I'm roasting. 可不可以开一扇窗? 我热死了。 lie in the sun and roast 躺在太阳下取暖
II n. 1. 烤,炙;烘 give the chicken a good roast 把这鸡烤个透 2. 烘烤过的东西;(一块或一盆)烤肉;待烤的(一块)肉;烘焙咖啡 cold roast 冷烤肉 pork roast 烤猪肉 3. 烤食野餐会 4. 【冶】焙烧 5. 〈口〉取笑,嘲弄 6. 〈口〉严厉的批评,非难
III a. 烤过的;烘过的 roast beef 烤牛肉 [< OFr rostir < Gmc; 与 OHG rosten < rost gridiron, roast 有关] phr. rule the roast 当家;当头头,统治一切,支配一切 That child of yours seems to me to rule the roast in this house. 据我看,在这个家里一切都由你那个孩子说了算。 Jim is very bossy; he always wants to rule the roast. 吉姆十分霸道,他老是想支配一切。 |