

单词 road
释义 road /rəʊd/ n. | vt. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. (两地间的)路,道路;公路; [the ... R-] [用于道路名]通往…的道路
Is this the road to Paris? 这是去巴黎的路吗?
Cross the main road, then go on down the lane to the village. 穿过大路,然后沿着通往村庄的小路继续走。
a high-speed road 高速公路
a road accident 交通事故
road traffic 公路交通
the Oxford Road 牛津大道(指通往牛津的公路)
2. 街道,马路;[R-] [用于街道名]街,路,道(略作 Rd.)
There is an antique shop at the top of my road. 我住的这条街的尽头有一家古玩店。
The museum was in a side street leading off from a road of shops. 博物馆是在一条商店林立的马路拐弯的横街上。
live at 35 York Rd., London 住在伦敦约克路35号
live in (或on) Marston Road 住在马斯顿路
3. 铁路;(一条)路轨
4. (去目的地该走的)路线;(现多指违禁物品的)贸易路线
be uncertain of one's road 不知如何走
Our road lies through the forest. 我们的路线要穿过这座森林。
the Silk Road 丝绸之路
The gendarmes would be watching the opium roads. 宪兵将对各条鸦片走私路线加以监视。
5. 路,途径 (to)
the road to fame (success, wealth) 成名(成功,致富)之路
the road to ruin 毁灭之路
take the capitalist road 走资本主义道路
6. [常作 roads] = roadstead
7. (矿井)巷道
8. [the road] (剧团等的)巡回演出;巡回演出团常到之地(或常走之路);巡回

II vt.

III a.
[< OE rād riding, journey; 与 rīdan to ride 有关]
phr. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 (或: 殊途同归。)
a road to nowhere 无望之路,死路一条
burn up the road(汽车)高速行驶;(驾驶人)开快车,驾车疾驶
by road由公路
It takes 3 hours by train and 4 by road.乘火车要3小时,乘汽车为4小时。
down the road1. 英口在这条街上不远的地方
There're shops just down the road. 就在这条街上不远的地方有几家商店。
2. 美口在将来,今后
The situation five years down the road could be a serious one. 未来5年的局势可能会十分严重。
for the road 以示送行
give sb. a final glass (或 one) for the road 斟上最后一杯离别酒给某人送行
go over the road 入狱服刑
hit the road1. 美口启程;动身
It's getting late, so I guess we'll hit the road for home. 天晚了,我想我们该动身回家了。
2. 开始流浪
hold (或 hug) the road (汽车等)平稳地行驶;安全顺当地行进
At high speeds a car will not hug the road well. 快速行驶时汽车不易平稳。
in the (sb.'s) road 挡着(某人的)路;妨碍(某人)
You're in the (my) road. 你挡住了(我的)路。
on the road 1. 在旅途中
We have been on the road for twelve hours. 我们已经旅行了12小时。
I was taken ill on the road. 在旅途中我病了。
2. (推销员)到处奔走以兜揽生意
He is on the road for his insurance company. 他在为他的保险公司到处奔波招揽生意。
3. 在流浪中
4. (车辆)被继续使用着
It could well be the only one of its type still on the road. 它很可能是这类汽车中仍在被使用着的仅存硕果。
5. (剧团等)在巡回中;作巡回演出
6. (向…)转变中,在…过程中 (to)
She seemed well on the road to recovery. 看来她快要康复了。
out of the (sb.'s) road 不挡着(某人的)路;不妨碍(某人)
Get out of his road. 给他让路。(或:别妨碍他。)
run out of road (赛车运动员等)接近道路的尽头(而不转弯)
take the road 1. 选择特定道路:
We took the road that led up the hill. 我们抄那条上山的路。
2. 出发,启程
take to the road 1. 出发,启程
take to the road to the city 出发去城里
2. 成为流浪者
3. 做拦路强盗
4. (离开人行道)走到车行道上去
the end of the road 路之尽头(指一个极点,超过此极点就不可能再有进展或存活)
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.黄泉路上徒有好意多。(或:人之将死,其言亦善。)(意指临死才想起做好事已无补于事)
would not cross the road to do sth. 对做某事完全不感兴趣,根本不想做某事




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