释义 |
ri·val /ˈraɪvəl/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. I n. 1. 竞争对手,敌手 a rival in trade 贸易上的竞争对手 a rival in love 情敌 Of recent years, television has become a great rival to the cinema. 近年来,电视已成为电影强大的竞争对手 2. 可与匹敌的人(或物),可与之相比的人(或物) There was no rival to him as a poet. 作为诗人,无人可与他媲美。 a stadium without a rival 一座无与伦比的大运动场 3. 〈废〉(执行任务中的)同事,伙伴
II a. 竞争的;对抗的,对立的 rival firms (suitors) 互相竞争的商号(求婚者) conflicts between rival political groups 对立政治团体间的冲突
III (-val(l)ed; -val·(l)ing) ❶ vt. 1. 与…竞争 rival sb. for priority 与某人争夺优先权 The stores rival each other in beautiful window displays. 商店在美化橱窗陈列方面互比高低。 2. 努力赶上(或超过)(他人的事业等) 3. 与…匹敌,比得上 No one can rival him in eloquence. 在口才方面没有人能与他匹敌。 Of all the flowers in the garden few can rival the lily. 花园所有的花卉很少有能与百合花媲美的。 ❷ vi. 〈古〉竞争 (with) [< L rīvalis: one who shares the same brook < rīvus brook¹, stream] |