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rise /raɪz/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I (rose /rəʊz/, ris·en /ˈrɪzən/) ❶ vi. 1. 起立;起床,起身 rise from one's knees 跪后站起 rise to one's feet 站起来 rise for one's speech 起立发言 He rose immediately to reply. 他立即起立回答。 He always rises early. 他总是很早起床。(注意:在口语中用 get up) 2. (马等)前身离开地面,竖立;(毛发)竖起 The horse rose on its hind legs. 马扬起前蹄竖立。 The hair on his head rose in fear. 他吓得头发直竖。 3. (餐毕)离席;〈主英〉休会;闭会 rise from (the) table 餐毕离席 The house rises today for Easter recess. 今天下议院因复活节休会。 The court rose at 3 p.m. 法官下午3时退庭。 4. (日、月等)升起;(烟等)上升;(船等)出现在地平线上 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 A thin blue breath of smoke rose straight into the air. 一缕蓝烟向空中笔直上升。 5. (舞台帷幕)升,启 As the curtain rises, the stage is empty. 幕启时,舞台上阒无一人。 The curtain rises at 7 p.m. 戏在下午7时开演。 6. 矗立;隆起,高起 The tower rises to a height of 70 feet. 这座塔楼高70英尺。 The ground rises beyond the lake. 过了湖泊地势渐高。 7. 平身(英王授爵位时对行跪礼接受爵位者用语) Rise, Sir Winston. 温斯顿爵士,平身。 8. (河水、潮水、物价等)上涨;(温度等)升高;(数量等)增加 The flood has risen 2 feet. 洪水上涨2英尺。 The level of the lake continues to rise. 湖泊水位继续上升。 The barometer is rising. 气压在上升。 Unemployment was rising. 失业人数在增加。 Industrial output rose by 0.9 per cent in June. 6月份工业产量增长0.9%。 9. (风)起;(风力)增强 The wind rose suddenly. 突然刮起风来。 The wind has risen outside rather than dropped. 户外风势已增强而不是变弱。 10. (声音等)变响,提高 Her voice rose higher and higher with excitement. 由于激动,她的嗓音越来越响。 11. (声音、噪音)发出 (from) Great cheers rose from the crowd. 人群发出响亮的欢呼声。 12. 地位升高 rise to become Mayor 升任市长 He has risen to the top of his profession. 他已升到他那一行的佼佼者地位。 rise in sb.'s estimation (或 opinion) 受到某人的器重 rise to fame 成名 13. 出现;浮起;浮现 land rising ahead of the ship 船舶前方出现的陆地 Bubbles rose. 水泡浮起。 The fish were rising for food. 鱼正浮上水面觅食。 The scene rose before my mind. 这情景浮现在我的心头。 An idea now rose in (或 to) my mind. 这时,一个主意浮现在我的心头。 14. (水疱等在皮肤上)长出 A blister rose on his heel. 他脚后跟长了个水疱。 15. 发源;起因 Where does the Yellow River rise? 黄河发源何处? The quarrel rises from (或 out of) misapprehension. 争吵起因于误会。 16. (谣言等)流传 Talk rose in the capital of increasing the taxes. 首都有增加税收的传说。 17. (事件等)发生,产生 A quarrel rose between them. 他们之间发生了争吵。 Protests rose in my heart. 我心中一次次生出反对的念头。 18. 被建起 a house rising on the hill 正在山上建起的一幢房屋 Those blocks of flats are rising fast. 那一片片公寓大楼正在快速兴建起来。 19. (感情)变得强烈,激动;(情绪)变得愉快;(胸口等)感到恶心;感到难以容忍 feel one's temper rising 觉得自己怒火上升 His spirits rose at the good news. 一听到这佳音他心情好转。 My gorge (或 stomach) rose at those dishes. 一见到那几种菜,我就感到恶心。 My whole soul rises against it. 我对此从心底里觉得难以容忍。 20. 冒火,生气 I said it to make her rise — and she hasn't risen. 我说这话是有意惹她生气,可是她并不生气。 21. (脸色)发红;涨红 She could feel the blush rising furiously to her cheeks. 她觉得自己的脸颊涨得通红。 22. 反抗;起义;反叛 (up, against) rise (up) against oppression 反抗压迫 rise (up) in arms 武装起义 They will rise (up) and overthrow the military government. 他们会起来推翻军政府的。 rise (up) in rebellion 起来造反 23. (面团)发起,发酵胀起 Dough rises. 生面团能发起。 My oven failed to function, the cake did not rise. 我的烘箱坏了,蛋糕发不起来。 24. 【宗】复活 Christ has risen. (复活节祝贺语)基督复活了。 25. 〈威尔士方〉(出殡队)出发(指葬礼前离开死者或死者家属的家) The funeral will be rising at 2 p.m. from her daughter's residence. 出殡队将在下午两点从死者女儿住处出发。 ❷ vt. 1. (打猎时)使(鸟)飞起来 The dogs ran ahead to rise the birds. 狗朝前奔去赶鸟惊飞。 2. (钓鱼时)诱(鱼)游上水面 3. 〈古〉登上(山顶) rise a hill 登上小山顶 4. 〈方〉抬高(价格) rise the price of provisions 抬高食品价格
II /raɪz, raɪs/ n. 1. (日、月等的)升起;(烟等的)上升;(舞台帷幕的)升,启 at rise of sun (或 day) 旭日东升时 the rise of a balloon 气球的上升 At rise: Mrs Wood is knitting. 幕启时伍德太太正做着编织活。 2. 岗;坡;高地;小山;丘;垂直高度(如楼梯的级高、拱的矢高、屋顶的净高等): on top of a high rise 在高岗的顶上 come to a halt on a rise of ground 在坡顶停住 3. (河水、潮水、物价等的)上涨;(温度等的)升高;(数量等的)增加;〈英〉工资(或薪水)的增加 the rise and fall of the tide 潮汐的涨落 a big rise in fuel prices 燃料价格的大涨 a rise in the cost of living 生活费用的增加 a rise in unemployment 失业人数的增加 the postal service's latest rate rise 邮政部门最近的邮资涨价 ask one's boss for a rise 要求老板增加工资 4. (声音、声调的)提高;【语】升调 the ordinary rises and falls of the voice 通常说话声调的高低起伏 5. (地位的)升高;兴起 the rise in status of scientists 科学家地位的提高 the rise and fall of the Roman Empire 罗马帝国的兴衰 6. (鱼为食诱饵)游上水面 There is not a sign of a rise. 一点没有鱼儿游上水面食饵的迹象。 7. 源头;发源 the rise of a river 河的源头 8. 〈俚〉【生理】(有勃起组织器官的)勃起 [< OE risan; 与 OHG rîsan to rise, L oriri to rise, rivus stream, Gr ornunai to rouse, oros mountain 有关] phr. get a rise 〈俚〉【生理】勃起 get (或 have, take) a rise out of sb. 〈口〉(有意)惹某人恼火 That gets a rise out of you, doesn't it? 那可惹你冒火了,是吗? Just ignore his teasing you — he's just trying to take a rise out of you. 你别理他对你的嘲弄,他就是有意要惹你恼火。give rise to 引起;导致;为…的原因 It would give rise to a great deal of conflict. 这将引起频繁的冲突。 These bad conditions have given rise to a lot of crime. 这种恶劣的环境是犯罪增多的原因。 on the rise (价格等)在上涨,在上升; (数字、数量等)在增加,在增长;在加剧 Industrial demand for fuel is on the rise. 工业对燃料的需求正在增长。 It was darkening and the street tension was on the rise. 天渐渐黑下,街上的紧张气氛在加剧。 rise above 1. 高出;超越 The water rose above the normal level. 河水高出了正常水位。 rise above the clouds 耸入云霄 He does not rise above mediocrity. 他停留在平庸的水平上。 2. 克服,摆脱;不受…的影响 I thought you had risen above lying to your mother. 我原认为你已克服对你母亲说谎的坏习惯了呢。 He rises above the political pressure on him. 他不为施加于他的政治压力所动。 rise and shine 〈口〉[常用命令式]快起床 At 5 o'clock Mother would come and say, “Come on, now. Rise and shine!” 5点,妈妈总是走来说:“喂,喂,快快起床!” rise in the world 见 world rise to 1. 奋起应付;证明能够应付(难局等) rise to the crisis (emergency) 起而应付危机(紧急事变) They rose to my defence. 他们起来护卫我。 His ingenuity rose to the challenge. 他的足智多谋战胜了这次挑战。 2. 对…热烈欢呼;向…热烈鼓掌 The audience rose to his verve and wit. 观众对他生动有力和解颐的妙语报以热烈的掌声。 rise to the bait 见 bait¹ rise to the occasion 见 occasion sb.'s star is rising 某人福星高照 |