

单词 rip¹
释义 rip¹ /rɪp/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (ripped; rip·ping)

1. 撕;撕破
A telegram just came for me. I ripped it open. 一封给我的电报刚到。我一把撕开封口。
rip the cover from a book 撕掉封面
rip down a poster 撕下招贴
He ripped the letter across and threw the halves into the basket. 他把信撕成两半,扔进字纸篓。
His coat was ripped at the elbow. 他的上衣肘部撕破了。
2. 猛力扯掉;猛力移去;猛力去除;剥去(伪装等) (away, out)
“No!” he ripped the earpiece from his ear. “I hear nothing!” “不行!”他把耳机从耳朵上拉下来。“我什么都听不见!”
The telephone wires have been ripped away by the criminals. 电话线已被罪犯扯掉了。
I ripped the phone from her hand. 我把她手中的电话话筒夺了过来。
Last night's high wind has ripped all the leaves away from the trees. 夜来一场大风刮掉了树上所有的叶子。
A single blow ripped out two of his opponent's teeth. 他一拳击落了对手的两颗牙。
rip aside the skin of the democratic façade to reveal the entrails within 剥掉伪装民主的画皮以揭露其内在实质
3. (用利器或仿佛用利器)划破
rip a tyre 划破车胎
I ripped my shirt on a nail. 我的衬衫被钉子拉破了。
Lightning ripped the cloudy night sky. 闪电划破乌云密布的夜空。
4. 撕成;(用利器)划出(裂缝、孔洞等)
A piece of shrapnel ripped a fist-sized hole in his chest. 榴霰弹片穿过他的胸口,形成拳头般大的一个窟窿。
5. (衣服的针脚)(割开线缝)(衣服)
rip (the seams of) a garment 拆开一件衣服(的线缝)
6. 拆除(屋顶);给屋顶换(瓦片)
7. 沿纹理劈(或锯),纵锯(木材);劈(木头);割开(岩石)
8. 狠狠地发出(诅咒等) (out)
He ripped out an oath. 他狠狠地咒骂了一句。
9. 利落地打…得分
rip a double to left field 利落地向左外场打了一个二垒打
10. (参赛者或参赛队)大胜(对方)
11. 用程序将(激光唱盘上的音序)存储到硬盘上
1. 被撕破
Her blouse ripped. 她的短上衣撕破了。
2. 裂开,绽线
The canvas bag had ripped because I had not thought of reinforcing it. 帆布袋裂开了,因为我没有想到把它加固一下。
3. 猛冲;飞速行进
rip past second base 飞奔过第二垒
The car ripped through a busy street. 汽车在一条热闹的马路上疾驶而过。
4. 气愤地说粗话 (out)
rip out with a curse 气愤地咒骂

II n.
1. 裂口;裂缝;破洞
There is a rip in my sleeve. 我的袖子上有一裂口。
2. 撕扯
3. 偷窃
This is a good place to pull rips. 这是一处进行偷窃的好地方
4. = ripsaw
[< ? Flem rippen; 与 Dan rippe (op) to tear (open) 有关]
phr. let her (或 it) rip 让船(或车等)开足马力全速前进
There's hardly any traffic on this road — why don't you let her rip? 这条路上没有什么车辆——你为什么不让车子全速前进?
let rip
1. 自由自在地行动;毫无拘束地说话;纵情欢乐
2. (感情等)奔放
Let your ambitions rip. This is no time to sit and dream. 让你的雄心壮志腾飞吧。现在可不是坐着空想的时候。
let things rip 见 thing¹
rip apart 1. 把…撕破;使裂开;使(组织等)分裂
Get the newspaper away from the little boy before he rips it apart. 把报纸从这小男孩手中拿走,免得被他撕破。
A blast ripped apart a parked police car. 一声爆炸把停着的警车炸裂了。
2. 把…弄得凌乱不堪
The thieves ripped the house apart but could find nothing. 贼在屋内翻箱倒箧,但一无所获。
3. 伤害;使陷入极度悲伤(或痛苦)
Everyone is out to rip me apart and crucify me. 人人都想要伤害我,折磨我。
rip into 1. 猛攻,猛击
The puppy is ripping into the big dog. 小狗正在向大狗猛烈进攻。
2. 猛烈抨击
The two ripped into each other the other day in a hot debate. 几天前这两个人在一次激烈的辩论中互相猛烈抨击。
3. 责备
Mrs. Brown ripped into her daughter for coming home late. 布朗太太因女儿晚归而责备她。
rip off1. 撕掉;迅速脱掉
He ripped off one end of the thick envelope. 他把厚信封的一端撕掉。
Both wings of the aircraft were ripped off in the crash. 飞机的两翼在失事时都被撞掉了。
rip one's shirt off 一下子脱下衬衫
2. 偷窃;抢劫;夜盗(商店等)
He, singlehanded, caught four looters ripping off a local store. 他单枪匹马抓住4个夜盗当地商店的抢劫犯。
3. 剥削;欺诈;敲…竹杠
rip off workers 剥削工人
They really ripped us off at that hotel. 那家旅馆着实敲了我们一笔竹杠。
4. 与…性交;强奸
5. 剽窃
rip up 1. 把…撕成碎片
rip up all the ballots 把选票全部撕成碎片
2. 撕毁;取消(计划等)
rip up an agreement 撕毁协议
We must rip up our plan and start again. 我们必须取消我们的计划,重新开始。
3. 挖开(路面等)
rip up the middle of the road so as to lay new pipes 挖开道路中部以便敷设新管道
4. 重提(旧恨、宿怨等);揭(疮疤)
rip up old scandals 翻过去丑闻的老账




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