

单词 rig¹
释义 rig¹ /rɪɡ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (rigged; rig·ging)

1. (船只桅杆)装配帆及索具;将(船只)装备就绪
rig toy boats for children 给儿童玩具船装配桅帆及索具
rig a ship with sails 给船装帆
rig the mainmast 将帆和索具装配在主桅上
The ship was rigged ready for our use. 船已装备就绪,正待我们出航使用。
2. (飞机等)装配构件 (up)
3. 装配,装置
His car is rigged out with gadgets. 他的汽车装有一样样小配件。
Rig this hosepipe to the tap in the yard. 把这条水龙软管装到院中的龙头上去。
Rig a light down here off a long flex. 在这儿装盏灯,用条长花线挂下来。
rig up a listening device 安装一个监听装置
4. (尤指就地取材而)草草构筑,临时架起 (up)
They rigged up a makeshift platform out of six desks. 他们用6张书桌草草搭成一个临时性讲台。
Cameras were rigged up to televise the event. 临时架起了一台台摄像机以便作电视实况转播。
Some of the men had rigged up tents. 士兵中有些人已扎了营帐。
5. 装束,打扮;为…提供衣服 (out)
be rigged out like a Red Indian 打扮得像个红印第安人
She was rigged up as a First World War nurse. 她穿戴着一次大战时期护士的衣帽。
She rigged herself out in a silly orange uniform. 她穿了滑稽可笑的橘黄色制服。
rig out a football team 为一支橄榄球队置办行头
Her brother served at a clothing shop and rigged her out when he could. 她哥哥在服装店工作,只要他办得到就替她添置衣服。
If your clothes are all wet, I'm sure my mother can rig you out. 假使你的衣服全湿了,我想我妈肯定会给你衣服穿的。
The ship has nearly finished rigging and will sail tomorrow. 这条船装备行将就绪,将在明天开航。
The schooner is rigging for another voyage. 这条纵帆船正准备再次出航。

II n.
1. 帆装(指一艘帆船特有的帆桅型式)
the fore-and-aft rig of a schooner 纵帆船的纵向帆装
2. 服装,装束;奇装异服
Here was a rig for a July day in Texas. 这件衣服正适合在得克萨斯州的7月天穿着。
Excuse my being in working rig. 请原谅我还穿着工作服。
That's a very attractive rig you've got on! 你身上的这套服装真引人注目!
3. 钻井架,钻塔
oil pollution caused by offshore rigs 近岸钻塔造成的石油污染
The well was being drilled, and the rig's motor roared. 正钻油井,钻塔的马达隆隆作响。
4. 装置,设备,器械
a hi-fi rig 高保真音响设备
a CB rig 民用波段无线电收发机
A camera rig was positioned at a depth of 30 feet in the loch. 一架摄像机安装在湖底30英尺处。
an elaborate hospital rig involving bottles of fluid and connecting tubes 附有装液体瓶子和连接管子的一套复杂的医疗器械
5. 主美套上马匹的马车;运货马车
6. 主美主澳铰接式卡车;车辆
The drivers are getting their big rigs back on the road. 司机们正把大卡车重新驶上公路。
The drivers in each rig ate and slept in relays. 每辆车里的几名驾车人轮流进食并睡觉。
7. 阴茎
phr. in full rig 穿戴齐全(的)
football players in full rig 一应行头齐全的橄榄球运动员
rig down 拆下并收藏全部索具
the rig of the day 日常工作服 [Scan; 与 Norw rigga to wrap 有关]




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