

单词 right
释义 right /raɪt/ a. | ad. | int. | n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I a.
1. (与事实、常理、标准等相符而)正确的,对的;准确的
the right solution 正确的解决办法
He gave the right answer. (或 He was right in his answer.) 他答对了。
be absolutely right about essentials 在实质问题上绝对正确无误
I think I'm right in saying this. 我想我说这话没错。
You were right to give up smoking. 戒烟这事你做得对。
You are French, is that right (或 am I right)? 你是法国人,对吗?
get the pronunciation right 把发音读准
Are you sure that clock's right? 你敢肯定那钟准吗?
2. 合适的,恰当的;对头的;符合要求的
do things in the right order 按部就班地做事
He did the right thing when he told the truth. 他说出真相算是做对了。
Their ages were just right for a match. 他俩的年龄结婚匹配正相宜。
be in the right place at the right time 于最合适的时间最合适的地点(或:占尽天时地利)
Learn to say the right thing at the right time. 学什么时候说什么话。
wait for just the right music to ask sb. to dance 等一支合适的曲子奏起请某人跳舞
Are we on the right road? 我们走的路对吗?
The bed was right enough but the food was nasty. 睡床还可以,就是伙食糟糕。
3. 正当的;理所当然的;合法的;公正的
right conduct 端正的品行
We were right to insist on certain reforms. 我们坚持进行某些改革是完全有理的。
You certainly know whether what you are doing is right or wrong. 你当然知道你自己正在做的事是对还是错。
It was right that I should be present. 我自然应当到场。
It would not have been right to convict him. 要是判他有罪就不公平啦。
4. 最有利的;(因潜在影响而)值得结交的;方便宜人的
If the weather is right, we'll go. 如果天好,我们就去。
the right time to act 采取行动的有利时机
He had been to all the right schools and belonged to all the right clubs. 他曾在所有的名校上学,又加入了所有出名的上层俱乐部。
He knew all the right people. 凡是对他有用的人,他都认识。
The pleasures are endless; the price is right. 乐趣无穷,价格公道。(旅游广告用语)
5. 健康的;正常的;健全的;神志健全的
I found them all right. 我看到他们大家都好。
He doesn't feel right. 他觉得不大舒服。
Are you right? 你感觉还好吗?
Things are right now again. 事情又恢复了正常。
The engineer has been but it's still not right. 修理工来过了,但这东西并没修好。
be in one's right mind (或 head) 头脑正常
6. 正面的;主要一面的
Have you got the cloth right side up? 你把这块布的正面翻出了吗?
He made sure that his socks were right side out. 他仔细检查以保证短袜子确实是正面朝外了。
7. 右边的,右面的;向右的;(河岸)人面向下游时位于右侧的
sb.'s right foot, not his left 某人的右脚而不是左脚
the right pocket of a shirt 衬衫右袋
the right flank of an army 一支军队的右翼
make a right turn 向右转
8. 右肢体的;用在右边的,右肢体穿戴的
deliver a right hook to the jaw 往下颌打去一记右钩拳
a right glove 右手手套
9. [常作 R-](以政治态度保守、反动为特征的)右翼的,右派的
right deviation 右倾
10. (线)直的;(角)垂直的;(有)直角的
a right line 直线
a right prism 直角棱镜
11. 真正的,货真价实的;主英口十足的
the right owner 合法的真正所有人
a right idiot 不折不扣的白痴
They have made a right mess of that. 那事真被他们弄成一团糟了。
12. (黑社会用语)靠得住的,肯帮忙的
be in right territory 在安全的地盘内

II ad.
1. 正确地,对
if I remember (guess) right 如果我记(猜)得不错
You don't hold your chopsticks right. 你拿筷的样子不对。
2. 好;合适地,恰当地;符合要求地
train oneself to talk just right 训练自己谈吐得体
It's none of my business whether they act right or wrong. 他们的行为合宜与否,不关我的事。
Do it right next time! 下一次按要求去做!
3. 正当地;理所当然地;合法地;公正地
It serves you right. 你罪有应得。(或:你活该。)
4. 以有利结果;方便宜人地
Things will go right. 事情会变得顺遂。
Such schemes don't always turn out right. 这种计谋不是总会得逞的。
5. 往右,向右;在右面
turn right 向右转
Present were Zhu (3rd right) and Dong (2nd right). 出席的有朱(右起第三人)和董(右起第二人)
6. 毫厘不爽地;正好
It's right downtown someplace. 这地方就在城市中心某处。
right at that moment 正在那时
7. 立即,马上
I'll be right back. 我这就回来。
He took the call himself and came right out. 他亲自接的电话,并立即迎了出来。
The Music Hall is going to close down right after Easter. 复活节一过音乐厅就要关门了。
Speak right out! 你就直说吧!
8. 非常,十分
I am right glad to see you. 见到你我真高兴极了。
know sb. right well 充分了解某人
We three could be right happy. 我们三人在一起可以过得非常幸福。
9. 笔直地;径直,一直
look sb. right in the eye 直视某人
go right on 笔直往前
go right home 直接回家
I scared him when I walked right in like that. 我就那样径直往里走,把他吓了一跳。
sink right to the bottom 一直沉到底部
10. 完全地,彻底地
turn right round 完全转过身来
He wandered right off the path. 他信步偏离了小道。
The boat rolled right over. 小船整个儿翻了过来。
read a novel right through 把小说从头至尾读完
11. [R-] [用在宗教界、政界某些高级职衔中]至尊至贵地

III int.
1. 好,行;对
2. [用以引起对话一方的注意展开话题]
Right, open your mouth, let's have a look. 行啦,把嘴张开,咱们来瞧瞧。

IV n.
1. 正确,对;是
the difference between right and wrong 是与非之别
be taught right from wrong from the time of childhood 童年起就被教育分辨是非
2. [the right(s)] (事件等的)实况,真情;正常状态;真实状态
What are the rights and wrongs of the case? 案件的是非曲直真实情况如何?
3. 正当;合法;公正;公理
defend the right 捍卫正义
4. 正当要求,有权,授权;权利;[常作 rights]产权;(文艺作品改编、体育竞赛转播等的)专有权
divine right of kings 神授王权
You have not much right to say that. 你没有什么理由说这话。
exercise one's legal right as Prime Minister to halt the investigation 行使首相的法定权力去阻止这场调查
rights and duties 权利和义务
Everyone has the right to a fair trial (或 to be fairly tried). 人人有权得到公正的审判。
the right of free speech 言论自由权
the right to strike 罢工权
the sole rights to (或 on) a patent 独享的专利权
reserve the right to take further action 保留采取进一步行动的权利
equal rights for women 妇女的平等权利
mineral (whaling) rights 采矿(捕鲸)
own rights over the land 拥有对土地的所有权
Authors should be protected over their rights. 作家的著作权应受到保护。
the film rights of the novel 小说(改编成电影)的制片权
the televising rights for the fight 拳击赛的电视转播权
5. [rights] 美口公民权;黑人民权
a rights group 民权组织
6. 右边,右面;右部;舞台右侧
look to the right 向右边看
Tony was sitting on my right. 托尼坐在我的右首。
turn one's head from right to left 从右到左转动头部
7. 右转弯
Take the second right off Walnut Street. 在第二个拐角向右,转出胡桃街。
8. (军队的)右翼
9. (拳击中的)右手;右手拳
I want to see you use your right a lot more in this round. 我希望在这个回合中看到你多多用上右手。
shoot out a straight right to the jaw 拔出右拳直向下颌打去
10. (行进踏步中的)右脚
11. [常作 (the) R-] 议会中的右派(在一些欧洲大陆国家的议会中座位常在议长右边,故名),右派议员们;右派人士;右派政党(或组织);集团中的右派;右派立场
politicians on the Right 右派政客
The candidate will be forced to keep to the right in his campaign rhetoric. 该候选人将被迫在竞选口号中保持右派立场。
Politically, she's further to the right than her predecessor. 从政治立场上说,她比前任更右。
The Right are said to be better organized than the Left. 据说右派比左派组织得更好。
12. = right field
13. (股东以低于市场价格购买增资股票的)优惠认股权;(可流通的)优惠认股权利证

V vt.
1. 纠正,改正;纠正…的错误
The mistake is being righted. 错误正在得到纠正。
The inventory situation was righting itself. 库存局面在恢复正常。
right one's accounts 理清账目
If I err, please right me. 如果我错了,请纠正我。
2. 把…整理得井井有条;使恢复正常;把…扶正;(舵)
right a room 整理房间
Jobs are absolutely essential for righting the economy. 就业机会对恢复经济至关重要。
right the imbalance 恢复平衡
The crew seemed unable to right the capsized yacht. 水手们好像无法把倾覆的游艇翻过来。
The boat righted herself. 船恢复了平衡。
3. 补救,补偿;为…伸冤;为…辩白
right a wrong 雪冤
right an injustice 矫正不公
right the oppressed 使受压迫者受到公平待遇
right a wronged person (the innocent) 为受冤的人(清白无辜者)伸冤
feel the need to right oneself in court 感到在法庭为自己辩白的必要性
[< OE riht; 与 OHG reht, L rēctus 有关]
phr. all right 见 all
as of right 因属正当要求,作为合法权利
Originally paper money could, upon demand, as of right be changed into gold. 原先,只要有人求兑,作为正当权利,纸币都可兑成黄金。
(as) right as rain (或 nails 或 a trivet) 十分准确,毫厘不爽;完全健康
assert one's rights = stand on one's rights
bang to rights = dead to rights
by right of 凭借,藉;由于,因为
The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 诺曼人藉征服的力量统治英国。
She is British by right of marriage (birth). 她婚后成为(生来就是)英国人。
by right(s) 根据正当权利;正当合理地;按理
The property is not mine by rights. 这份财产就权利而言不该属我。
By right(s), the children should be in bed now. 按理,孩子们现在该上床了。
dead to rights 美口
1. 肯定无疑
2. 当场;无可抵赖
have sb. dead to rights 当场抓住某人的小辫子
do right by sb. (或 do sb. right) 公平对待某人;给某人应有的评价
get sth. right 1. 使某事恢复正常
2. 正确理解某事,把某事彻底弄清楚
Now let's get this right before we pass on to the next point. 在讨论下一点之前先让我们把这个问题弄个明白。
How right you are! = Right you are!
in one's own right 凭本身的权利(或能力、实力、资格等)
Vermouth, aromatized wine, is becoming popular in its own right. 味美思芳香酒凭其本身的质量正日益成为大众爱饮的酒。
He is a distinguished scholar of international renown in his own right. 他是一位当之无愧的国际知名学者。
in the right 正确;有理
He is in the right in this dispute. 在这场辩论中他是正确的。
He had put himself in the right by his generous apology. 他非常大度地道了歉,从而反倒得了理。
(not) in one's right mind 神志(不)正常的
not right in the head 神志不完全正常的
of right = as of right
put right (或 to rights)
1. 使恢复正常
put a watch right 修手表(或把手表拨准)
A day's rest would put me right. 休息一天会使我恢复过来。
The only way we can really put things right is by borrowing even more money. 要想使情况真正恢复正常,唯一的办法就是借更多的钱。
2. 校正;纠正
Could the psychiatrist put all their troubles right? 那精神病医生能解除他们的一切病痛吗?
He crossed his legs, setting his knife-edge crease to rights. 他交叉起双腿,把刀刃般笔直的裤子折缝弄直。
Right about! 向后转!
right along 主美
1. 不间断地;一直
We tore right along over rocks and gullies. 我们一路风风火火穿山石和隘谷而过。
2. 顺利地
His business is going right along. 他的生意做得一帆风顺。
right and left 1. (或在)左右两方;在四面八方,到处;不分青红皂白
give orders right and left 四下发号施令
swindle people right and left 四处诈骗
Factories were standing idle, and wages were being cut right and left. 各厂生产停滞,到处都在减薪。
2. 左右;四周
exchange some pleasant words with one's neighbours to right and left 和左右邻座交谈几句客气话
right away right off
right, left and centre 在各方面;向四面八方
right now 1. 就在此刻,就是现在
Right now he is being philosophical about his difficulties. 此刻他对困难正持达观态度。
I can't let you out right now. 此刻我不能让你出去。
2. 主美立即,马上
I'll find you a hotel. Right now. 我给你找家旅馆。马上就找。
right off 立刻,马上
All right! I'm coming right off! 好,我这就来!
He had a fit as he walked home and died right off. 他在步行回家途中突然发病,一下子就死了。
right off the bat 见 bat¹
right on 主美口完全正确,对啦;好哇(原为美国黑人用语,20世纪60年代后期开始尤为流行)
A: Well — give him the message, okay? B: Right on! 甲:那么——你就带个口信给他,好吗?乙:行啊。
right then 就在那时
Right you are! 对啦!一点不错!
see sb. right 照拂某人的利益
set right (或 to rights) = put right (或 to rights)
She'll be (或 She's) right. 澳新口一切都会好的!(或:别愁!)
stand on one's rights 坚持(不放弃)自己的权利
That's right! [表示同意或赞成]对啊!不错!完全正确!
too right英口对啦,一点不错
within one's rights 在自身合法权利范围之内,不越权
I suppose you're within your rights to ask (或 in asking) such a question. 我想你有权提出这样一个问题




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