释义 |
rif·fle /ˈrɪfl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 〈主美〉(河流中的)浅滩;急流,湍流;微波,涟漪 a riffle of rocks 多礁石浅滩 listen to the stir of a breeze in the trees and to the riffle of moving water 谛听树梢间的风声和潺潺的流水声 2. (断流淘沙等用的)横槽,横沟 3. 【矿】(筛金溜槽、摇床等的)格条;格条分样器,格槽缩样器 Gold would sink and lodge in riffles that lined the bottom. 黄金下沉并留存在底部的格条中。 4. 【牌】弹洗(一种洗牌方法,用两手手指将牌弯曲,然后轻轻松开,令牌自然弹回而把牌洗好) 5. 飞快掀动(声) a riffle through several maps 对几张地图的飞快翻阅 have a glimpse of a riffle of white underwear 瞥见白色内衣裤一闪 We heard the riffle of banknotes of large denominations. 我们听得一叠叠大面额纸币迅速翻动点数的声音。 6. 【棒】猛击,急打
II ❶ vt. 1. 使(水)起微波;使起伏波动,使起皱 The breeze riffled the lake. 微风吹皱了湖水。 He permitted a slight smile to riffle his façade. 他总算让自己铁板的脸上露出一丝隐笑。 2. 飞快翻阅,飞速掀动(书页等) They riffled the Sunday papers. 他们随手翻看各种星期日版报纸。 3. 【牌】弹洗(纸牌) riffle cards into a pack with slow and deliberate movements 以缓慢而从容的动作把一副纸牌弹洗一遍 4. 在手指间摩挲玩弄(小东西) 5. 【矿】用格条装置筛选 ❷ vi. 1. 起微波,起涟漪;波动 A fish nosed the surface and the water riffled. 一条鱼探出水面,水面便起了涟漪。 Her silky blonde hair riffled in the breeze. 她柔软的金发在微风中拂动。 2. 飞快翻阅,飞快掀动 (through) She riffled through the letters, but left them still unopened. 她飞快地把一切信件翻了一遍,但是一封也没去拆读。 The draught riffled through the papers on the table. 一阵气流掀动了桌上的文件。 He was riffling through these morbid thoughts. 他正在翻来覆去考虑这些病态的念头。 [AmE: ruffle¹ 受 ripple¹ 影响的变体] phr. make the riffle 1. 穿急流而过 2. 终于成功 The Grinnell girls were doing their best trying to win first in the volleyball tournament but they couldn't quite make the riffle. 格林耐尔女队正全力以赴试图在排球邀请赛中争冠军,但她们不大可能获得成功。 |