rife /raɪf/ a. | ad.I a. [一般作表语] 1. 流行的;普遍的 Typhoid fever is rife. 目前伤寒流行。 Rumours are rife about the cause of the fire. 现正流传着关于起火原因的种种谣言。 Corruption (Unemployment) is still rife in that country. 那个国家里依然贪污成风(失业遍地)。 2. 充满的;充斥的 The pool is rife with fish. 鱼满塘。 The whole city is rife with rumours. 满城谣论纷纷。 This article is rife with error. 这篇文章错误百出。 a life rife with petty irritations 充斥着琐屑烦恼的生活 II ad. 不可遏制地;普遍地 [OE; 与 ON rīfr generous, MD rijf abundant 有关]