释义 |
rid·dle² /ˈrɪdl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. (筛谷物、泥土、砂石等的)粗筛,格筛
II ❶ vt. 1. 用粗筛筛(谷物、泥土、砂石等);摇动(炉栅)使灰落下 2. 把…打得满是窟窿;把…弄得处处穿孔 riddle the enemy ship with a broadside 以舷炮齐发扫射敌船 An ambulance accompanied by an armoured car was riddled with bullets. 一辆由装甲车护送的救护车给子弹打得尽是窟窿。 The tent's riddled with holes and the rain's coming in. 帐篷上全是洞眼,雨水正在漏进来。 Inflation continues to riddle the pocketbook. 通货膨胀继续在人们的存款本上开出一个个窟窿。 3. 连续质问;处处挑剔;寻根究底地检验(证据、真相等) riddle a theory 把一种理论驳斥得千疮百孔 4. [常用被动语态]充斥,布满 a government riddled with graft 贪污腐化成风的政府 Life was riddled with petty privation. 生活因缺这少那弄得狼狈不堪。 This latest play is riddled with bourgeois rot. 这出最近推出的新戏充斥了资产阶级腐朽的东西。 This essay is riddled with errors. 这篇文章错误百出。 The country was riddled with secret police. 该国秘密警察密布。 ❷ vi. 筛;穿过 Cold winds riddle through the broken window. 阵阵寒风老是穿过破窗灌进来。 [< OE hriddel sieve; 与 L crībrum 有关] phr. have a memory (或 head) like a riddle 记忆力极差,什么也记不住 |