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rich /rɪtʃ/ a. | n. | phr. I a. 1. 富的,有钱的 a rich personality 富有的闻人 grow rich from writing novels 靠写小说致富 The richer he becomes, the unhappier he is. 他越是有钱却越少幸福可言。 2. 富饶的;繁茂的;丰富的 a rich country 富国 be rich in resources 资源丰富 This land is known to be rich with oil, gas, coal, and diamonds. 这个国家盛产石油、天然气、煤和金刚石。 a rich growth of weeds 丛生的杂草 The exhibition as a whole is rich in popular art. 从总体来说,画展尤以大众流行绘画为丰富多彩。 a rich supply of ideas 源源奔涌的神思 a background rich with experience in dealing with explosive situations 富有应付爆炸性局势经验的资历 3. 盛产的,丰产的;肥沃的 a rich mine 富矿 a rich harvest 丰收 rich soil 沃土 4. 宝贵的,贵重的;昂贵的;精致华丽的 a rich virtue 美德 a rich collection of antiques 价值连城的古董收藏 rich jewels 昂贵的珠宝 a rich velvet gown 华丽的天鹅绒长袍 a rich banquet 华筵 5. (食物)重油的;多拼料而味浓的;(酒)醇的;浓郁的 a very rich Christmas cake 多种拼料的浓味圣诞蛋糕 He was prone to indigestion after rich restaurant meals. 上馆子吃过油腻食物之后他常会消化不良。 This bottle of white wine tasted rich. 这瓶白葡萄酒味儿醇浓。 6. (声音)深沉的;圆润而洪亮的 a rich bass voice 深沉的男低音歌喉 a rich, shrewd laugh 圆润的尖笑声 7. (色彩)浓的,富丽的;色彩浓艳的;鲜艳的 a rich red 富丽艳红色 the rich chestnut of one's hair 头发的深栗色 Rich tapestries billowed in the wind. 锦帷在风中飘拂。 8. (气味)馥郁的;浓烈的 the rich fragrance of bamboo freshly chopped 新砍伐翠竹的芬芳 a rich bone smell 肉骨头的香喷喷气味 rub the rich soap into a perfumed lather 用香味扑鼻的肥皂搓出一团泡沫 9. (身世等)多阅历的,迭经沧桑的 The town has a rich social history. 这座城市历史悠久,迭经沧桑。 out of the depths of one's rich experience 从自己丰富多彩的阅历出发 10. (内燃机内的混合燃料等)富(有)的,可燃性成分高的 a rich mixture 富燃分混合物 11. 〈口〉有趣的,好玩的;滑稽可笑的,荒唐的 rich humour 逗人的幽默 a rich incident (situation) 令人捧腹的事件(局面) That's rich! 那真是叫荒唐! 12. 含蓄的,意味深长的;内容丰富的 an rich allusion 意味深长的引喻(或典故) a time of high hope and rich promise 充满美好希望和各种各样机会的时光 Life was thus made richer. 生活因此变得更加丰富充实了。
II n. [the rich] [总称][用作复]富人,有钱人 the idle rich 饱食终日无所事事的有钱人 the new rich 暴发户们 The rich are not always happy. 有钱的人并不总是幸福的。 You can tell the very rich by their evening dress. 你可从夜礼服认出那些极有钱的富人。 [< OE rīce, 原义: great, mighty < Gmc < Celt; 与 L rēx, Sans rājan king 有关] phr. (as) rich as Croesus (或 〈俚〉crazes)极为富有 strike it rich 见 strike |