

单词 between
释义 be·tween /bɪˈtwiːn/ prep. | ad. | phr.
I prep.
1. (指空间、时间、顺序等)在…之间,在…中间
The river runs between the two countries. 这条河在两国之间流过。
Switzerland lies between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. 瑞士位于法、 意、 奥、 德4国之间。
I'll phone you between lunch and three o'clock. 我将在午餐后3点钟之前给你打电话。
Germany between the two world wars 两次世界大战间歇期中的德国
Don't eat anything between meals. 正餐之间不要吃零食。
She talked continually, laughing between the words. 她滔滔不绝地说,不时在话语中间插入笑声。
She modelled between husbands. 她在再嫁人前操模特儿这一行。
An army major ranks between a captain and a lieutenant colonel. 陆军少校军衔在上尉之上,中校之下。
2. (指数量、距离、范围、程度等)介乎…之间
between ten and twenty dollars (one and two miles) 在10至20元(1至2英里)之间
a grade between passing and failing 介乎及格与不及格之间的分数
a colour between pink and red 介乎浅红与红色之间的颜色
He felt something between laughter and anger. 他既觉得好笑,又感到气愤。
3. 联接着…;来往于…之间
a path between the house and the road 联接房子与公路的一条小径
the bond between father and son 父子的亲缘纽带
air service between two cities 两市间的飞机航班服务
4. 分隔着…
the line between fact and fiction 事实与虚构的分界线
the difference between right and wrong 是非之别
5. 由…所共有,为…所分享(或分担)
We had one desk between us. 我们合用一张写字桌。
The German couple had nine languages between them. 这对德国夫妇两人总共能讲9种语言。
A fortune was divided between the four grandchildren. 4个孙子孙女分享一笔财产。
They divided between them the household chores. 他们分担家务。
6. 就…两者中任何一个;就…两者比较而言
choose between love and duty 在爱情与职责之间作出抉择
There is not much to choose between the two coats. 对这两件大衣没什么值得挑拣的。(意指两者差不多)
7. 涉及到…
a war between the two nations 两国之间的一场战争
talks between the three parties 三方会谈
8. 作为…共同努力结果
Between them they landed the fish. 他们一起把鱼拖上岸来。
9. 由于…的共同影响
Between astonishment and despair she hardly knew what to do. 惊诧与绝望中,她简直不知该怎么办才好。
Between sewing, cleaning and raising her children, she was kept busy. 既要缝补打扫,又得照应孩子,所以她老是忙个不停。

II ad.
two movies with a newsreel between 由新闻短片连接的两部电影
It isn't rain and it isn't snow. It's something between. 不是下雨,也不是下雪,而是雨中夹雪。
[<ME betwene<OE betwēonum<be- by + twēonum two]
phr. between you and me (或 between you, me and the gatepost 或 between ourselves) 你我私下说说,不足为外人道也
(few and) far between 相隔很久才发生的;彼此相距很远的,稀疏的;稀少的
At this late hour the buses are few and far between. 这么晚了,公共汽车班次稀少,而且间隔拉长。
This paper has moments of inspiration, but these are far between. 这篇论文有几处神来之笔,可惜难得出现。
in between (…)中间,每间隔;介乎两者之间
two houses and a yard in between 两座房子以及夹在中间的一个院子
in between rows of rice 在稻田垅行的中间
in between the stoppages 在两次停工中间的日子里
He is neither a radical nor a conservative; he is somewhere in between. 他既非激进派,亦非保守分子,而是多少介乎两者之间。




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